Japanese television broadcast station NHK recently held a nation-wide poll to ask Final Fantasy fans what the most popular titles, characters, bosses, and music are in the series.
About 470,000 people participated in the poll, which was composed of 49.2% women and 50.8% men. The largest age bloc of particpants were 20-29 and 30-39. The expansive poll ranks the top 50 selections, culminating in a broadcast today where the top 10 have been revealed.
Without further ado, here are the results:
. 10th: Final Fantasy XV
. 9th: Final Fantasy XI
. 8th: Final Fantasy IV
. 7th: Final Fantasy VIII
. 6th: Final Fantasy V
. 5th: Final Fantasy XIV
. 4th: Final Fantasy IX
. 3rd: Final Fantasy VI
. 2nd: Final Fantasy VII
. 1st: Final Fantasy X
. 10th: Zack (Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII)
. 9th: Tifa (Final Fantasy VII)
. 8th: Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
. 7th: Tidus (Final Fantasy X)
. 6th: Emet-Selch (Final Fantasy XIV)
. 5th: Zidane (Final Fantasy IX)
. 4th: Vivi (Final Fantasy IX)
. 3rd: Aerith (Final Fantasy VII)
. 2nd: Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
. 1st: Cloud (Final Fantasy VII)
Boss & Summon
. 10th: Safer-Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
. 9th: Syldra (Final Fantasy V)
. 8th: Bahamut ZERO (Final Fantasy VII)
. 7th: Braska’s Final Aeon (Final Fantasy X)
. 6th: Valefor (Final Fantasy X)
. 5th: Omega (Final Fantasy V)
. 4th: Anima (Final Fantasy X)
. 3rd: Hades (Final Fantasy XIV)
. 2nd: Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)
. 1st: Knights of the Round (Final Fantasy VII)
. 10th: “
Those Who Fight” (Final Fantasy VII)
. 9th: “
Final Fantasy”
. 8th: “
Melodies of Life” (Final Fantasy IX)
. 7th: “
Aerith’s Theme” (Final Fantasy VII)
. 6th: “
One-Winged Angel” (Final Fantasy VII)
. 5th: “
Flash” (Final Fantasy XIII)
. 4th: “
In Search of Friends” (Final Fantasy VI)
. 3rd: “
Eyes on Me” (Final Fantasy VIII)
. 2nd: “
Clash on the Big Bridge” (Final Fantasy V)
. 1st: “
To Zanarkand” (Final Fantasy X)