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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
The chapter 13 one is absolutely not used, and in the Japanese side it was marked with Unused as I had OG keyword the katakana for Ardyn for me to quickly narrow down particular things.
If that's the case, they should totally put it back. >_>;

EDIT: Wait, are you talking about both Chapter 13 ones, or just the one with Ardyn in it? I care far more about the Ravus-and-Noct one. XD;
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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
If that's the case, they should totally put it back. >_>;

EDIT: Wait, are you talking about both Chapter 13 ones, or just the one with Ardyn in it? I care far more about the Ravus-and-Noct one. XD;
On the overall, sorry. I've been referring to this sort of thing as a block with OG.

I agree, it would've been nice for an alternative path.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Lucis overall just needs more with the villains. We should have seen more exposition for people like Ravus more than twice in Lucis. His motivations are actually confusing until Ep. Ignis for the most part.

What we need are some more solid character arcs and exposition dialogue in the first half (Chapters 1-8) like we see here (though there is more in Chapters 9 and 13 for him), and in the flipside, more Exploration and world building in the second half (9-13).

And if they ever expand on the second half, it's a great opportunity to show more about certain Niflheim characters progression to downfall (namely Verstael and Iedolas) while Noct and the gang journey by train. Without episode Prompto, Verstael has literally 1 line of dialogue in the game in the game. Give us scenes of him daemonizing the magitek soldiers. Give us more of Iedolas rapidly degrading to a power hungry king, further continuing his KG story.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
This is going back to the Armiger Unleashed but if you don't think OG would mind being asked (I know the dude is probably swamped with PMs) would one of you folks in touch with him be able to ask him if the Armiger Unleashed has anything relating to the magic system or elemental magic at all? Aside from the story stuff a better magic system has been one of the things I've been most hopeful for and I'm curious if the unlocked potential that the Founder King's sigil affords Noctis includes his elemental magic. It still gets me to this day how versatile and potent the elemental magic was shown to be in KG but then in game all anyone (aside from Ignis) ever uses are flasks which wouldn't be bad if you had the option to choose between making magical grenades or just channeling it but the game sadly doesn't give you that option and seeing how well it's implemented in KG and even in Ignis' combat system really makes me want more out of Noct's own magic. I still remember Nyx going super nova to melt Glauca's armor being one of the coolest magic related moves KG and damn if Ignis' lightning zipping isn't sexy as hell to watch. Using magic as stat modifiers and channeling it freely is cool but it's a shame the main character himself can't do any of it. It would be so cool to have equipping fire boost your damage, ice becoming armor and boosting your defense, or lightning increasing speed and maneuverability as well as you having the option to fire them all off freely. Anyways sorry to gush, Just want more for my main man, Noctis. Just seems like everyone has a better grasp of magic than he does gameplay wise and tbh even story wise.

Can someone check with OG and see if Armiger Unleashed changes magic at all or implements it differently cuz that would be damn skippy if it does.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
This is going back to the Armiger Unleashed but if you don't think OG would mind being asked (I know the dude is probably swamped with PMs) would one of you folks in touch with him be able to ask him if the Armiger Unleashed has anything relating to the magic system or elemental magic at all? Aside from the story stuff a better magic system has been one of the things I've been most hopeful for and I'm curious if the unlocked potential that the Founder King's sigil affords Noctis includes his elemental magic. It still gets me to this day how versatile and potent the elemental magic was shown to be in KG but then in game all anyone (aside from Ignis) ever uses are flasks which wouldn't be bad if you had the option to choose between making magical grenades or just channeling it but the game sadly doesn't give you that option and seeing how well it's implemented in KG and even in Ignis' combat system really makes me want more out of Noct's own magic. I still remember Nyx going super nova to melt Glauca's armor being one of the coolest magic related moves KG and damn if Ignis' lightning zipping isn't sexy as hell to watch. Using magic as stat modifiers and channeling it freely is cool but it's a shame the main character himself can't do any of it. It would be so cool to have equipping fire boost your damage, ice becoming armor and boosting your defense, or lightning increasing speed and maneuverability as well as you having the option to fire them all off freely. Anyways sorry to gush, Just want more for my main man, Noctis. Just seems like everyone has a better grasp of magic than he does gameplay wise and tbh even story wise.

Can someone check with OG and see if Armiger Unleashed changes magic at all or implements it differently cuz that would be damn skippy if it does.

As far as we know, no. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Noctis gets proper magic another way. OG posted datalog info on Noctis and b/c he was injured as a boy, his power is limited. It could very well explain why he has to absorb and use flasks to make magic.

I have a feeling a new system will come for him eventually through another DLC probably
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
He hasn't said anything else about magic.

He did send me this though, which has another couple of comments about Noctis getting injured.


He also sent me this too, some scrapped quest objective and lead lines.

The Summit
Bound by Destiny

The Trial of Leviathan
Listen to Luna's address.
Search for survivors.
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Flash Over

Chocobo Knight
Mar 7, 2015
NL, Canada
He hasn't said anything else about magic.

He did send me this though, which has another couple of comments about Noctis getting injured.


He also sent me this too, some scrapped quest objective and lead lines.

The Summit
Bound by Destiny

The Trial of Leviathan
Listen to Luna's address.
Search for survivors.
Is that pastebin link unused or new dialogue? Because it’s sooo much better written


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Is that pastebin link unused or new dialogue? Because it’s sooo much better written
The first one is kind of used, but the extra comments about Noctis' injury aren't in the game.

Some of the campsite ones are in the game, or it was Pocket Edition as I do recall hearing part of it, but not the entire thing.

The chapter 9 bit with Luna was partially used (the part with Ardyn), but not all of it. The rest of it isn't used at all.

OG said it's not marked as unused or anything else. Just sitting in the data, apparently. Same sort of thing with the information on Cor that he found.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
He hasn't said anything else about magic.

He did send me this though, which has another couple of comments about Noctis getting injured.


He also sent me this too, some scrapped quest objective and lead lines.

The Summit
Bound by Destiny

The Trial of Leviathan
Listen to Luna's address.
Search for survivors.
Aww so Pryna
drowned? Nooo that’s so sad...

It seems that the dialogue between Ardyn and Luna in chapter 9 was lengthened? Or cut in the present version? Interesting.

Noctis, just like in the present game, doesn’t seem to show that much concern for Ignis even with this “new” dialogue.

A simple “right” then he moves on like no big deal. It would seem better if he actually shows more concern than that...

Other than that, the other dialogue seem pretty good.

Perhaps playing through the game for a third time from start to finish once the Royal Pack comes out would be a good idea.
Likes: CloudBuster


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
  1. All the other kings were born with the power, King Regis included.
  2. So, in the whole line of Lucis, Noct is the only dud?
  3. Out of line.
  4. His Highness is the victim here.
  5. Oh, right, the attack.
  6. Happened before I can remember. I was hurt, but nothing serious.
  7. Is that all?
  8. So they tell me.
  9. Probably just born weird.
  10. The prevailing theory.
  11. What!?
  12. There's no doubting your weirdness.
  1. Oracles' runes are what sanctify these havens.
  2. Never appreciated them until out here in the wild.
  3. Benediction, purification, and healing are the province of the Oracle.
  4. Impressive.
  5. I can speak for the healing.
  6. Ahhh...that injury from when you were little.
  7. Yup.
  8. Now I know why everyone makes such a big deal.
  9. All this time, I had no idea.
  10. In this case, you're not at fault for your ignorance.
  11. We've been cut off from the empire all our lives.
  12. Her miracles never reached the Crown City.
  13. Yeah, no wonder.
this banter was important, is this tagged as unused too? (im pretty sure gladio is the one mocking him lol "Probably just born weird")


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I find difficult to apreciate this leaked dialogue without knowing who is saying what.
But a lot of this is "tell don't show". Dialogue in a text box from an era where characters where lifeless.
I don't want to see people saying what they see and feel at every moment. There's better ways of telling things.

Final Fantasy XV has a lot of believable characters, having them saying everything all loud will ruin the inmersion and feel more like tv drama or a steriotipical way to convey feelings in anime.

The concept of the scenes are right because gives more information about what is happening.
But doesn't make sense seeing Noctis making a scene for his brother in law when he met him one time for 2 minutes and was for saying him "i helped to kill your father, i borrowed his sword and tried to take your role as a savior".
The way this scene is made in the game is better fitting for the story it tells.

In the edit of Chapter 12 this was well made because Noctis is a shy person that he bearly finds the words to express himself and he breaks down because he will never be able to say what he felt for the women he loved, so he try to put his feelings in words with the hope of being heard.
Having him making this more deminish the strengh of this scene and the one in the campfire.

But maybe this will be the norm in the next updates, because Noctis did the same thing in Episode Ignis. It didn't felt bad for the scene and context but it's something that doesn't have to happen more.

Except for Gladio, he need's a moment for him to show us how much is he swallowing without making a fuss at any moment.
Maybe a scene in Chapter 8 with Noctis hearing a conversation between Gladio and Iris. With she crying out loudly for their family/home and Gladio trying to look though for his sister, but clearly feeling the same way.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I find difficult to apreciate this leaked dialogue without knowing who is saying what.
But a lot of this is "tell don't show". Dialogue in a text box from an era where characters where lifeless.
I don't want to see people saying what they see and feel at every moment. There's better ways of telling things.
yeah the unused dialogue in chapter 13 was basically that.

but the other ones i feel are necessary, lack of story exposition was one of the faults of the narrative.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Aww so Pryna
drowned? Nooo that’s so sad...

It seems that the dialogue between Ardyn and Luna in chapter 9 was lengthened? Or cut in the present version? Interesting.

Noctis, just like in the present game, doesn’t seem to show that much concern for Ignis even with this “new” dialogue.

A simple “right” then he moves on like no big deal. It would seem better if he actually shows more concern than that...

Other than that, the other dialogue seem pretty good.

Perhaps playing through the game for a third time from start to finish once the Royal Pack comes out would be a good idea.
OG didn't specify about it to me, but he thinks it was originally longer. Noctis doesn't really seem to care much, the Chapter 10 lines that OG also found on the train and in the mines make Noctis rather nasty towards Ignis, and does certainly justify Gladio losing his temper.

OG said he found something for Chapter 13 with Ardyn making more jobs. Some sort of comment being made along the lines of "What good is a blind retainer to you? You should've left him behind." to Noctis, among other nasty little remarks. I'll have to ask him to post it up at some point.

this banter was important, is this tagged as unused too? (im pretty sure gladio is the one mocking him lol "Probably just born weird")
The first one at the top is used with Noctis being told to use his magic was used, but what OG's pulled he's said hasn't been tagged as unused from what he's seen. He does have them in order, and was actually sorting out writing out which character says what, but he said he got bored with it and couldn't be bothered with it as it's time consuming to do it line by line.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
yeah the unused dialogue in chapter 13 was basically that.

but the other ones i feel are necessary, lack of story exposition was one of the faults of the narrative.
Yeah, the scenes are necesary, but let's hope they don't put drama in every scene to convey more weight to what we're seeing.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
On the overall, sorry. I've been referring to this sort of thing as a block with OG.

I agree, it would've been nice for an alternative path.
Actually, after reading through the OG's datalog dump, I have a better appreciation as to why the alternative scene can't work.

Ravus vows to return Regis's sword to the one True King, but said promise goes unfulfilled: Ardyn kills the High Commander in cold blood and transforms him into a daemonic shell of his former self.
There's a certain power in failure -- in a redeemed character dying without seeing his mission completed and being left with nothing but faith that good will out regardless. As such, I don't have a problem with Ravus' fate being left alone... as long as 13:2 is better integrated into the main story. =P

He hasn't said anything else about magic.

He did send me this though, which has another couple of comments about Noctis getting injured.
There's an interesting mix of stuff that ought to be added and stuff that was clearly replaced in that link.

This one in particular lines up so well with Noct's datalog entry that it's hard to imagine it isn't intended to be added into the game:

All the other kings were born with the power, King Regis included.
So, in the whole line of Lucis, Noct is the only dud?
Out of line.
His Highness is the victim here.
Oh, right, the attack.
Happened before I can remember. I was hurt, but nothing serious.
Is that all?
So they tell me.
Probably just born weird.
The prevailing theory.
There's no doubting your weirdness.
The information included in that dialogue is both important enough to go in Noct's datalog entry and still true, so there's no reason it shouldn't get added to the game. Plus, it seems like a real-time event, so it wouldn't take that much effort to add anyway.

The other dialogue about Noct's injuries isn't quite so important, but given that it's still true and an obvious set of real-time dialogue, there's little reason not to add it:

Oracles' runes are what sanctify these havens.
Never appreciated them until out here in the wild.
Benediction, purification, and healing are the province of the Oracle.
I can speak for the healing.
Ahhh...that injury from when you were little.
Now I know why everyone makes such a big deal.
All this time, I had no idea.
In this case, you're not at fault for your ignorance.
We've been cut off from the empire all our lives.
Her miracles never reached the Crown City.
Yeah, no wonder.
The additions to the scene with Gentiana seem worth adding, too, though that'd be more work since it'd be a full cutscene:

Prince Noctis.
It's open! Uh, come in.
How are you feeling today? Gentiana?
Ah, how thoughtful of you. So, did she frighten you?
Maybe...just a little. She's gone.
An old trick of hers. Here one minute, gone the next.
She gives me the creeps.
Funny you should say that: even my brother grows timid around Gentiana.
Even Ravus?
Yes, but you've nothing to fear. The Messengers have our best interests at heart. In time, you will see.
...If you say so.
The more about Luna, the better, in my mind. Plus, I like the implication that Luna knows what the nature of the Messengers are but still considers them to have her and Noct's best interests at heart... and that kid Ravus felt insecure around Gentiana.

As for the Chapter 9 stuff, it feels like a rougher draft of what we ended up getting. This part, in particular, doesn't fit with the canon anymore:

Such a terrible storm.
My poor escort... the waves ate him alive.
Pryna isn't male, and she didn't drown per Episode Ignis. As for Ardyn, he gets a bit more dialogue but doesn't say much more, so I'm not too disappointed about the likely cut. The same goes for the dialogue between Ignis and Noct -- it's not different enough to be fussed about the change.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Pryna isn't male, and she didn't drown per Episode Ignis. As for Ardyn, he gets a bit more dialogue but doesn't say much more, so I'm not too disappointed about the likely cut. The same goes for the dialogue between Ignis and Noct -- it's not different enough to be fussed about the change.
OG didn't say that it was about Pryna. I think he believes it's in regard to what happened with Ravus vanishing early on.

There's more to come as he's actually going over other things currently.

And Nariya, he said that he did say it before in the original post he made but they're things you pick up at dungeons that give some lore and are written from the perspective of one of the kings of yore.