Final Fantasy Versus XV Megathread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Cant move on when we are constantly talking about its in the news the whole time with new info to cut the wounds deeper.
i did, it doesn't hurt me anymore, and i enjoyed FFXV a hell lot (200 hours).

i felt really sad about some changes during the marketing phase, but while playing i made peace with this issue; i simply played the game and it won me over.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
many things should have remained the way it was originally intended, versus xiii for once should have been released for PS3; things change, time pass, move on.
No point in moving on if their's nothing to move on to, the only moving on point I care about is from XV to Versus XV.
Also the whole PS3 release yeah I think we are good without that, but Versus XIII still being Versus XIII yeah, might as well have just kept it.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
i did, it doesn't hurt me anymore, and i enjoyed FFXV a hell lot (200 hours).

i felt really sad about some changes during the marketing phase, but while playing i made peace with this issue; i simply played the game and it won me over.
FFXV is the poster boy of wasted potential it hurts like fucking hell mate, hell it hurts to the point where XVI can come out in 2045 and I wouldn't even care. So many flaws coming from it being non-committal in it's direction which would have been solved if Versus XIII was just Versus XIII.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, but for me looking at that wasted potential, I'm more interested in seeing all of the potential that Versus XIII could have offered than anything Square has going right now, yes even the FF7 Remake which is being directed by Tetsuya Nomura.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
No point in moving on if their's nothing to move on to, the only moving on point I care about is from XV to Versus XV.
Also the whole PS3 release yeah I think we are good without that, but Versus XIII still being Versus XIII yeah, might as well have just kept it.
context changed after so many years, the fact it was not a spin-off title anymore and the new platform; is delusional to think a project in a span of 10 years wouldn't change in these circumstances.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
context changed after so many years, the fact it was not a spin-off title anymore and the new platform; is delusional to think a project in a span of 10 years wouldn't change in these circumstances.
Well when I see why the changes were there, specifically the story ones, yeah it leads me to not like the changes, because a lot of the changes have to do with it being a mainline title, as opposed to being a spin-off of XIII, which would have afforded it more liberties. The project sure it would have changed, but it wouldn't lose it's identity and direction, and be something it's not, it would still be Versus XIII, and possibly it would have been given the amount of time it needed to be made instead of fucking rushed. Not a mainline game that uses some of the Versus XIII characters.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
Just to add a little nuance, while Versus XIII was announced Open World was a very under the radar genre (TES), the definition of what a modern RPG is had changed radically during the PS360 generation.

You have the rise of the masacore sub genre, and the rise of the Open world genre.

Those things along with the consecutive 50% drop in sales from XIII, XIII-2 and LR lead to SE thinking something along the lines "We need to make BIG changes and fast!" of course we can't forget FFXIV 1.0.

All of these trends had a large impact on what would ultimately become FFXV, for better or worse.
That's what makes Versus XV much more interesting imagine Versus XIII without the developmental troubles.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
Hopefully if Versus XV actually happens Square let's Nomura do what he wanted to do with Versus XIII
ie. Trilogy
Character switching
riding magitek armor
Citadel fight

Or another idea would be just to make Versus XV into a New IP call it Dark Fantasy: Chronicles of Etro
Starring Ignis, Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Hopefully if Versus XV actually happens Square let's Nomura do what he wanted to do with Versus XIII
ie. Trilogy
Character switching
riding magitek armor
Citadel fight

Or another idea would be just to make Versus XV into a New IP call it Dark Fantasy: Chronicles of Etro
Starring Ignis, Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto.
Dark Fantasy Trilogy lol Nice way to bypass the versus XV rule.
Likes: Hey Everyone

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
I had a post that had a link to the pro-gaming site the origin of the rumor, it said it was awaiting moderator approval, then one day I checked up on it and it was gone.

I did copy and paste the same post after making a few more posts on TOT's thread to see if it would go through and no luck so i deleted the copy post but left the original alone.

Anyways I'm trying to delete my current account but there doesn't seem to be an option to do that.

How can i delete my account btw?

@LeonBlade the FF community site that i frequent was down for about a week and a couple of days, so i decided to make a temporary account on this site to pass the time until it went back online.

Since my stay here is temporary i decided to make my posts temporary as well, and now that the community site that i frequent is back I'm trying to delete my Mognetcentral forum account.
Could I see this pro-gaming site because the Versus XV rumor i know comes from 4chan


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
@MoBB The problem is you're trying to post links without contributing anything else to the board. Users with under a certain number of posts are prevented from posting links to prevent spam. This is all written in the official forum rules, which can be found in the announcement forum, pinned.


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
The internet is a wonderful, yet hellish place. When it comes to gaming, toxicity seems to be the norm now and these days. I scrap the surface with some of the toxicity that I see. 5:12 - 7: 30 covers the Versus XIII/Versus XV thing, hence why the video is here. Video is NSFW.