@Jubileus I really don't see the need for driving off road( eventhough it would be very nice to have ) but I must say I saw a lot of reviews and rants about FFXV and some of the most common nit-pick that they have is the car, saying it a bad feature, limited the players and such.... and I think the dev team catched on and wanted to try on that.
I also want them to focus more on story, more cutscenes and stuff but they already said thats a mid-term goal so we'll see.
if there are anything, i really want to have a harder difficulty because as of now, the game is too easy to beat if you do sidequests a lot. also there's no penalty for spaming potion after potion, and thats no strategic at all !!! maybe they could have like a 30 second cool down between using items and i think that would enhance the gameplay experience a lot.
Also, MORE COSTUMES !!!! look at the tales of series or xenoblade for example : they have some silly costumes and even some swimsuits, which would be a GREAT and funny additions to the game without doing much work. Hell they can even strip down the 4 guys to their bare skin and I would be fine with it !!! ( im looking at you, daddiolus ). In shorts, MORE COSTUMES !!!!
one thing i want to ask tho, what is dragon mode ?