The Generic FF News Thread

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Mar 29, 2016
That was, indeed, a terrible decision and I hope you've learned your lesson :p

Google Fi 4 life
I have definitely learnt my lesson! I'm waiting for my contract to end before I get a new phone. Don't think that's until the end of this year or early next year, though.
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Mar 29, 2016
Former here. Great MMO. Since HW, the class of MMO's today. But, I quit because I just can't MMO anymore.

Edit: Though, my character was hot, if I do say so myself! lol
FFXIV is my first MMO. I recently resubbed after months of not playing (I'm way behind - pre Heavensward) and even though I do like it, I just don't feel I have enough time to put in to it.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
You can always return later.
Oh, I can. And I probably will every once in a while jsut to catch up on the story. I'm about to lose my house due to inactivity, though. And this will be my second house lost to that.

I just can't bring myself to do the MMO thing anymore, though. I played EQ, WoW, FFXIV and a handful of F2Play MMOs and I just can't do it anymore.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Oh, I can. And I probably will every once in a while jsut to catch up on the story. I'm about to lose my house due to inactivity, though. And this will be my second house lost to that.

I just can't bring myself to do the MMO thing anymore, though. I played EQ, WoW, FFXIV and a handful of F2Play MMOs and I just can't do it anymore.
They put that house reclaim shit on the back burner for so many things, it was supposed to be 3.35 (patch that dropped on Tuesday) but then nope, now it's 3.4 and it's been like this because of the tsunami's in Japan that happened months ago...

Anyways, I love XIV, and I even love XI even though I picked it up only a few years ago and haven't played much of it. Final Fantasy games are just awesome to me, I started playing XIV back in beta phase 3 for ARR and have played close to every since day since.

Sorry to hear you can't play it anymore. Miqo'te is the master race (except the male Miqo'te with arthritis sorry Erren). My character is in my signature.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
I mean, I CAN play. I can play quite well. It's just that MMOs want you to be monogamous and this Playa can't be tied down, lol.

I have some incredibly fond memories from WoW and FFXIV. The former mostly in PvP - I was very, very in tune with this. Three primaries and I played them all very well in every role they could perform. My rogue was a Kung Fu master (actually reminds me more of the fighting style from Sherlock Holmes). My warlock would make you dance. My dk couldnt be touched. My friends and family and I that all played together still recant stories every time we get together.

I started as a tank for ffxiv after primarily tanking any PvE stuff in WoW, but I got sick of the anxiety of leading dungeons I hadn't even been in, so I abandoned it for the bard. I have that class down to an extension of me. I spent a decent amount of time making her look hot, too, lol. I get more commendations than I did when I was a tank, lol. Im wearing like 15million gil in that link and it's worth every penny, lol.

I love the game. I just can't play the same game every day. And if I take a day off, I always feel like I'm wasting my dailies. My friends keep playing and get ahead of me, then I feel pressure to catch up, so instead of kicking back and enjoying the game, I'm always grinding something to catch up. That and I have a hard time picking it up if I don't have like 8 solid hours to do something constructive with it.

Just too much time. Ive always had a wandering mind. Playing a video game I don't feel like playing at the moment feels like a chore for me. I'll pick it up for a week or two from time to time, but it gets me the same way eventually every time.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Man, WoFF looks so...well 'Final Fantasy' like xD
It full of the charm the older games have. It's really wonderful and warms me' heart :3

Those screeshots almost got me more exited for the game than XV :O
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