Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014


this is amazing

edit: really like the fact ray chase said noctis tries to be cool, one of the first information nomura revealed about noctis is that he's a shy person who tries to hide this by acting cool.
Another hint that Versus is still alive and kicking.
Likes: Storm
Jul 16, 2015
trailer was good, but... it didn't do much to convince me about the grandeur of the story.

almost all the scenes are just ppl talking and doing nothing major in random scenes, if you use Omnis Lacrima at least put a big action set piece. I want to feel the stakes are high, and I'm not getting that feeling from the trailers.

anyway, I watched the dengeki stream and the guy playing had a very hard time lol, also like the phoenix down animation.
It's not the big launch trailer. This is still showing mostly early segments from the game but


this is amazing

edit: really like the fact ray chase said noctis tries to be cool, one of the first information nomura revealed about noctis is that he's a shy person who tries to hide this by acting cool.
Where is this from?. This is available in game to equip on Noctis?.

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Once again NeoGaf strikes!
Although I have avoided watching the trailer, I've seen some same individuals who like nothing better than to shit on the game come back in full force with 'lolLunaisweakandfrail' comments.

Now I asked my mate here who doesn't mind watching the trailers what the cause of this is without spoiling anything. He goes well(and I'll spoiler tag it anyway even though I don't think it's really a spoiler)Luna
gets slapped in the trailer
. And this gave some fuel for those who like to say anything bad about the game to comment in sarcastic ways such as:
"Strong.Female.Lead". And this is from a moderator on neogaf no less. How they hell does such a person become a moderator? From what my friend told me he said that they love to take things out of context i.e they don't think about what state the character is in during that scenarios. Are they weakened or in good fighting condition? Who is
the one delivering the hit
? Is it a low key npc or a character with formidable power?
I just shake my head at these proxy wars of Nomura vs. Tabata. I don't think any other industry would have large segments of the fan base pitting two senior executives in the same multinational corporation against each other. "The KH 2.8 box art is putting that hack Tabata ON BLAST!" "Aqua(?) is a REAL strong female character", etc.

Maybe these guys should publish a Nomura Beat magazine. In the October 2016 edition:
- Nomura's favorite Disney rides!
- Nomura's daily schedule - how you too can exist on very little sleep
- Nomura's pre-tax and post-tax payroll deductions!
- EXCLUSIVE! Nomura's financial planner reveals his strategy for vesting RSUs!

Now, I admire the hell out of Nomura myself, though KH isn't my cup of tea. But circumstances dictated that Tabata take over the rebooted Versus project, and that's what we're getting. I'll judge it on its own merits. The TGS trailer was strangely edited, but compelling. More importantly, the game's visuals are drastically improved and it still looks insanely fun to play.
Aug 13, 2016
Interesting read, especially his comments on Episode Duscae and peoples initial reaction to Prompto. I found it difficult to get a grasp of any of the characters after playing episode duscae, so i've really appreciated the Brotherhood anime. "Dogged Runner" was the best episode for me, developing Prompto in a surprising way with his inner determination. I've also liked how they've developed Noctis over the course of the series, who manages to be relatable with his shyness, but is also brave (ultimately gaining Gladio's respect).

Ofuji mentioned about wanting fans to watch the anime to better understand the relationships between the characters and i think it's achieved that and should give us a better idea how they will interact in the main game.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Well, it worked. After playing ED, I hated Prompto. After watching the Anime, he may have become my favorite.

I haven't seen the last couple of episodes yet. Or rather, I "saw" Galdio's ep while I was working with the sound off. That's where I left off. I'll watch them all together after episode 5 comes out.


Clan Centurio Member
Jun 13, 2016
Well, it worked. After playing ED, I hated Prompto. After watching the Anime, he may have become my favorite.

I haven't seen the last couple of episodes yet. Or rather, I "saw" Galdio's ep while I was working with the sound off. That's where I left off. I'll watch them all together after episode 5 comes out.
The Gamescom footage sold me on him.

"I the brink of death" immediately swayed me.
Likes: LeonBlade


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
The Gamescom footage sold me on him.

"I the brink of death" immediately swayed me.
All of his antics and whatever just seemed annoying to me at first, but seeing the kind of person he is, and the kind of determination he has, I dunno, his antics went from annoying to charming. I really like him.
Likes: LeonBlade


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
So i just watched a portion of the Dengeki footage stream, and i have to say....

The player was fucking AWFUL.

Like, worse than Matt bad. Dropped out from the vid after a few minutes.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
So i just watched a portion of the Dengeki footage stream, and i have to say....

The player was fucking AWFUL.

Like, worse than Matt bad. Dropped out from the vid after a few minutes.
Yeah. He was really, really bad. Way worse than Mat, IMO. Mat didn't do anything fancy, but he at least dodged on time and shit (don't believe me? go back and watch it. He dodged more often than I think people remember). Didn't put on the best show, but he was no where near as bad as whatever monkey they let play that other demo.

Was good to see the ED control setup in action, though! I'm going to need that. I spent too much time in that demo and I can't get used to something totally different.
Likes: Nova