Ok, Here we go.

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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Hmm... we shall see. I've a good mind to bring up the idea of just not having Pokemon X/Y in the overall GOTY poll, to be honest. I think we reserve the right. Whether it's fair or not, though, hm.


UFFSite Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Rosebud, SD
So yeah, still alive. Hows it going, you lot?

Nearly on my christmas break, 3 hours of work to log on Monday and then I'm off till after after new years. I like this break thing, nice to have in a career job.
Well, if it isn't a rocket scientist. I'm doin' fine myself. Years later and I go from Art Student to paid Martial Arts instructor to bumming around South Dakota in exile working for the man. This coming summer I'm moving back down to Denver to teach Martial Arts again while attempting to punch up some scripts and other artistic endeavors I started with my art school chums years back.

But that's just me. How are you doing, Geoff?


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
Happy new year everyone.

I wasn't able to finish as many games as I had planned to over the holidays, but I still have a week before school starts. I'm trying to get a habit of waking up at 5:30 am... I have trouble even with 6 am, ugh, my bed is too warm and the room is too cold and my cat is too cuddly.


UFFSite Veteran
Sep 25, 2013
I've discovered a love of LEGO and Megablocks again...but this causes a problem.

I'm runnign otu of room int he study for the models...


Site Staff
Sep 26, 2013
Bleh, school starts again for me next week. It'll be interesting juggling that and my new job, with the different hours and whatnot. I think I'll be getting a lot less sleep this semester... xD But, at the same time, I'll probably have more time and energy overall for gaming (if that makes any sense), so that's a thing :)
First day of term.

I come back from five hours worth of back-to-back lectures and seminars and it was 4pm, and absolutely chucking it down with rain.

In the encroaching darkness I see around thirty guys lying face down on the main campus plaza ground. As I got closer, I noticed there were a few of these guys being made to get up, run across the plaza in the wind and rain, and do twenty pushups. Ordering them were three guys in costume. One had a suit, bow-tie and top hat; another in a yellow jumpsuit. The third was a guy in a trenchcoat and cane with facial makeup making him look like the Heath Ledger Joker. The three of them would then start yelling at the people lying down, telling them that they're "scum" and "don't deserve to be in this club". "YOU'RE NOBODY, DO YOU HEAR ME?"

Last thing I noticed, the guys either lying down or running & doing pushups were either wearing nothing but their underwear with shoes, or lingerie, or in stockings, or dressed as babies. One even had bondage gear on.

Whatever this really was, it sure beats regular detention in schools.
Likes: APZonerunner


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
First day of term.

I come back from five hours worth of back-to-back lectures and seminars and it was 4pm, and absolutely chucking it down with rain.

In the encroaching darkness I see around thirty guys lying face down on the main campus plaza ground. As I got closer, I noticed there were a few of these guys being made to get up, run across the plaza in the wind and rain, and do twenty pushups. Ordering them were three guys in costume. One had a suit, bow-tie and top hat; another in a yellow jumpsuit. The third was a guy in a trenchcoat and cane with facial makeup making him look like the Heath Ledger Joker. The three of them would then start yelling at the people lying down, telling them that they're "scum" and "don't deserve to be in this club". "YOU'RE NOBODY, DO YOU HEAR ME?"

Last thing I noticed, the guys either lying down or running & doing pushups were either wearing nothing but their underwear with shoes, or lingerie, or in stockings, or dressed as babies. One even had bondage gear on.

Whatever this really was, it sure beats regular detention in schools.
You must find out what this is about. MUST.
You must find out what this is about. MUST.
I think they were testing the mettle of the rugby society first year members.

Either that or the film and drama society leadership has totally gone off the rails! That might explain a little bit better why they have access to bondage gear and Joker makeup. In that case, I've missed an excellent S&M related play in the arts theatre last term then. =(
Likes: APZonerunner


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
UFFSite Veteran
Sep 28, 2013
I haven't been around in awhile, BUT....

Lots of stuff has changed since I was last here...

- I moved back to TN from TX to be with my current boyfriend back in like April '13

- He got out of the Army and decided to move back up to NYC, and for a lot of reasons, I have no choice but to go with him.

- 2 days before we were supposed to leave last month, my mom had a massive heart attack and passed away extremely unexpectedly (on the 11th), so naturally, I had to come back to TX to be with my dad.

- Then 2 weeks later, on the 23rd, my mom's older sister (and only sibling) lost her battle to cancer. It was expected. She was 71 and it was stage 4 lung cancer. She couldn't handle chemo, so they decided to just let it go and run it's course.

- I'm still in Texas with my dad so that he isn't alone. I'm the only 1 of my siblings willing and able to stay and be with him. He's looking into moving back to Tennessee to be close to my sister and daughter.. Hopefully he'll make a firm decision on what he wants soon 'cuz I need/want to be in NYC by like the 25th.. My birthday is on the 30th and I have friends from another FF site coming up for a weekend to celebrate with me.

So there's that! lol