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May 26, 2014
Rereading my favorite childhood book, The Neverending Story, for the bazillionth time. It's still as good as ever. Also I finally stopped being so stubborn and picked up a Douglas Adams book. Not sure why I was so against reading his stuff, especially since I loved his work on Doctor Who, but I'm currently in the middle of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and it's pretty fun. Just reading it when I have time. I'll definitely check out the "Hitchhiker's" series when I get the chance!


Clan Centurio Member
Jun 13, 2016
Ahh, a nice wee thread. Hi, there.

Now, I know what your thinking: @AtSwimTwoBirds, surely your favourite book is At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O'Brien. And you'd be close. It's actually 'The Third Policeman', by Flann O'Brien.

Supreme works.
ASTB is very challenging, though. A firm grasp of Irish History and Mythology is advised.