Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Apr 6, 2018
Why do people think Ep Duscae looked more detailed? It has less draw distance, lower texture res, less/no texture filtering, rocks were less detailed and looked different, and had a greasy vaseline bloom smear filter to hide the 900p res and TAA, the grass also looked way more patchy and the ground texture tile when seen from high up looked way worse than the final. Ep Duscae imo looked worse than the 2014 TGS trailer/Walkthrough vid Duscae, which is the Duscae most people talk about when talking about missing the old Duscae look, and compared to the final game Ep Duscae didn't look as detailed as that either. This was even apparent back when the game first came out.

The final game even added more vegetation to the area, the main difference in the environments look was it no longer had the vaseline bloom filter, but that's less about detail and more about the filters color grading, which is why Ep Duscae looked more dull and muted color wise compared to the final Duscae. Other than that the particle effects were changed but that's also less about detail and more of an aesthetic change. Like how Noctis's weapon summoning particles in 2014 compared to how it was in 2013, and changed again in 2014 to 2015, and again in 2016, but I highly doubt that was changed due to performance, otherwise... explain Ep Ignis v2 with full power of the ring loool.

They also removed the vignette filter around the edges that was in Ep Duscae which also helped in making the final image look more vibrant, I remember seeing a lot of people complain about the vignette in Ep Duscae.

It's pretty obvious that bloom vaseline filter on Ep Duscae was there for just that because if you break out of bounds in the Ep Duscae and go far enough that filter disables and you see the regular sky and color grading, so that filter was only applied to the playable area of Ep Duscae for the sake of the demo. I can see how some might prefer the more dull muted color grading of Ep Duscae over the more vibrant colors of the final, but to think it was more detailed than what's in the final? Nah fampaitachi
what you call vibrant and upgrade all look dull, i didnt play epd but when i watched the footage for the first time i was instantly drawn to it because of the atmosphere it had, when i started the final release i was extremely disappointed to see how much they changed it

the final game just look flat, very low contrast, washed out color, poor, tasteless colorgrading, weird skin shading/SSS, poor vegetation coloring in relation to the graphic spec they were bound to ( among other things )

they went banana and made all tree neon green but when you do that they look like shit from a distance no matter at what settings because they are bright and unshaded, if you have darker green vegetation you dont have that issue, especially in a game like this where ther's high view distance nearly everywhere, whoever was in charge of the direction in epd knew what he was doing contrary to vanilla

vanilla has no direction whatsoever, they didnt even try to give it anything to differentiate/elevate itself, it does look good, but ther's like a billion game that look good, epd had something to it, it had a coherent art direction that even translated to the level design too

about the level design and objects, not because ther's more mean better, epd had object scattered in a meaningful way, in vanilla they just kept adding shit that just ruin the view on a composition level, the 2014 build had the best level composition by far with a lot of negative space

also obviously when peoples say they prefer epd its for the art direction and not the 900p lol and the reason they are more attached to it is because they actually played it, got invested, we can all agree that 2014 build is a better epd technically but who played that ?

i could go on about how epd is far superior in many details ( they had that direction since years, and iterated it) that most dont even notice that are simply inexistant in vanilla wich is a rushed 6 months job at best

the reality is that epd had a distinct dark/gritty atmospheric direction, vanilla look like any ubisoft game, dull and flat
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I also feel some animations were more fluid back then (i read bone physics were decreased), the HUD was also way superior in my opinion, with vanilla's HUD looking cheap as hell + the clusterfuck of bars and lines and Warp Strikes messages in the screen.

the camera used in Duscae had a cinematic feel too, just take for example the Armiger warp ability and how far the camera is from the character in final game compared to this.

heck, the regular Armiger itself was better before AU because it was at a reasonable speed instead of being a super fast barely controllable mess.

anyway, another comparison

the second one looks almost pre-rendered compared to the first.

one thing i didnt like though was that Ep Duscae could look really shiny and glowy sometimes.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
I had a thought that maybe my memory might be tricking me, so I decided to boot up EP Dusace and FFXV back to back and make some comparison screenshots. Say what you will, but EP Dudcae still looks better imo
The character model for Noct is higher quality in ED:
EP Duscae


Environmental objects have better surface textures and reflective physics:
EP Duscae


Indoor locations have better lighting, textures, and camera angles:
EP Duscae


Water effects look better in ED:
EP Duscae


Overall lighting in ED looks more appealing as an artistic choice, for me at least:
EP Duscae



Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
I had a thought that maybe my memory might be tricking me, so I decided to boot up EP Dusace and FFXV back to back and make some comparison screenshots. Say what you will, but EP Dudcae still looks better imo
The character model for Noct is higher quality in ED:
EP Duscae


Environmental objects have better surface textures and reflective physics:
EP Duscae


Indoor locations have better lighting, textures, and camera angles:
EP Duscae


Water effects look better in ED:
EP Duscae


Overall lighting in ED looks more appealing as an artistic choice, for me at least:
EP Duscae

Good lord. I'd never realised before. The "Astral Shard" wasn't there in the final game, and Duscae didn't have Ravatogh.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I had a thought that maybe my memory might be tricking me, so I decided to boot up EP Dusace and FFXV back to back and make some comparison screenshots. Say what you will, but EP Dudcae still looks better imo
The character model for Noct is higher quality in ED:
EP Duscae


Environmental objects have better surface textures and reflective physics:
EP Duscae


Indoor locations have better lighting, textures, and camera angles:
EP Duscae


Water effects look better in ED:
EP Duscae


Overall lighting in ED looks more appealing as an artistic choice, for me at least:
EP Duscae

this is just sad


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
The Astral Shard disapears when you defeat Titan.
I always thought that was a bad game design choice. The shard added thematically to the lore and even gave purpose to the power plant. I would have made it sink or shift slightly after Titan’s battle rather than disappear and leave a giant hole in the ground (literally) lol.

Also I found it funny how people didn’t give a shit that it disappeared. Imagine if a landmark that’s thousands of years old, like the Egyptian pyramids for example, were to dissapear - like you’d think people would make a big deal out of it. But nope, a few small comments and otherwise everyone didn’t care. Weird lol.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Now knowing that this is possible, I don't remember who said isn't... It would be great that when the 4 new dlc's come out, they also announce a complete version of FFXV on 2 discs. I would love it!

That would be nice actually, but I don't think they're going to do that. Once next year's DLC come out, they're going to move on and close the door for this game.

(Super hyped for Red Dead 2 btw)


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Aug 23, 2015
Eu acho que a versão para PC do XV é muito mais bonita .. mas a iluminação dos duscae é mais realista

neste vídeo percebo que a iluminação é semelhante a duscae. quem sabe no futuro podemos mudar a iluminação com mod

quando eu tocava duscae, chegava à noite e tinha medo de morrer porque goblin e magitek começaram a aparecer sem parar, diferente da versão final, que era difícil não chegar perto dos duscae.

o mundo também está muito vazio de outros animais além deste vídeo.

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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 29, 2018
Eu acho que a versão para PC do XV é muito mais bonita .. mas a iluminação dos duscae é mais realista

neste vídeo percebo que a iluminação é semelhante a duscae. quem sabe no futuro podemos mudar a iluminação com mod

quando eu tocava duscae, chegava à noite e tinha medo de morrer porque goblin e magitek começaram a aparecer sem parar, diferente da versão final, que era difícil não chegar perto dos duscae.

o mundo também está muito vazio de outros animais além deste vídeo.

Google translate for us non-Portuguese speakers:

I think the PC version of the XV is much prettier .. but the lighting of the duscae is more realistic

in this video I realize that the lighting is similar to duscae. who knows in the future we can change the lighting with mod

when I played duscae, I would arrive at night and was afraid to die because goblin and magitek began to appear non-stop, different from the final version, that it was difficult not to get close to the duscae.

the world is also very empty of other animals besides this video.”

Oct 26, 2017
Costa Rica
Eu acho que a versão para PC do XV é muito mais bonita .. mas a iluminação dos duscae é mais realista

neste vídeo percebo que a iluminação é semelhante a duscae. quem sabe no futuro podemos mudar a iluminação com mod

quando eu tocava duscae, chegava à noite e tinha medo de morrer porque goblin e magitek começaram a aparecer sem parar, diferente da versão final, que era difícil não chegar perto dos duscae.

o mundo também está muito vazio de outros animais além deste vídeo.

Eres Brasileño o de Portugal?! Es mera curiosidad nada más! XD
Likes: angreis


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016

Luna's wedding ring. It's so pretty! But makes me wonder why they even bother to create one since it's basically invisible in game lol
What's even funnier is that it looks like the diamonds are all real geometry. If the other side has the same number of diamonds, this one ring has well over half of the total number of polygons the NDS could display in a frame!