Everything FFXV Datamining Related

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PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
OG said to say: he can confirm whatever it is after the PC release, because to him it's looking more to have been a placeholder for something OR may have been cut. He wants to try and confirm about it with checking the retail PC files, because he doesn't like jumping to conclusions and it's why he said he wasn't entirely sure to begin with.

I was talking to him earlier for a bit, he has more gameplay tutorials and the like pulled too but they're marked as placeholder and/or temporary, only in one language which is why he's not otherwise said anything about it.

All I can really say is in regard to the other stuff, he seems to be working on it in some way.
I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but what were you even talking about right now


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but what were you even talking about right now
The dungeon, and that sort of thing.

It was more of a general reply in regard to what Paper had posted. Paper said he's not entirely sure either, and OG has a fairly good idea about it, but because OG isn't absolutely certain he's waiting for the PC version's release to confirm about what he suspects is going on with it.

Paper and I had actually been discussing things, because I've assisted OG with some language based details and have seen what OG is sifting through. So I know that he's just trying to currently figure out if things have been cut, or if they are placeholders by if there's further content within the PC version, or if there's been content removed.

For instance, the Benchmark had a number of things, but the Demo was cut down.

TL;DR OG thinks the Furnace dungeon is cut, or placeholder. He doesn't know enough to say which one, and wants to check the PC version before he settles on it. He doesn't like making assumptions, despite having data in front of him. That's pretty much it.

Anyway, onto other things.

In the tutorial things that OG spotted he didn't really say anything about seeing tweaks to magic and has gotten a little annoyed because people keep messaging him on Reddit about that, and the Armiger. Same thing with "The Glaive" being mentioned, as he's repeated again that surely we can't expect everything in the Benchmark, even though he's found a couple of audio files.

I think the information he found about the Armiger is likely the same sort of description as that video the other day. Something about Noctis glowing and so-on.

He mentioned something about another thing, about potentially needing to pick up another item to gain access to another thing. Though given it's in two different blocks with further information, I think he shouldn't be so overly cautious about potentially being wrong as I think what he's dug out is likely correct. The problem is that it's lacking the localized versions of it, so whatever way it's translated likely wouldn't line up to whatever it is in the end, if the text is correct.

It's like how we have the "Phantom Swords" and "Armiger" difference, for example.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
The dungeon, and that sort of thing.

It was more of a general reply in regard to what Paper had posted. Paper said he's not entirely sure either, and OG has a fairly good idea about it, but because OG isn't absolutely certain he's waiting for the PC version's release to confirm about what he suspects is going on with it.

Paper and I had actually been discussing things, because I've assisted OG with some language based details and have seen what OG is sifting through. So I know that he's just trying to currently figure out if things have been cut, or if they are placeholders by if there's further content within the PC version, or if there's been content removed.

For instance, the Benchmark had a number of things, but the Demo was cut down.

TL;DR OG thinks the Furnace dungeon is cut, or placeholder. He doesn't know enough to say which one, and wants to check the PC version before he settles on it. He doesn't like making assumptions, despite having data in front of him. That's pretty much it.

Anyway, onto other things.

In the tutorial things that OG spotted he didn't really say anything about seeing tweaks to magic and has gotten a little annoyed because people keep messaging him on Reddit about that, and the Armiger. Same thing with "The Glaive" being mentioned, as he's repeated again that surely we can't expect everything in the Benchmark, even though he's found a couple of audio files.

I think the information he found about the Armiger is likely the same sort of description as that video the other day. Something about Noctis glowing and so-on.

He mentioned something about another thing, about potentially needing to pick up another item to gain access to another thing. Though given it's in two different blocks with further information, I think he shouldn't be so overly cautious about potentially being wrong as I think what he's dug out is likely correct. The problem is that it's lacking the localized versions of it, so whatever way it's translated likely wouldn't line up to whatever it is in the end, if the text is correct.

It's like how we have the "Phantom Swords" and "Armiger" difference, for example.
Yeah, the data is a big mystery, especially since not all of it is in the right order and hard to sort through, not knowing 100% it's new content or not, even if this was new content, we have no way of knowing that it would make it in March, even though the Windows Edition is based on the content in the Royal Edition, and the Royal Edition content seems to be labeled 'GOTY', but we'll see what happens on March 6th, and keep our expectations low even when knowing that. We already have some things confirmed to be in from the data-mining showing up, such as Dossiers, they were in the Windows Edition demo blacked out, driving in Insomnia with a vehicle, Insomnia being big in it's own right from the Dengeki interview in regards to vehicle driving and the big Insomnia in it's right thing along with quests being from the Game Watch interview, along with 2-3 hours to complete the Chapter 14's Insomnia map, as well as the Comrades update. Regardless of the data, we have more things to do, and I'm looking forward to whatever will be there, even if it's something unexpected.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
@Storm already had reported on this from OG a while ago but I actually found all the dungeons grouped exactly like this
View attachment 889

Most of you can tell that it is separated by Leide, Duscae and Cleigne.

What's interesting is you can see an additional Dungeon after Pitioss Ruins called Aeretylian Furnace, apparently located in Cleigne.

I had talked to @Storm before about it, and while it could very well just be a cut dungeon, its also possible that it is a new dungeon to be added to the game.

My (hopeful) theory is that since we don't know where we get the Founder King's Sigil to active Armiger Unleashed, its possible that you unlock this dungeon in Cleigne to get it once you get all 13 Royal Arms. Maybe its a boat only location (both ARE part of the Royal Pack, and would put the ship to good use if anything) that you discover? Its either that, or this location is simply a cut dungeon and Royal Sigil is found elsewhere (Insomnia?).

I will say though that I have yet to find any significant cut stuff in the text files (It's either not obvious or there literally is no cut text and it's in the game). Basically everything is in the game (and I've scrolled a hell of a lot the past 2 days) that I've seen, save for any Royal Pack stuff or some other dialogue for other chapters OG had found first (that is entirely unknown if it is cut or just hasn't been added yet).

This is why I'm hopeful that those 5 Leide locations and this dungeon are not cut content.

Edit: Both are in the Benchmark and the Demo from Monday
furnace makes me think of the rock of ravathog (which is a volcano), maybe it was supposed to have a deeper level dungeon?


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
furnace makes me think of the rock of ravathog (which is a volcano), maybe it was supposed to have a deeper level dungeon?
Ifrit apparently was there before he was revived, so that seems totally possible. But yeah it is what it is until noted otherwise. I'm gonna get hate for sharing info unconfirmed and hate for not lol but I guess that's just how this all goes.

@FFChocobo18, nothing hinted at both in the trailer lol I'll say it like that.


Jan 7, 2017
He means those pirates, who 'cracked' the game. It was announced that they reached chapter 3, but after this - silence.


Feb 20, 2018
It's all insomnia/chapter 14 stuff.
I see, well I appreciate the clarification. BTW, do you have any idea what's up with Angelguard? They've told us we can go there but to my knowledge no one has any idea but them what there is there to do... I'm personally hoping for bahamut's favor or something that allows us too summon him post-game but I wonder if that's something they'd actually make exclusive too the dlc? Maybe not, a boss fight with bahamut would be awesome though.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I see, well I appreciate the clarification. BTW, do you have any idea what's up with Angelguard? They've told us we can go there but to my knowledge no one has any idea but them what there is there to do... I'm personally hoping for bahamut's favor or something that allows us too summon him post-game but I wonder if that's something they'd actually make exclusive too the dlc? Maybe not, a boss fight with bahamut would be awesome though.
I dunno either
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork