XIII failed to meet my expectations, and I wasn't even all that hyped. A lot of people are saying it's a good game, but a bad FF. It's not even a good game, in my opinion. Actually, I'd hesitate to even call it a game. It's more like a poor movie.
There's lots of things wrong with XIII and, I hate to be your Average Joe, but the gameplay was the main problem. It wasn't even so much that it was linear, but that it was corridor. There excuse that they were trying to tell a story, or that western fans don't understand it is bull, you can tell a story and still have areas that aren't corridors. The only areas in the game that were somewhat interesting were Oerba and the Crystalized place. They were both fairly linear, yet they were intresting enough to even make me stop and take in the atmosphere in Oerba. Those are both examples of linear areas that are interesting but don't have to be a corridor. The areas in the game should have been like that for 90% of the areas you were in. I didn't even like Gran Pulse. It was just one giant boring green plain, although the giant enemies were cool. The sidequests were mind-numbingly repetitive, too.
Other aspects of the gameplay were also poorly done. The crystarium allowed absolutely no customization what so ever. You just hold down A and watch the fancy colours. And it does the worst thing a leveling up system could do - limit your character growth, basically limiting you to what the games wants you to do. And then when I thought the crystarium was getting better when it made it so that all roles were open to all characters, I realized that it made no difference, I'm just needlessly putting points into wasted space, there was no need to have several people with the same role. One sentinel was enough to defend all of your characters, with two healers. That was it. I suppose if you wanted to very quickly and unecessarily apply all the buffs/debuffs, it would come in handy. The crystarium rarely ever branched off, and when it did, it was like for two HP buffs or something, it's not a hard decision, most people just got eveything. It's not like in other games where you have to choose between two power-ups or anything. There should just be an "apply all" button so I don't have to sit there holding down the button.
Don't get me started on the Weapon upgrade system. I think it's universally accepted as the worst thing ever, though, right?
My next major problem with the game is the characters. Snow, hands down, is by far the worst character in the history of anything, and manages to add another 20% to the XIII hate meter. He's annoyingly cocky, I can't take him seriously, he's just annoying and should go away. I hate to...hate something for a rather circular reason, but Hope
is whiny. Why should I care that his mother died? She, and Hope, had no development whatsoever. The incident that made him all whiny happened at the start of the game and his whinyness lasted near the whole of the game. Fang and Sazh were the only bearable characters. I didn't mind Vannile, at least she had plot relevence and some intresting backstory.
The battle system. I would actually like to praise the battle system for the "Paradigm Shift" feature, which was actually pretty intresting. I enjoyed trying out different combinations of paradigms. However, this was the only thing the battles had going for them. It was just auto-battle after that. A lot of XIII fans say, oh, you could just, like,
not use auto-battle. Well, it's there for a reason and that reason is to cover up the fact that going into your abilities is absolutely pointless now because the abilities have been half-chosen
for you. If you're in Sabetour then there's no point in manually going into abilities because you're only going to get sabetour abilities and the structure of the battles is flawed and allows you to cast multiple magics at once, meaning that there is absolutlely no viable reason to manually go into abilities and select a specific one. Truthfully, there are a few smalls things like casting Haste first so that the rest of the magics are cast quicker, but all in all, very little depth. And also, blitz is the most retarded move ever. If I manually go into abilities (I tried this method because fans kept harping on about it) and select Blitz, by the time the bar's went up the enemies moved, because eveything jumping about in this weird flashy pseudo battle thing. And if it's going to be pseudo-action, at least make an ability to dodge/block/move your character out of the way of obvious attacks.
The story has a nice setting, history, and character background, but the majority of the scenes is senseless. Literelly 90% is just wondering where they should go, with poor attempts at making the characters have intresting conversations. How about instead of pointless conversations, the writers actually explain some of the important lore, backstory, and properly explain stuff like the mythology, the Falcie, etc?
All in all, the game was very streamlined with little control. The graphics and cinematography were undeniably perfect though. Music was decent. Just decent.