If Square wanted to just dump this turkey and move on then these free cutscenes wouldn't exist, they would just leave it at the DLC and end it the fact that they are still pouring resources into FFXV is strange, then adding the alternate realities and your in for a WTF, also I never said that making a remake was unpredictable, it was the multi-part that was no one who wanted the remake wanted that. Also like I said for the 1 millionth time, I take any Versus XV rumors with salt, a lot of salt. I also don't want XVI just yet, leave that for the PlayStation 5, last thing I want is another Versus happening, that's if I even care about XVI in the first place. If it's an ATB then fuck that, if it's Action well if it's before Versus XV then fuck that uninterested, if it's after or announced at the same time? Oh ok well then umm, I'll get Versus XV and XVI(assuming it's not another XIII if it is then you know what they should make a Versus XVI, so that people would forget the original ever existed)
I acknowledged and adressed the multi-part stuff in my post, though. However surprised we were, it's not unpredictable when it makes a lot of sense considering what I said, to the point where there were very similar intentions placed for XV also (iirc) referred to in interviews after the big show. FF Versus XV doesn't make sense so soon, not when it's basically based on wet dreams regarding a vaporware project of people who I would argue would, in its majority, prefer to leave all this mess behind for good. It would also denote them being embarrased of their final product, as well as a "fuck you" to Tabata and a HUGE team of people and a "fuck your current projects and work on this shit instead" to Nomura.
Also, from a financial standpoint it can be genius: these parts won't be cheap (I'd bet they'd be in the 40-60$/€ range) and, if they're not a disaster, they will send like crazy considering the brand, the game and all of that.
That they're still pouring resources into XV is surprising why? They have a half-assed game, especially when it comes to the story department (and those additions, I tell you, aren't going to be gamechanging or that significant: they're there to fix holes that shouldn't have existed. It's not outlandish to think that Tabata is the one pushing for this, as he did with the delay). CDPR also spent a year tweaking, improving and adding content to the TW3, main difference being that they "only" had (beyond the free initial content they released week after week) two expansions, while XV will have a few of them, albeit much, much smaller (we've yet to see the online one, to be fair).
I want them to get on XVI as soon and as well prepared and planned as possible because I don't want to have to see Noctis' stupid hair anymore than necessary, as it's been ten years already and I'm kinda tired that this character and his world would be the main face of a series that has always been special in its innovation and changes through its sequels, unlike most JRPGs. Nobody is saying that they should make this mistake Nomura seems to partake way too often in (I'm sure he can't really fight these decisions, though) of announcing a game with just a team of under 10 people and a CG cinematic.
And I know that you take those rumours with a grain of salt, but, at the end of the day, you still believe that this unreasonable thing has a
big chance of happening, and so soon. I'm not entirely against the idea itself, but I would be very surprised if it ever happens and I could only see it happening 10 or more years down the line. And it would still be a long ass shot.
I wish that more things about Versus were known, though

. I'd love to hear about that game's initial plans and how things came to change under Nomura (and then Tabata). A documentary on this would be fucking gold, I tell you that much. Considering how delicate some of this stuff seems to be and how Japanese culture around stuff like this is, I doubt we'll ever get much on this.
EDIT: ever considered that you might feel jaded in regards to this series
precisely because of how tiring this whole Versus/XV thing is? I know I am (and also because I don't like X much, XII had tons of wasted potential and I disliked XIII and hated it being a trilogy. XV is a good game, but lacking and very dissapointing in many things).