Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Armiger Unleash gameplay (jump to 12:16).
Bit about the Armiger did at least confirm what he said before about the accessory, I can see why he didn't want to explain it. I think the combo expansion is cool. I do hope upgrades like Airstepping still factors into the mix.

Nice to see the fishing radar thing OG mentioned too, though I hope the guys don't interrupt for fishing a lot.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
What is this? Did you play the game and watched the Movie?
In the recent leaks about Versus we learned the Flouret family was a branch of the Lucis and this can still be a thing introduced.

Ravus tried to use the ring to fullfil his desires which contradict the prophecy. So the Lucii punished him.
But in Chapter 9 he changes and this could mean the kings accept his will of sacrificing himself, fullfiling the prophecy.
Likes: Cloud_CR


Jan 7, 2017
@Lulcielid How to put it right? I asked him not because i dont know anything, but in the manner how did he played the game and watched the movie? Cause we or better say, most of us know that Ardyn had a power of Oracle and that after incident with him, appeared two families with his powers, each of them played their own role. We already knew that Ravus was rejected by the ring, so he is not a Choosed One. That's a Canon. That's what makes him Anti-hero, noy a Hero, like some one wants him to be. Why on Earth BD2 need to spend resources on that alternative things, they should concentrate on more important stuff.

@Lord_Ham_Mork If you watched and played it and understood right, you must understand that your desire is the same as those who wanted another ending. You just want to change completely his role\status, which will ruin everything.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
4Gamer: In January 2017. it was announced that the total shipments and digital sales surpassed 6 million total, which was the objective at the time. What is that number at now?

Hajime Tabata, Director: About 7 million.

Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition released for smartphones on February 9, and there’s Royal Edition and Windows Edition coming out on March 6. Are there any sales goals?

Tabata: Honestly, rather than sales numbers, the team’s priority is “to provide a good service for as long as possible that is worthy of its value.” That said, there’s been some talk within the team saying they’d like to reach 2 million with Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition alone, and with the team’s main objective of 10 million [for Final Fantasy XV], you have different approaches during the pre-release.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
@Lord_Ham_Mork If you watched and played it and understood right, you must understand that your desire is the same as those who wanted another ending. You just want to change completely his role\status, which will ruin everything.
Nah, i was explaining the conclusions people would reach if we saw/heard about Ardyn married to a Flouret or he himself being both.

If we learn about the families once being one this will justify how Episode Ignis Verse 2 ended.

I don't want any change in the main game about Ravus arc/destiny. Neither expand the non canonical timelines.
Likes: Cloud_CR


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
As Paperchamp has pointed out, they are tagged with GOTY/Royal Edition. OG has said this same thing, however OG has said that he's reading it mainly as being "level" and/or "environment" based with the party, though OG has also said that he's also got cutscene dialogue sorted out as well as earlier content.

So it could be an in-engine cutscene and/or event, or it could be a gameplay based event, but the bottom-line is he's said repeatedly he's not entirely certain beyond there's some sort of conversation events going on from what he's told me. Didn't see any references for textures or videos called, so I'm not sure what's going on beyond that.

He did, however state that there does seem to be more ad-lib chatter, but that some of it seems to match up with Pocket Edition content which has added to being uncertain as to whether or not particular additional dialogue will be in the game or not following this update.

One of the ones he showed the text for was funny to me, a couple of NPCs talking about both Luna and Ravus. Apparently they don't like Ravus' personality, but think he's hot.

He did say he was going to look again in the demo and the like as it is, so he can probably narrow things down in a couple of days, as apparently some of the other things he's noticed are not actually tagged as GOTY. Such as something caught his attention with Aranea, so I know he got sidetracked with looking for the Glauca references for me because of that too.
I was expecting a scene about Luna and Lamu reunion in Chapter 5 and some more build up about the reunion of Luna and Noctis in Chapter 9.
Well, we will see when it comes. But doesn't looks like it will be what i think.

Maybe he's just keeping the information about Glauca to not ruin your surprise... Who knows?

I would prefer having a Diamond Weapon around the city. Making you to go around the subway to evade the encounter. Then when you kill it you're free to drive outside with the car.
But having both would be even better obviously.


Jan 7, 2017
Nah, i was explaining the conclusions people would reach if we saw/heard about Ardyn married to a Flouret or he himself being both.
....How did you get there? We know that he had both powers as Choosen One and as Oracle. And ONLY after his fallen, appeared TWO families, one with power of Oracle and the one where would appeared the Choosen One. IT wasnt during his time as a Choosen One....


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Nah, i was explaining the conclusions people would reach if we saw/heard about Ardyn married to a Flouret or he himself being both.

If we learn about the families once being one this will justify how Episode Ignis Verse 2 ended.
I don’t quite understand.

How would learning that he’s both justify Ignis Verse 2?

Unless I’m missing something?


Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
Then Nvidia hardware is recommended. Mods will also be supported in the Windows Edition, so you will be able to experience a unique experience not found in home consoles.
荒牧 MOD機能は配信後しばらく経ってから提供予定で、全員のモデルをケニー・クロウに変える、なんていうシュールな遊びもできます(笑)。ユーザー側でモデルのデータを用意して、自由に差し換えることもできるようになります。さらにゆくゆくは、マップをカスタマイズしたりして、クエストを追加できるような仕組みも公式として提供します。
We plan to release mod support shortly after release of the game. You will be able to have a surreal experience like changing the character model of everyone to Kenny Crow for example (laughs) You will also eventually be able to freely change things around with user-created model data. Also, eventually we will release an official platform where you can customize the map and add quests.

customize the map and add quests.

customize the map and add quests.

customize the map and add quests.



Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Then Nvidia hardware is recommended. Mods will also be supported in the Windows Edition, so you will be able to experience a unique experience not found in home consoles.
荒牧 MOD機能は配信後しばらく経ってから提供予定で、全員のモデルをケニー・クロウに変える、なんていうシュールな遊びもできます(笑)。ユーザー側でモデルのデータを用意して、自由に差し換えることもできるようになります。さらにゆくゆくは、マップをカスタマイズしたりして、クエストを追加できるような仕組みも公式として提供します。
We plan to release mod support shortly after release of the game. You will be able to have a surreal experience like changing the character model of everyone to Kenny Crow for example (laughs) You will also eventually be able to freely change things around with user-created model data. Also, eventually we will release an official platform where you can customize the map and add quests.

customize the map and add quests.

customize the map and add quests.

customize the map and add quests.

Lol, Kenny Crow is really out for our blood.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork