Lightning Returns CE Petition UPDATE-Help bring the CE to the rest of the world!

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Maz loa

Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 2, 2013
Take the Steps to Challenge an Unjust Fate

Hello everyone.

As we all know Lightning Returns comes out in about 100 or so days for these territories (NA February 11, 2014, AU February 13, 2014, EU February 14, 2014). There has been no word of a CE, but like the l’cie of the XIII series, we can change our Fate.

Kitase mentioned in a recent interview that if we generate demand we could get something similar to the Lightning Box. So remember if you have followers that are interested in LR: Spread the Word! Have them sign, share, like, etc. Also, I got in touch with a mod at the Official SE forums. He told me "Keep wishing for a CE in the EU blog whenever something new about LR: FFXIII is posted. All feedback is forwarded directly to the JP division." So, aside from signing, send feedback for a CE on any news about LR on the official site(NA, UK , etc).

Like many of the modern FFs, the XIII series has its fans and haters. When spreading the word, don’t let any pessimism make you give in to hate. Focus on those that want to help. So never be rude.

This thread isn’t about discussing the story or Lightning’s character or the entire XIII series. This is about generating interest in something for those who want it. If anyone here is getting the game and has a Facebook or twitter with people interested as well: Spread the word. I don’t believe it’s too late to request at least a Limited production CE.

Below you’ll see the petition request and details. Like a development of a Final Fantasy game, all interested should contribute ideas or suggestions. What details am I missing?

Challenge an Unjust Fate! Demand SE for a Collector’s Edition for LR!


Clan Centurio Member
Oct 4, 2013
World B
I'll sign this, but not for myself, because there's no frickin' way I could afford a collector's edition unless GameStop changed the preorder bonus to a free upgrade.

Maz loa

Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 2, 2013
200+ Signatures!

Thank You to everyone that made this possible! Remember to let SE know you want a CE for LR by commenting on their blog or any LR news they post.

Feedback from there is sent to their JP division.

Maz loa

Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 2, 2013
We are near 300! But even more good news. The lovely KAGARI has told me that she is talking to SE on the issue and they want to know what type of promo items would fans want for the CE. So let them know and spread the word!


Clan Centurio Member
Oct 4, 2013
World B
We are near 300! But even more good news. The lovely KAGARI has told me that she is talking to SE on the issue and they want to know what type of promo items would fans want for the CE. So let them know and spread the word!
Sweeeet. Thank you, Kagari, if you ever see this! :p Though, really, I can't think of any one thing. I really like stuff that affects gameplay, so all the DLC garbs might work, but the soundtrack would be nice too, and having a Play Arts Kai to display would be fantastic. Maybe that exclusive LR DualShock or something... I don't know, too many possibilities! Let it be known I'm down for any of them! Heck, I'd also be pretty happy if they decided to give us some super special version of the Piggyback guide that's bound to be made.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
I'd just want a large hardcover artbook and full OST more than anything. Personally, I think all CEs mostly need are those two things. I'm not a fan of these figurines being put into CEs now because they drastically bump up the price, as seen with the Bravely Default one. Either do two CEs - one with a figurine and one without - or just do one without. They did multiple CEs for XIII-2, so why not LR?

That all said, I'm content with what we're getting in the UK - standard £40 price for LR plus a steelbook and Soldier 1st class DLC. I wanna save money so I'm content with no super special CE, but if one comes along and it's good enough then I'll see.

Good luck with the petition.
Likes: Sapientia


The Sunflower Knight
Site Staff
Sep 17, 2013
Bethany, Oklahoma
Personally, I think a CE should come with the Aerith equipment set as well as the Cloud set and whatever you get from your retailer for pre-order. The OST would be nice, but far more important for me is the artbook. It might also be a nice treat to include some sort of in-game unlock with the CE that allows someone who purchases it (but hasn't played XIII or XIII-2) to buy the XIII and XIII-2 equipment sets from one of the stores. Perhaps that wandering merchant guy, even.

Maz loa

Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 2, 2013
Hello, everyone. Sorry for not updating here sooner. On 11/11/13 we got to 400, now we are at 421. I believe not many are aware of our cause. I'm looking for suggestions on ways on spreading the word. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know here or my twitter.



The Sunflower Knight
Site Staff
Sep 17, 2013
Bethany, Oklahoma
Hmm, I think you need some more people to spread the word. Outside of your posts here, I haven't heard any buzz about what you're trying to do. I'll try linking people through tumblr and Facebook, and anywhere else I can since everyone I know has been pining for a collector's edition since Square Enix said they didn't plan one for NA.

Maz loa

Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 2, 2013
Hmm, I think you need some more people to spread the word. Outside of your posts here, I haven't heard any buzz about what you're trying to do. I'll try linking people through tumblr and Facebook, and anywhere else I can since everyone I know has been pining for a collector's edition since Square Enix said they didn't plan one for NA.
That would be great thank you.

Maz loa

Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 2, 2013
Hahaha. I've been told SE was aware of the cause,but I'm not sure how much it influenced them to do this,if it did.
Either way the victory is for all the fans that wanted it. I thank those that helped our cause.
But you know what, it isn't over yet. They haven't announced a CE for other territories like Europe, and maybe we can bug them to sell some in Gamestop. People pre ordered the game there already too and it isn't fair for them.
Likes: Azuardo

Maz loa

Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 2, 2013
I am going to keep the petition sites up to try and help our international fans.

Here is the post I made:

The Miracle

Hello Everyone.

Yesterday was a big day, SE announced a Collector’s Edition for Lightning Returns! I've been told SE was aware of the cause, but I'm not sure how much of it influenced them to do this, if it did.
Either way the victory is for all the fans that wanted it. I would like to once again thank everyone that has both helped and shown interest in our cause.

The Impossible became possible!

But, it isn't over. As we know, SE is making the CE available only in the US and on their store. Light has fans all over the world and we need to help our friends outside the US! We have to take this opportunity and let SE know to make the CE available outside the US and possibly using other retailers. Many have pre ordered LR at Gamestop already for example.

Below you’ll find links to where you can ask SE on what they can do for those that want the CE but will have either a difficult time getting it or just simply not be able to. Remember to not be rude and don’t respond to XIII haters while commenting.

If a fan is willing to pay for it, then they should not be denied!

So let’s begin our new task!’s-edition

“It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do.” Light