I don't really agree with this. Square retconned a lot of the vehicles that appear in the background in Advent Children to be normal and boring, and there are a few exceptions in FF7 (Cloud's Bike, the Truck that he & Zack escape in), but the truth is a lot of the vehicle design in FF7 is pretty fantastical:
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My point is this: every one of those has these lovely design quirks that make it a fit for FF7's universe. They tell stories, in a sense - the little buggy car that Tifa, Aeris, Barret & Red ride out of Midgar is old, decrepit, and probably a remnant of the days before ShinRa was manufacturing everything. The cars and other ShinRa made vehicles all have this strong steampunk thread running through their design - strange piping, smoke that hisses and wheezes with every movement, and non-aerodynamic design that just looks damn cool.
FF8, another realism-driven game, is the same - we've got these wonderfully boxy, unrealistic military vehicles, with the cars for the citizen class a sort of often-bulbous, vaguely disconnected take on the car designs
of the 60s... and later on it goes to full-blown
sci-fi-looking cars, with these nuts blown-out headlamps and windows to give an almost spaceship-like vibe and things. The trains have a flair that
absolutely belongs to the same world that produced Balamb Garden.
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Then in FF15, we thus far have this:
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Which, let's make no mistake, is this:
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It bums me out. Flat out, straight up. Bums me out. Saying I'm sure they'll modify them is nuts. Maybe they will, yeah - but sure? That's a high-poly model. It probably took 40 or 50 man hours to make, if not more. They're not just going to bin it, most likely. It's a conscious design choice. I respect it - but I don't really like it.
They did change the car Noctis and friends are in. That flicked between the very first trailers way back in 2009 or so. However, they merely changed it from being based off/inspired by a Mercedes S Class to being based off/inspired by an Audi R8 (I like cars, can you tell?). This probably happened either because the game was taking so long the model of Merc they based it off was now out of date (and in around 2010, the R8 was 'the' car to have in that sort of class), or perhaps even because Mercedes pulled them up on it. Either way, they switched out a design based heavily on one real car for another.
It's a bummer. I hope there's significantly different, more fantastical vehicle design elsewhere.
The reason it matters to me is pretty simple: design work like the wonderful steampunky world of FF7, or the vehicle design of FF8 (one of my favourite bits of the game, in truth) are part of why I come to Final Fantasy in the first place; even when it went more grounded, as in 8, it clung tightly to brilliant, outlandish design.
Also, I get what you're saying RE Midgar, but, again, I cannot agree. Is this really what Midgar would look like if it was made today? Midgar was based off New York, and FF7 began life as a New York detective story, but it doesn't really resemble New York in any real material sense. Whereas FF15's Kingdoms are partially based off present-day Japan, and... well,
this post from earlier in the thread has it covered - a lot of the buildings we've seen so far in FF15 are based on real Japanese buildings.
I can't help but be a little bummed out. I'm excited for the game, but I wish they weren't going in this direction.