I only played the Japanese demo and I gotta say I liked it. Erren says she didn't like the graphics but I honestly think they're very good. Especially the cutscenes. Of course, I'll have to play the entire game first to form a solid opinion.
So for anyone who may have imported or spoiled themselves - is this game definitive? Like a clear, complete ending to the XIII saga with all loose threads wrapped up?
No spoilers please, hoping for a no/yes. I just want to know if I'm going to invest 30 hours into something with a conclusion. I have a full time job and a 13-month old so my long form jrpg time has to be spent very wisely
I haven't been on this forum lately since The Japanese release, but I'm finally joining the fun with the rest of NA on tuesday!!! So far I find it kinda funny that the review from this site called LR the worst of the three and Kotaku called it the best. Eager to play it myself.