Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 18, 2018
Episode: Aranea has potential for exploring some of Gralea, but we don't know for sure, I'm only looking forward to Ardyn and Aranea's Episodes, and Lunafreya and Noctis' Episodes I feel are things left to be desired.
The problem I have with that though is that I don't care about exploring more of Gralea or Tenebrae as Aranea. The actual main game and story would be improved if Noctis, the character the game is about, is able to explore more of these areas, not a side character in a DLC that can only be accessed by a different menu.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
We still don't know whether or not if the Episodes will only be accessed through another menu yet.

The actual main game and story would be improved if Noctis, the character the game is about, is able to explore more of these areas
The problem is that they've have to retcon Noct's side during his perspective of the train travel portion. Since by the time the crew reach either of the two areas they are already in ruins.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 18, 2018
We still don't know whether or not if the Episodes will only be accessed through another menu yet.
That's true, but it still doesn't change the fact that its from the perspective of a side character, not from the main party who are the focus of the game.
Feb 19, 2018
I know its probably too late for this, but do you guys think there should have been another survey for next year's DLC? I feel that if they did another survey after the release of the first season of DLC and the Royal Pack, the dev team would have had a better idea as to what story points, characters, and parts of the games fans would want to see.
It would be pointless since the first survey was for this batch of upcoming DLC in the first place. Episode Ardyn, Aranea/Niflheim, and Luna are all direct results of the first survey. Noct's is the only one that seems to be mostly BD2's idea following the success of Episode Ignis' Verse 2. Luna's DLC also has a very cryptic and vague description so we're not really certain of that one yet either. Anyways yeah while I guess it would have been kinda nice if they did a followup survey for more clarification it would only really delay the development process of the new stuff if they had waited on survey results for a month. At this point the best way to give them feedback is on social media during events and showings of the game or in person when they have meet and greets or Q&As.
Feb 19, 2018
That's true, but it still doesn't change the fact that its from the perspective of a side character, not from the main party who are the focus of the game.
To be fair while the true reason for having Noct arrive late at places like Tennebrae and Niflheim was mostly because they wanted to avoid missing the release deadline by not getting caught up in building these places story wise I don't really mind him not being there for every single major conflict because if you constantly have gigantic crisis popping up around Noct it becomes forced and it takes away from sequences like the Altissia invasion or the fight to take back Insomnia being special shining moments of badassery and power in the story since now they're just one of many other bombastic action sequences. I wanna see those events for sure but I also don't really mind not entirely seeing them from Noct's perspective either as it actually gives the side characters some importance as well.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
That's true, but it still doesn't change the fact that its from the perspective of a side character, not from the main party who are the focus of the game.
normally it should be with the main characters, but exploring a place like Gralea in the perspective of a Niflheim officer can be more interesting if well explored.

im really satisfied with the two first dlcs because we'll be able to see some important events from the villains perspective.


this triggers me
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Streaming the debug menu if anyone wants to check it out. Feel free to drop suggestions for what you want me to check out in the chat.
lmao the turtle flipped inside leviathan's tornado



those multiple bahamuts charging the attack were terrifying lol

wow plenty of weather presets there, the foggy one is amazing; never seen some of those cloud formations

ok gotta go, that was really fun
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Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Hope that was kinda close to what you were looking for, there must be hundreds of weather types to scroll through ao it's tough to find the exact right one. Gonna do day in Insomnia next, fight some monsters while I'm there.
Feb 18, 2018
Again, my point stands. It's not an apple to apple comparison when you pull out the windows edition, which 90% of the people who bought the game can't run. But as I stated to the previous person, if you isolate what I specified from both versions, and compare them on the PS4, EP Duscae looks better in those areas. At the end of the day, certain aspects of the demo to this day look better on my PS4 when I play it by comparison to the final version which I also own on PS4.
Only things I regret from E.D are the lighting and the water, but overall, the final game looks much better imo.

Here's a more fair comparison, PS4 version vs E.D, I still prefer the final version way more and think it looks better:



Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
yeah duscae is overall outdated, but if you include some its features + final game, you get this

this absolutely blows both duscae and final game in terms of beauty

Hope that was kinda close to what you were looking for, there must be hundreds of weather types to scroll through ao it's tough to find the exact right one. Gonna do day in Insomnia next, fight some monsters while I'm there.
and you pull back me in...


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
yeah duscae is overall outdated, but if you include some its features + final game, you get this

this absolutely blows both duscae and final game in terms of beauty

and you pull back me in...
Sorry seems like day goes kinda fast in insomnia, so even with the world of ruin weather removed it's still dark most of the time lol when I figure out how to speed up time I'll make a video showing off insomnia during the day.

EDIT: The one thing that kind of sucks about the debug weather editor too is that it uses the dpad so any time you go to switch weapons or even just to scroll through the debug menu itself it switches to a new weather effect. Wish you could slide to the one you want and toggle it off to keep that particular effect but unfortunately it just reverts to whatever it was before.
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PSICOM Soldier
Nov 24, 2016
speaking of Disney endings LION King has one of the best endings for a Dinsey animated film. of course it's one of the best Animated filims of all time. I remember watching LION King when I was a kid it was a great movie

apparently one of the darkest dinsey movies ever made was movie called the Black hole How dark was it? t's just say that none of the cast in the movie escaped their impending doom they all go to hell . it's so dark for Disney movie that Disney is reluctant to even make a remake of it.

this was made by Disney , and back in 1979 it was the first Disney movie ever to receive a PG rating.