If i had to list one of my biggest regrets of 2012, discovering the existinence of gamefaqs and neogaf as communities wouldn't be far off from the top at all imo.
With the former forum in particular, the very first active section i took part in after signing up in 2012 was the gamefaqs 3DS board.
Unfortunately, this was during the days where trolling the system & it's library was at an all-time high (although 2011 would probably take the cake overall given that the 3DS board during that year, despite my absence, was apparently so toxic it had to be temperarily shut down). Hell, there was even a 50 page flamebait topic over the 3DS' library, to the point where the topic creator himself insinuated that Kid Icarus Uprising was a remake/ port. No joke.
In a nutshell, i've certainly seen some shit. My gaming days prior to dedicated forums were a lot less hysterical lol.