Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Honestly, I'd prepare to be disappointed on the Luna front if I were you. One of the loudest outcry of the fans in terms of Luna is that she didn't make a believable romantic interest because of the lack of interaction. I can totally see them retconning chapter 9 with a "date" or something to try and address that.
I really can't see them going out of their way to retcon that much while needing to alter later event scenes to make it work even despite the reactions, especially considering how much the team doubled down on the trajedy aspect between the two.

At best it'd be more beneficial if they just focused on her activities through the earlier chapters while providing more interactions through childhood flashbacks and whatnot. Less of a headache to do so.
Feb 19, 2018
I think it’s going to be the exact opposite since Tabata said that Episode Ardyn will explore his history that was explained in EP Ignis Verse 2; the “mysterious voice” (aka Luna) implies that Ardyn was always the dickhead. I think Ardyn is going to turn out a total narcissist, that his “savior” status is nothing but his own perception, and that his “revenge” comes from his sense of entitlement. The new Pocket Edition dialogue hints at this as well imo.
I doubt that's the direction they're going in since Pocket Edition straight up acknowledges Ardyn's status as being a "once kind and noble king." Luna's dialogue in episode Ignis also only stated that Ardyn fell from grace not the details of how and why it happened. In the main game even Bahamut is very vague about Ardyn's corruption and provides surprisingly very little backstory about his fall from grace. It makes sense that the Astrals and crystal are keeping their blunders a secret from their pawns so they can clean up the mess. Luna only knows as much as the gods tell her and judging by Leviathan's mess in Altissia, Shiva's past as a much more uncaring god, and Ifrit going apeshit on humanity and the other Astrals it's not hard to believe that the gods of FFXV take after the Greek pantheon wherein they're irrationally and ridiculously huge assholes and extremely shady individuals in plenty of regards.

Flash Over

Chocobo Knight
Mar 7, 2015
NL, Canada
then he wouldn't be as relatable, its exactly the fact he genuinely wanted to help humanity and then was discarded by the gods that makes his revenge and motivation so human, i didnt play Ep Ignis but what does her line implies?
“Blessed was the man born for the throne—yet he, so impure of heart, was denied the Stone and cast into inigomy. Feeding on the dusk and embracing the darkness, he spurned the dawn, effecting a life untouched by time.”


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I think it’s going to be the exact opposite since Tabata said that Episode Ardyn will explore his history that was explained in EP Ignis Verse 2; the “mysterious voice” (aka Luna) implies that Ardyn was always the dickhead. I think Ardyn is going to turn out a total narcissist, that his “savior” status is nothing but his own perception, and that his “revenge” comes from his sense of entitlement. The new Pocket Edition dialogue hints at this as well imo.
In the Pocket Edition, Noctis literally says to Arydn
"Return to the kind and noble King you once were" ...

“Blessed was the man born for the throne—yet he, so impure of heart, was denied the Stone and cast into inigomy. Feeding on the dusk and embracing the darkness, he spurned the dawn, effecting a life untouched by time.”
I take that to mean his heart is no longer "clean" because he absorbed so many Daemons into himself.

Someone hosting myriad Daemons and foreign bodies would no longer be considered pure.

I should also note that the Astrals withdrew their choice of Ardyn because he was unclean and infected so it falls into line.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Which I take as Noctis making an assumption, since Ardyn immediately laughs it off
Being alive for 2000 years with bitterness and contempt in your heart would do that to you.

I'm not surprised he laughed off any attempts of kindness. He's far too gone to care about such things.

While I'm convinced he was originally kind and the Astral's were being dicks, perhaps waiting for ep Ardyn to confirm 100% would be a good idea too.

Flash Over

Chocobo Knight
Mar 7, 2015
NL, Canada
Being alive for 2000 years with bitterness and contempt in your heart would do that to you.

I'm not surprised he laughed off any attempts of kindness. He's far too gone to care about such things.

While I'm convinced he was originally kind and the Astral's were being dicks, perhaps waiting for ep Ardyn to confirm 100% would be a good idea too.
Oh for sure! I’m not trying to say “my theory is correct” or anything...I’m not you(tube)knowwho lol. I’m looking forward to seeing how it actually plays out


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
If they ever did a Nocts/Luna "date", I'd rather it be some sort of dream that takes place during Nocts sleep or something Luna dreams right before dying.

Leave the actual main story alone. It was beautiful and tragic. And like others are saying, just have it focus on events between Insomnia and Altissia. Simple
Likes: Slaintimez
Feb 19, 2018
If they ever did a Nocts/Luna "date", I'd rather it be some sort of dream that takes place during Nocts sleep or something Luna dreams right before dying.

Leave the actual main story alone. It was beautiful and tragic. And like others are saying, just have it focus on events between Insomnia and Altissia. Simple
I actually disagree! I understand that part of the dramatic effect of Lunas death was that Noctis never quite got there. But I think the effect would be even better if they had had a perfect date and then shit went down.

It’s quite a common trope that if you’re watching a programme and everything is going right for someone then something very bad is about to happen to them. And it’s a trope because it works. Depending on how they handle it it could be even more effective than the way it’s done at the moment.
Likes: Unoder


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I actually disagree! I understand that part of the dramatic effect of Lunas death was that Noctis never quite got there. But I think the effect would be even better if they had had a perfect date and then shit went down.

It’s quite a common trope that if you’re watching a programme and everything is going right for someone then something very bad is about to happen to them. And it’s a trope because it works. Depending on how they handle it it could be even more effective than the way it’s done at the moment.

But I like that it's not a trope. It's absolutely awesome that a mainstream RPG didn't pull one of the biggest romantic tropes ever when they could've.

What we need more is why she actually loves him, why she chose this way of life, which they can do with updates, not a romantic date lol.

Ray Chase practically confirmed that Noctis and Luna will get a lot of emotional dialogue (who else could it be) with the DLC, which should satisfy anyone who was looking for a personal interaction between the the 2.

On that note, I really hope the DLC elaborates on what the afterlife actually is. Are Noct and Luna ruling over dead? Is it just a different plane of existance?
Feb 19, 2018
But I like that it's not a trope. It's absolutely awesome that a mainstream RPG didn't pull one of the biggest romantic tropes ever when they could've.

What we need more is why she actually loves him, why she chose this way of life, which they can do with updates, not a romantic date lol.

Ray Chase practically confirmed that Noctis and Luna will get a lot of emotional dialogue (who else could it be) with the DLC, which should satisfy anyone who was looking for a personal interaction between the the 2.

On that note, I really hope the DLC elaborates on what the afterlife actually is. Are Noct and Luna ruling over dead? Is it just a different plane of existance?
Yeah I suppose, but a trope a negative thing. It's literally a narrative tool, when it becomes a negative thing that's when it becomes a cliche.

But I see your point.

Contrary to you again, I'd actually hate to see the afterlife, as I like the ambiguity!

Separate point, I think one thing they could do to explain how Noctis survives Episode Ignis is change the ending so the rulers of Yore give him a choice as to whether to live or die, and he chooses to die to be with Luna. Obviously it would have to be explained a lot better than that (why would he choose Luna over the bros) but I'm sure they could do it. Not that I want them to, I think its perfect as is, but I wonder if that's something they're thinking about based on the latest interview.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Hi, i've been reading your posts since the last week.
Thanks for all the info you got, the translations and also not getting specific on the spoilers.
Now it's difficult not checking this place every couple of hours.

Could someone clarify if the dialogues mentioned for chapter 5 and 9 are cinematics (like the ones added in Chapter 12) or it's just coments with the bros like the last patch? Also i didn't get if this content is probably in the Royale Edition (GOTY) files or if those lines are outside, meaning maybe we will not get them the May 6.

Thanks for the attention and your passion.

About the date dlc: I think it should happen during the 10 years of sleep. With the Gods allowing him to meet his love, so they do reunite just by one day in exchange for his sacrifice.
Then Carbuncle creates the Chocomog Carnival and we have the same content but with Luna in our side.
After this beatiful day Noctis has to rest till he awakes so he can absorb the crystal power. Still unknowing he will reunite to her when he definetly dies.
I think this way we will have a good portion of fun, beatiful and tearjerking moments.
And also we will have the Carnival at our disposal : P
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
i can feel the game will have changed significantly when all the updates are done (quantity of content, pacing...), but i hope they don't ruin my perception of some points:

1. i don't want any interaction between luna and noctis before her death, that was what made their love a tragedy.
2. i imagine the Founder King as a dickhead that took opportunity of Ardyn's miserable condition to gain the approval of the populace, i hope they don't try to make him the "good guy" or something.
I'm fine with what they do with the Founder King, good guy or not, I would like to see from his perspective on Ardyn's misery, as long as they do it well.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Separate point, I think one thing they could do to explain how Noctis survives Episode Ignis is change the ending so the rulers of Yore give him a choice as to whether to live or die, and he chooses to die to be with Luna. Obviously it would have to be explained a lot better than that (why would he choose Luna over the bros) but I'm sure they could do it. Not that I want them to, I think its perfect as is, but I wonder if that's something they're thinking about based on the latest interview.
I think they will say in Episode Ardyn he's also a Flouret. Making Ravus a candidate of being Choosen King. Rediming himself and deserving the bless of the crystal. Allowing him to sacrifice himself instead of Noctis (which is something he would do).

This way the canon timeline doesn't feel a bad ending and will justify Ravus thinking he is the Chosen in Kingsglaive.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Hi, i've been reading your posts since the last week.
Thanks for all the info you got, the translations and also not getting specific on the spoilers.
Now it's difficult not checking this place every couple of hours.

Could someone clarify if the dialogues mentioned for chapter 5 and 9 are cinematics (like the ones added in Chapter 12) or it's just coments with the bros like the last patch? Also i didn't get if this content is probably in the Royale Edition (GOTY) files or if those lines are outside, meaning maybe we will not get them the May 6.

Thanks for the attention and your passion.
As Paperchamp has pointed out, they are tagged with GOTY/Royal Edition. OG has said this same thing, however OG has said that he's reading it mainly as being "level" and/or "environment" based with the party, though OG has also said that he's also got cutscene dialogue sorted out as well as earlier content.

So it could be an in-engine cutscene and/or event, or it could be a gameplay based event, but the bottom-line is he's said repeatedly he's not entirely certain beyond there's some sort of conversation events going on from what he's told me. Didn't see any references for textures or videos called, so I'm not sure what's going on beyond that.

He did, however state that there does seem to be more ad-lib chatter, but that some of it seems to match up with Pocket Edition content which has added to being uncertain as to whether or not particular additional dialogue will be in the game or not following this update.

One of the ones he showed the text for was funny to me, a couple of NPCs talking about both Luna and Ravus. Apparently they don't like Ravus' personality, but think he's hot.

He did say he was going to look again in the demo and the like as it is, so he can probably narrow things down in a couple of days, as apparently some of the other things he's noticed are not actually tagged as GOTY. Such as something caught his attention with Aranea, so I know he got sidetracked with looking for the Glauca references for me because of that too.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
What is this? Did you play the game and watched the Movie?
It’s a theory since Ardyn is
a Caelum, but he also displayed healing powers, something that was supposedly unique to the Nox Fleuret females.

It’s easy to think that Ardyn is both, but something doesn’t add up either...

Seeing as Ardyn’s brother was revealed only just 2 months ago, there may be more info about him we do not know yet.

It’s possible but not 100%.
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Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork