Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Well-Dressed Ginger

Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 21, 2018
It's WAY too early to complain about the size of the royal pack. We haven't seen the Regalia Replica, the data/lore scattered all around the world, Omega weapon, all the quest's with the boat, etc.

We haven't even seen the cutscene where Cor helps you fight Cerberus. Thus far we've only seen the version without Cor's help from people's playthroughs. And that means that there's probably more quests to do to get Cor in that fight with you.

After all of that is revealed, if it still feels too small, that's fine. I think we should hold back until then, though.


Jan 7, 2017
My copy-pasting:
Well guys. Some of you need to calm down. About Cor, Omega and car dont worry, we(people) will find out. About anything else, its just your own fault if after reading data-mine materials you thought that it will be right here in royal edition.

Well-Dressed Ginger

Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 21, 2018
My copy-pasting:
Well guys. Some of you need to calm down. About Cor, Omega and car dont worry, we(people) will find out. About anything else, its just your own fault if after reading data-mine materials you thought that it will be right here in royal edition.
Dude, go away already. All you did was whine about all of us enjoying the spoilers this whole time and now, because literally ONE person wasn't happy with the final product, you come in here with a high and mighty "I told you so" tone? I'm VERY happy with the DLC and I don't regret spoiling myself at all. You've been so obnoxious this entire week.


Jan 7, 2017
Dude, go away already. All you did was whine about all of us enjoying the spoilers this whole time and now, because literally ONE person wasn't happy with the final product, you come in here with a high and mighty "I told you so" tone?
Where did i write this? Maybe you will stop saying nonsence? I can write my thoughts as anyone else. If you dont like it, then maybe YOU will go away? Jeez, an you calling me obnoxious. Look at yourself in the mirror.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
How did you get that to trigger?
Did you do all the chap 14 side quests before doing that ?
Yeah there was three sidequests from the base that you could take on, one was from Cor, and two other quests from two other glaives. I did all of those quests first before I went and fought Cerberus.
Oct 26, 2017
Costa Rica