FFXV discussion thread [No Spoilers]

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
The fansite FFUnion did a survey (based on the official DLC survey that we had months ago) regarding what fans want from future FFXV DLCs, over 2600 people took part on their survey:

Expect the official survey result from Square-Enix to be very similar to what FFUnion got.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
The fansite FFUnion did a survey (based on the official DLC survey that we had months ago) regarding what fans want from future FFXV DLCs, over 2600 people took part on their survey:

Expect the official survey result from Square-Enix to be very similar to what FFUnion got.
It makes me wonder, did they cancel the Prompto shooter to pave way for more resources for this and other stuff?

To be fair, I'm not even sure the shooter thing was set in stone and just a tech demo at the time.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
This is most likely old news, but I've been out of the loop for so long that I just found out about this now lol.

If anyone is interested in the piano collections sheet music for FFXV, there's an official version out already since June apparently.


That's not an affiliate link btw. I get nothing from this. Just thought I'd share. Imma grab myself a copy.

There's also sheet music for other tracks in the game, as well as the midi files of what they sound like as a guide if you're willing to learn how to play in the link below.

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Likes: Nova


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I was thinking...
Since Ardyn can be physically "killed" can he die by hunger or dehydration?
Probably not.

I think he can only be killed by:

a) the Chosen King
b) a Royal Armsguard weapon

When he got slashed and shot by Gladio and Prompto respectively, I think he just got knocked out there.

Honestly the man's so powerful that I don't think he's died in a very long time, if at all, before he got cursed with immortality.

Other than Noctis, I don't think anyone in Eos could've stood a chance against him what with him being unfairly immortal and having the Royal Arms.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
So guys, I want to get your take on something.

What are your thoughts on the FFXV universe so far?

Like it? Hate it? Successful? Unsuccessful?


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
So guys, I want to get your take on something.

What are your thoughts on the FFXV universe so far?

Like it? Hate it? Successful? Unsuccessful?
For me personally, the Universe stopped at the 3 pillars of the story (FFXV, Brotherhood, and Kingsglaive). In regards to those pillars, I have enjoyed them a lot. Far as all of the other stuff being added, I don't really have a comment as a majority of it isn't for me. Far as the ingame weekly timed limited hunts/quests, I think they have done a decent job keeping some of the hardcore FF fans satisfied between the more major releases that take more time to complete. I do have to give BD2 and Tabata Kudos on releasing a good amount of the content for free. I'll probably be taking part in the Assassin's Creed event in the next few days.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
so-so overall; theres some content i loved (Brotherhood, festivals), some were just good enough (Kingsglave), and others that i don't have any interest in playing (mobile, VR...)

haven't tried the dlc episodes but they look good, nothing spectacular but good; fragmented pieces of content generally feel a bit underwhelming if you look at them individually tho, that's why ill play the dlcs during my new game+
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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Aug 29, 2017
Final Fantasy VX was an emotional roller coaster for me, as it was for many others I'm sure. It only took 10 years, you know. In the end, I'm pretty happy with what they've rolled out so far. I really enjoyed the visual effects of Kingsglave, so I can forgive the "eh" story. I have not finished the main game... which I am not proud of. :dead: (I'm on Ch. 3, so I'm not doing too bad!) Mobile? Absolutely not. So cheesy. :facepalm: Monster of the Deep is awesome! I'm a VR junkie, so they can take my money on that one. I have not watched Brotherhood either.

The GemiKnight

Clan Centurio Member
Nov 11, 2016
Durban, South Africa
So guys, I want to get your take on something.

What are your thoughts on the FFXV universe so far?

Like it? Hate it? Successful? Unsuccessful?
Overall, it was a huge success in my opinion and I think this is mainly due to the fact that the FFXV universe targets a large and varied audience. From mobile to console gamers and even VR enthusiasts, there is something for everyone. Personally, Brotherhood, Kingsglaive and the main game were enough to satisy my FFXV craving but I'm really glad to see that the journey has not ended and I'm very impressed by the effort that SE and the dev team continue to put into FFXV.

I received an email from SE announcing the release of Kings Knight which I'm looking forward to trying out.
Likes: MotleyMoxxi

The GemiKnight

Clan Centurio Member
Nov 11, 2016
Durban, South Africa
Final Fantasy VX was an emotional roller coaster for me, as it was for many others I'm sure. It only took 10 years, you know. In the end, I'm pretty happy with what they've rolled out so far. I really enjoyed the visual effects of Kingsglave, so I can forgive the "eh" story. I have not finished the main game... which I am not proud of. :dead: (I'm on Ch. 3, so I'm not doing too bad!) Mobile? Absolutely not. So cheesy. :facepalm: Monster of the Deep is awesome! I'm a VR junkie, so they can take my money on that one. I have not watched Brotherhood either.
Looks like you have a lot of catching up to do. Have fun! I definitely recommend you watch Brotherhood.
Likes: MotleyMoxxi


UFFSite Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Rosebud, SD
I've been hearing incredibly varying accounts and very different ratings from spoiler free forums, message boards, and Facebook comment sections and whatnot about how alright, awful and or decent this game potentially is. I want to play FF XV and it is definitely something I'm going to get when I finally get some scratch together this Christmas or for Black Friday for both the game, the DLC, and a PS4 but, I'm kind of at a loss for if the game is worth it. Plus, I'm trying not to look too far into it myself for fear of any spoilers(I've heard the plot is pretty decent near the end hence the lack of obvious Google research on my end).

So, at this point what with a multiplayer coming out, is FF XV worth the money? How does the community here on the ol' Mognet rate the game?


Jan 7, 2017
@Sioux I would say that FF XV became very controversial game among all others in the family. It has own flaws and strengths. Story is good, even if its simple and a bit cliche, while storytelling what screwed up things with this world. I would say its not surprising, cause i cant call any game after development hell, which would stayed without flaws.
What i can say for sure, the game wont leave u indifferent. If u are going to buy this game for sure, i would recommend u to wait until the middle of december. Multiplayer in this month, dlc with ignic in december and new free and not updates during next year.
About community here i can say that this place one of the few places in the whole Internet, with almost zero toxic atmosphere. If u dont like the game, its fine, no one will insulting u, if u like the game, great, welcome to the family ;). Just be reasonable, not toxic and trolling.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
@Sioux While getting it late December would be a sound idea, in my personal opinion i feel that waiting late next year would be a better place to start off fresh with FFXV. The team confirmed extended support throughout 2018 which should net a lot more QoL/storytelling inprovements, potentially making one's experience with the game even better.

And i wouldn't pay too much attention to the negativity side, despite the varying degree of reception FFXV was the highest awarded RPG of 2016 in the RPG genre awards alone, wth a sizable fandom. I certainly had a genuinely fun time with it overall myself.

Anyhow, thats my take on the matter.
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