Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Just curious but how finished does the rest of Insomnia look especially now with the updated map? Obviously it's not in a playable state but is it basically all generic placeholder stuff beyond the boundaries of the playable map or does it actually look like it had some legitimate work put into it? Would be interesting to know how far they actually got with Insomnia before ultimately deciding it wasn't possible to include in the final game. Honestly kinda wish XV had stayed as a trilogy but I guess Square got scared off that concept due to the reception of the FFXIII trilogy as maybe an entire first game set in Insomnia wouldn't have been half bad. I remember hearing rumors that apparently when it was still a trilogy the first game was supposed to end at the trial of Leviathan? With Insomnia and Lucis being the big hub worlds I wouldn't have minded a more linear but detailed Altissia since it's already pretty linear in the main game.

Anyways not gonna lament what we didn't get but Insomnia really did have the potential to be the next Midgar in terms of iconic cities in the franchise as it has all the lore and the appealing design elements, it just got shafted in terms of actual exploration. Really hoping Episode Noctis features Insomnia pretty heavily if not exclusively so that we can get more of it to explore and that they add a tour of some sort through a pristine version of it. Like how Ignis' episode gave us a more explorable Altissia.
I find the comparison interesting because in OG FF7 you only get to explore ONE out of the EIGHT sectors (and even then is only selected parts of that one sector) that Midgar was made of and Shinra HQ building.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Are we really gonna be here without any news besides mods until 2019? :confused:
well, that depends on the news frequency, if the comrades updates will be exciting, if there'll be FFVIIR news on E3...

I am curious if someone can mod the game to make the first half linear in some way, at least with the Level Editor.
you can just follow the main path if you want a linear experience no?


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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
well, that depends on the news frequency, if the comrades updates will be exciting, if there'll be FFVIIR news on E3...

you can just follow the main path if you want a linear experience no?
I know that, I'm just wondering how Level Editor could make FFXV less Open-World without getting too side-tracked, into something like an over-world from past FFs, considering that Open-Worlds don't exactly have a tight story, and Open-Worlds don't do stories right, the only Open-World game I can think of that it got right with with it's Open-World and story is Horizon Zero Dawn. Plus, the past FFs had linear over-worlds back then. Besides, I'm not playing the Windows Edition, I'm mainly speculating here.
Likes: Storm
Feb 19, 2018
I find the comparison interesting because in OG FF7 you only get to explore ONE out of the EIGHT sectors (and even then is only selected parts of that one sector) that Midgar was made of and Shinra HQ building.
That isn't true, if I recall correctly we got to see about 4 sectors (I'm also not including the return to Midgar late in the game btw which showed off more of the city), sure they were kinda linear and a bit restrictive by today's standards but Midgar showed a lot of personality and different facets of itself by letting us see the different parts of it. We had the sector 7 slums that had the Avalanche base, we had the market grounds in what I believe was Sector 8 that had that grimy criminal feel to it, we had the location where the first reactor was blown up that looked more fancy with brick roads and a theater among other things, we then also had the sector with Aerith that was also a slum but it had a different more homey feel to it, we had the train tunnels, we had Shinra headquarters, two Mako reactors, the Midgar highway, and then we also got to see more of Midgar when we returned towards the end of the story and got to travel through what I seem to recall as the upper plates to get to the giant cannon. Meanwhile Insomnia even after the update doesn't even come close to that.

Insomnia, judging by Kingsglaive's (and even Brotherhood's) little peaks at it during certain sequences where the characters are traveling through it, has a huge variety of cool areas, some of which even have lore tied to them, that we never get to see in game. The Old Wall majestically standing throughout Insomnia, that cool looking entanglement of highways, what appear to be slums that stretch down pretty far when Nyx goes to have lunch with Crowe and Libertus, the Kingsglaive's base with that cool looking training arena which I still feel like they missed a huge opportunity with by not including it in the Royal Edition as maybe a mission to get the current Glaives better accommodated than just hiding out in the sewers. All of these are things that give Insomnia its identity but the game alone doesn't portray that, aside from the Citadel it could easily be any generic city. I'm not wrong in saying Insomnia was robbed of any true exploration in the game as even with the Royal edition update all you really get in terms of discernible landmarks are just a few memorial pillars to past kings which are neat but still, it wouldn't have killed them to have a collapsed Old Wall statue somewhere in the new map or maybe one of those many crashed Imperial Dreadnoughts we saw at the end of KG which were seen jutting out of the ground and into the city's skyline alongside the skyscrapers.

Anyways I'm glad we've even gotten as much as we have, I'm just saying it could've been more as well and that maybe Episode Noctis can help that situation out. A 6-7 short chapter DLC that takes us between the various locales of Insomnia and informs us about the city would be really cool and I would personally be really satisfied on that front even if we ultimately never get to play through pre invasion Insomnia.
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Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Everything outside of the main area is super low res and broken (most bridges go through buildings and just end randomly lol) but mostly just there for Bahamut's summon. It does match up with Kingsglaive's general look though, impressively. The layered landscape is intact. If they had included the whole city-state it would have probably been half the size of the main map of Lucis. Place is huge.

As for Noct using Umbra in his episode to time travel idk, ya'll gotta remember he's a messenger. I'd assume he's loyal to the crystal in the same way the Astrals are. To be fair though if any of the Astrals or Messengers were to join Noct I could see Carbuncle or Umbra before Gentiana or anyone else. Also curious to see where Ifrit will fit in.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Everything outside of the main area is super low res and broken (most bridges go through buildings and just end randomly lol) but mostly just there for Bahamut's summon. It does match up with Kingsglaive general look though, impressively. The layered landscape is intact. If they had included the whole city-state it would have probably been half the size of the main map of Lucis. Place is huge.

As for Noct using Umbra in his episode to time travel idk, ya'll gotta remember he's a messenger. I'd assume he's loyal to the crystal in the same way the Astrals are. To be fair though if any of the Astrals or Messengers were to join Noct I could see Carbuncle or Umbra before Gentiana or anyone else. Also curious to see where Ifrit will fit in.
you can even see some destroyed niflheim warships close to the cardbox buildings.

i would be ok with exploring just the citadel with a day-night cycle, driving the car, meeting the bros for some quests, learning about the politics, lucii history, talking with npcs or characters like nyx, drautos... that would be awesome.


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
you can even see some destroyed niflheim warships close to the cardbox buildings.

i would be ok with exploring just the citadel with a day-night cycle, driving the car, meeting the bros for some quests, learning about the politics, lucii history, talking with npcs or characters like nyx, drautos... that would be awesome.
I want it too but like I've said before it would be way too weighty to tag on to what became the current form of the game. Wouldn't have been impossible to work in during development but the way the game ended up I just can't see it fitting well into any part of the game without taking players out of what makes the beginning chapter so enticing. Tbh I don't know any non-FF fan that would be pulled into FFXV immediately by spending an hour walking around Insomnia. And adding it anywhere in the middle of the game would pull the player out so hard.
Feb 19, 2018
Everything outside of the main area is super low res and broken (most bridges go through buildings and just end randomly lol) but mostly just there for Bahamut's summon. It does match up with Kingsglaive's general look though, impressively. The layered landscape is intact. If they had included the whole city-state it would have probably been half the size of the main map of Lucis. Place is huge.

As for Noct using Umbra in his episode to time travel idk, ya'll gotta remember he's a messenger. I'd assume he's loyal to the crystal in the same way the Astrals are. To be fair though if any of the Astrals or Messengers were to join Noct I could see Carbuncle or Umbra before Gentiana or anyone else. Also curious to see where Ifrit will fit in.
Idk, Pryna and Umbra seem much more loyal to Luna and Noct than anyone else and with how leniant Gentianna/Shiva is I could see her being on board with or even outright commending Noct's plan considering how she even sheds tears over Luna's coming fate. Tbh all that's stopping that plan is the writers and whether they wanna go that route or not.

Edit: Also a larger presence from Carbuncle would be great too.
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Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Idk, Pryna and Umbra seem much more loyal to Luna and Noct than anyone else and with how leniant Gentianna/Shiva is I could see her being on board with or even outright commending Noct's plan considering how she even sheds tears over Luna's coming fate. Tbh all that's stopping that plan is the writers and whether they wanna go that route or not.

Edit: Also a larger presence from Carbuncle would be great too.
Yeah but the same could be said about the Astrals (even though they're hostile at first to test Noct). They go above and beyond to make sure he's able to fulfill his duty so if he's turning against them I wouldn't be surprised to see the messengers follow suit.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
I went and requested for a proper translation of a certain part of the 4gamer interview w/Tabata from two months ago (Gematsu did one but it was only the short gist). So here it is in better detail:

4Gamer: You publicised the player survey results during the "FFXV Active Time Report 1st Anniversary Sepcial". You released comments that weren't positive as well, weren't you apprehensive about doing that?

Tabata: Not at all. Of course we're a company, so if we felt that it'd be disadvantageous, we wouldn't do it. However, me telling the users that I know that voices like that exist, isn't a negative. Of course there things that hurt us to hear, but it's more important to bring joy to the users.

4Gamer: The survey result showed that the average satisfaction with the scenario was 62.4%, honestly, how did that feel?

Aramaki: I myself, when I played it, wasn't 100% satisfied, so I think I felt around the same [as the users]. I also accept that some things didn't communicate well.

Terada: We took it positively, like "Let's take the most liked chapter as orientation".

4Gamer: So after hearing those voices, you will aim for more satisfactory content for the DLC due to be released in 2018?

Tabata: There's on thing I'll have to tell you in advance, this will probably not all fit into 2018. At first we did indeed aim for 2018, but to really face those 62.4% and finish FFXV, we recalculated how much content we need and will not try to rush to release in 2018, but want to take the time it needs.

Terada: We are developing the next DLC while keeping in mind that this will conclude the FFXV Universe. Because of that, we are not coming out with "additional contents" but with "additional series". We will release more information at a later point, so please be patient.
Not entirely new, but i felt like sharing it either way.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
but to really face those 62.4% and finish FFXV...
i don't really know how alternate events are supposed to finish anything, instead they're doing the opposite which is starting a new side-story.

it doesnt make sense.

Fans: "the main game wasnt totally fleshed-out, now they can further improve the game!
SQ: "lets do an alternative storyline instead!"
Nomura: "fuck"

if they had difficulty in properly doing the main story with an entire game, why they think this new storyline (assuming they'll take entire dlcs) will be properly executed with even less time?


true friendship
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Feb 19, 2018
Yeah but the same could be said about the Astrals (even though they're hostile at first to test Noct). They go above and beyond to make sure he's able to fulfill his duty so if he's turning against them I wouldn't be surprised to see the messengers follow suit.
I mean from a duty perspective you're not wrong but Gentianna/Shiva was involved in their lives on a far more personal level than the others as well. Titan and Bahamut weren't constantly checking up on the kids to talk to them and to get to know them while also guiding them. Gentianna's been more like a friend to them than just another deity so it's why I can see her being much more lenient. She's the only astral that actually sheds tears and actually shows emotions toward Noct and Luna in the entirety of the story while also entrusting Noct with a personal matter of her own which is to put Ifrit to rest once and for all. Anyway even if she isn't on board I feel like Umbra definitely would be since his sister straight up dies to be at Luna's side in her time of need. So that's what makes me think the dogs are definitely more loyal to Noct and Luna than they are to the Astrals and thus Umbra would help out in such a scenario. Either way the reason the time travel thing is my ideal solution is because it just solves so many problems we have and addresses so many aspects we want explored while granting a majority of people their wishes the best it can.
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Feb 19, 2018
By the way, how much do you think will cost each new episode?! Nobody is talking about that.
I'm gonna guess around $10 ideally since they're supposed to be considerably bigger than what we received with the Bros' episodes and if they're really huge maybe $15 at most. With Aranea's probably being the normal $5 since it's being marketed as a sidestory and presumably that means it'll be as big as Episode Ignis at most. Though there's also no real solid evidence to suggest that it'll be any shorter than the other DLCs just that it won't feed into the alternate grand finale story the other 3 episodes are working towards. Either way I'd cap the possible price at $10 since I think even they know no one would buy essentially 60-80 dollars worth of DLC back to back like that. I'm thinking they'll aim to keep the total price of the new content under $40.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
I'm gonna guess around $10 ideally since they're supposed to be considerably bigger than what we received with the Bros' episodes and if they're really huge maybe $15 at most. With Aranea's probably being the normal $5 since it's being marketed as a sidestory and presumably that means it'll be as big as Episode Ignis at most.
I kinda suspect that her DLC will be upgraded to full size once they realize just how much content there is to tell regarding the empire. Plans along the dev cycle change, and I could very much see them realizing there is much more to show/tell in that section of the narrative.