FFXV discussion thread [No Spoilers]

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Nov 8, 2014
huh? Hey everyone the point of KG is just the invasion. idk how it would flesh out the story that follows if we played it instead of watching it. Playing as Nyx has no bearing on Nocti's journey nor supplements his characterization. yeah the movie looked awesome and to play in that awesomeness would be awesome. as i said on another topic before FFXV puts more emphasis on immersion and player interactivity, so I think theres a lot of people saying WHY CANT WE PLAY THIS AND THAT compared to any other JRPG out there. its basically the Mass Effect of JRPGs. Nier would be the closet comparison. the playabale set pieces in XV feel very much alive. people flock to them. plus to have that quality of CG movements through gameplay mechanics would probably require a whole new engine, right? idk any video game rendering out such combat
Jun 7, 2014
2009 Stella > KG Luna >>>> in-game Luna > 2013 Stella

I like the former two for the same reason: they look like real women that still have some of that idealized fantasy flair. That's also why I liked Agni so much. 2013 Stella was a huge downgrade for me. She looked like and anime doll with baby face and in-game Luna is only a slight improvement.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Design wise, I quite liked the 2009 version of both Stella and Noctis. Very "ideal" as said earlier by Shuya.

Part of the reason why I like fictional character designs so much: you never see people looking like that in real life so it's fun to play around with "ideal" physical traits.

It could only be me, but Noctis looked very Japanese and so did Stella in a way back then.

Anyway I quite like Noctis's design atm. Still a bit ideal but attainable in a way too.

There are quite a few Scandinavian people who look like older Noctis (but with blonde or very light brown hair of course)


PSICOM Soldier
Dec 27, 2016
Design wise, I quite liked the 2009 version of both Stella and Noctis. Very "ideal" as said earlier by Shuya.

Part of the reason why I like fictional character designs so much: you never see people looking like that in real life so it's fun to play around with "ideal" physical traits.

It could only be me, but Noctis looked very Japanese and so did Stella in a way back then.

Anyway I quite like Noctis's design atm. Still a bit ideal but attainable in a way too.

There are quite a few Scandinavian people who look like older Noctis (but with blonde or very light brown hair of course)

Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Broken Bonds
Bros on the Road II
Magna Insomnia
Nox Aeterna
Ravus Aeterna
Ardyn II
Gralea's battle theme
Hammerhead ~ Last Bastion
In the Light of the Crystal (best crystal theme ever?)

on top of my head, with no order of preference

impeccable soundtrack, might be my favorite in the series; Devil May Cry composer Tetsuya Shibata was someone that i didn't know i wanted in FF until now, his music totally captures the mood of the scene.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
2009 models looked good. Ah well, all in the past now.

Somnus (all renditions of it)
Dewdrops of Dawn
Main theme of FF
Dining Car
Relax and Reflect - Pensive
Ravus Aeterna
Apocalypsis Noctis (both versions)
The Hydraens Wrath
Omnis Lacrima

I agree with @Storm. Tetsuya Shibaya is a great addition to the music of this game.
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Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Dewdrops of Dawn
Main theme of FF
Dining Car
Relax and Reflect - Pensive
Ravus Aeterna
Apocalypsis Noctis (both versions)
The Hydraens Wrath
forgot these two (and luna's theme), pensive is tear-inducing, one of the most touching pieces of music in FF without a doubt; if you guys are asking which musics are from shibata, a few ones i can remember:

Cape Caem
Broken Bonds
Hammerhead ~ Last Bastion
Lestallum hotel ost
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Likes: Jubileus


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
forgot these two (and luna's theme), pensive is tear-inducing, one of the most touching pieces of music in FF without a doubt; if you guys are asking which musics are from shibata, a few ones i can remember:

Cape Caem
Broken Bonds
Hammerhead ~ Last Bastion
Lestallum hotel ost
Homecoming is such a powerful track yet it's so underrated.

The way the music swept up when you arrived at Hammerhead with the light shining brightly upon your return was fantastic.

Watching monsters walking freely across the land and take over the outpost on the way to Hammerhead, with the sad dialogue about the guys not being seen together all that often during the 10 years hit me right in the feels.

Wonderfully done.

Shibata is gifted with creating themes. Vergil's theme and the different renditions of it throughout DMC3 was brilliant. Remains one of my personal favourites.
Likes: Storm


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jan 15, 2017
I guess we need this one guys.

Hows your playthru so far lads? I really like it, spend 4 hours, currently at start of chapter 2. I really need to know if there is an item to prevent you from leveling? It would've been helpful.

Friendly advice to listen to the radios and read papers, tons of interesting stuff here. Luna interview, Regis speech - everything through the radio.

Love my Masamune and Leviathan skin for car :p
I guess the Item you're looking for is called "Nixperience Band"which also prevents all party members from gaining experience points or leveling up.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jan 15, 2017
Anything DMC3 related is an automatic high approval from me.

Can't get enough of dat final boss theme too.
Have you seen the combat control scheme? Its one of a kind! Totally better than Kingdom Hearts and is going to do so good when Final Fantasy VII comes out!