KINGSGLAIVE: FINAL FANTASY XV news & discussion thread

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Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Hmm, well it's interesting it's there, but I'll stay away from everything but the most unavoidable and Wikipedian of plot summaries until I actually get the film in September. Besides, I've learned from long and interesting experiences not to trust the greater majority of "spoiler" posts from online forums (no offence intended to Mognet).


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Early user reviews are popping up.

Average score: 4.5 out of 5 out of 34 reviews.

Keep the sample size and the situation in mind. Take it with a grain of salt, but it's being pretty well received so far.

You're all already talking about this in the other thread, aren't you, lol.
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Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Early user reviews are popping up.

Average score: 4.5 out of 5 out of 34 reviews.

Keep the sample size and the situation in mind. Take it with a grain of salt, but it's being pretty well received so far.

You're all already talking about this in the other thread, aren't you, lol.
4.5/5 is really good, looking forward to the movie, no spoilers for me.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Yeah, I'm just staying cautious, lol. I am high on this project (the whole suite), and I can come off like a fanboyism because of it, but if you had any idea how conscious I remain about making sure I don't let emotions get the better of me throughout the process... I'll let my head be in the clouds, but my feet are always on the ground.

So, no early celebrating for me! I'll be the one guy out there that will admit it. I DO have a vested interest in this thing. I have run my goddamn mouth for a long time, lol. I have made some bold ass claims. There are plenty of people who would actively LOVE to see this game fail just to spite me, lol. I wish none of them harm, but I gotta admit, its gonna feel good when I'm right. :p

Anyway, yes, 4.5, if it holds up on a wider audience, is absolutely spectacular. My only concern is whether or not these people were all like big fans to begin with and that's why they got to see it first, or if they were neutral. I have laser-guided bullshit sensors but the only sources I have are Googley Translated. I have no power here. But jt's just too small of a sample size to call anything anyway.

Very encouraging, though.


Apr 11, 2015
As someone who's read quite a few spoilers, I have to say Kingsglaive sounds awesome and like nothing I'd been expecting.

In the words of Cid, "what went down in the crown city wasn't some attack out of nowhere!"


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
As someone who's read quite a few spoilers, I have to say Kingsglaive sounds awesome and like nothing I'd been expecting.

In the words of Cid, "what went down in the crown city wasn't some attack out of nowhere!"
Soooo, Kingsglaive confirmed to be the best videogames movie :woot:?


Apr 11, 2015
Soooo, Kingsglaive confirmed to be the best videogames movie :woot:?
I've watched Pokemon, Inuyasha, Yu-gi-oh (well, those are anime, but you know), Advent Children, Resident Evil, haven't seen the Persona movies, but from what I've read, Kingsglaive definitely sounds to be a coherent film that will respect its audience. As another recent interview said, SE/Nozue weren't out to make a "game cinematic"; they were out to make a movie. And they did it.


Apr 11, 2015
But the real question is, does the movie appeal to newcomers of the franchise? Is Kingsglaive able to entertain viewers outside of the FF/RPG/Gaming community while at the same time, provide enough context to understand the fore-coming events in the game and its universe?

As for me, if Kingsglaive doesn't have or doesn't extensively use the typical anime tropes (I'd be entertained with or without) seen in most shounen animes have (fillers, over dramatic monologues), it should have quite the appeal to a majority, and that's not including the CG visuals which is a huge plus.
Based on what I've read, some of the lingo might be a little hard to follow for those who haven't kept up with FF or even FFXV, but plot-wise it's pretty easy to understand what happens.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Based on what I've read, some of the lingo might be a little hard to follow for those who haven't kept up with FF or even FFXV, but plot-wise it's pretty easy to understand what happens.
If I had to make guess:

What might not be easy to understand for those who haven´t kept up in some form: In-Universe little/not so little details about background and characters.
What will be understandable for anyone:The main conflict/plot of the movie.


Apr 11, 2015
If I had to make guess:

What might not be easy to understand for those who haven´t kept up in some form: In-Universe little/not so little details about background and characters.
What will be understandable for anyone:The main conflict/plot of the movie.
Yup. For what it's worth, even some Japanese moviegoers had a difficult time remembering all of the characters' names. lol


Apr 11, 2015
Since none of them have japanese names, no doubt they couldn´t remember them.
They have a pretty good time with remembering names in other FFs, so that might not be the entire problem. There're probably just too many foreign-named characters in such a short span of time. lol
Likes: Lulcielid


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
I've actually seen the full interview from which that info was taken, and it's interesting to say the least. Gives insight into the movie's creation, and how they were able to include elements that just wouldn't fit into the game within the planned time.

EDIT: Hold on, a source from the Uncovered event says it began in 2013. I'd be extremely surprised if they could turn out something like that in just one year.

Extra-EDIT: Here's the source.