Anyone else frustrated with the subtitles?
I'm running the game with Japanese voices and English subtitles. Just a personal preference of mine and I'm not here to say one is better over the other.
Upon starting the game, I noticed some strange things where people were talking but no subtitles were shown. I had no idea what they were saying. I thought this was a glitch where the it just missed displaying a subtitle.
But after playing for an hour or two, I noticed this all across the game between some casual chats between the 4 heroes (but only sometimes, namely one at the beginning) as well NPCs I directly talk to by pressing X.
Voice conversations are just blatantly missing subtitles. Why? What happened to the localization of this game?
It's so frustrating walking up to a NPC who gives Hunts and pressing X to hear them talk, only for no subtitles and the player having no idea what they just said. What's even more frustrating is that this example NPC I've provided below does have subtitled voice conversations but with only some lines..? But these lines are like "How's it going boys?" so it's not like they picked significant lines to subtitle over the non-subbed lines! (and yet the NPCs you can't interact with still have translated lines...)
Videos of an example: