I cannot recall if it was Nova and DrBretto who warned against this becoming a game designed by committee.
That was me, and I agree with the rest of your post. I actually found the idea that they're looking into wasting resources letting people go off-road to be kind of alarming. There's listening to feedback, which is on the surface a good thing, but there's letting the fans build the game, and that's not good.
1) Everyone wants something different
2) Those different things are often directly contradictory to each other
3) In general, people are stupid. Especially people having emotional knee jerk reactions on the internet. Or to be more politically correct, given the anonymity and ease of the internet, people don't need to think it through before posting. They can just say whatever they think is true, and as long as a couple of follower fish latch onto it, it becomes a things. See: Trump, President. Because that's how that shit happens.
Just because people are bitching about something doesn't mean it's necessarily broken. It MIGHT be broken, sure. But it doesn't mean it is. Nor does it mean that the people complaining about it have any idea how to fix it. Listen to the fans enough to see what you need to take a look at, but take a look at it and really see if it's worth changing. Don't just toss them a few bones because it's not that hard to implement.
I take back anything I said to anyone who previously complained about Tabata's lack of confidence in his own vision and letting the fans vote on things. I saw it differently before because I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea that he was really asking if he should include moogles or not, but I'm starting to think that wasn't the public placation that I originally interpreted it as.
The game needs a backbone. Or 2 years from now it's going to be one great big jumbled mess of everyone's short-sighted wishes, that those same people will still bitch about.