Ah, the "either" part may be in response to him reading when I said I was disappointed that the FFXHD LE for EU will not contain the OST that is in the US edition. I think the "either" comes from him knowing it's two disappointments in one for me, heh. You'd probably have to read my full post at the site for it to make a bit more sense.
On second thought, it could be the fact that the US is getting a "Limited Edition" for FFXHD, AND a "Collector's Edition." Since Europe is only getting what is being called the "Limited Edition," I believe it makes sense that he says "LR isn't getting a Collector's Edition in Europe either" because FFX technically isn't getting a CE in Europe too—just a LE. Hope that makes sense.
That's something to consider... Would you perhaps have any links to buy this from, as a UK person? I do have LR pre-ordered at the UK's GAME, which comes with a steelbook and Cloud's DLC. Amazon UK has three Samurai DLCs, but I'm content with what's in the GAME order. I doubt I'd spend the cost of importing to get the Samurai DLC, too, but I wouldn't mind having a look at it. Many thanks.