The chances of Final Fantasy XV being at TGS 2014???

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Final Fantasy XV at TGS 2014?

  • It's totally going to be there!

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • I am undecided if it will be shown there.

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • It won't be shown there...

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • CAN't yU SEE ThIsS GAme won'T eVer RELEASE!!!

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
I can't help it guys. I want to believe....
I know, me too. Though my optimism is slowly draining and my patience is leaving. I was so sure things were going to change when the game was re-titled as Final Fantasy XV. I could've sworn that was said, that we'd hear more from now on. But everything hasn't changed. It's been like a year with no "major" news...
Sep 26, 2013
I know, me too. Though my optimism is slowly draining and my patience is leaving. I was so sure things were going to change when the game was re-titled as Final Fantasy XV. I could've sworn that was said, that we'd hear more from now on. But everything hasn't changed. It's been like a year with no "major" news...
The hiatus was suppose to be over but nope.

That E313 showing was all about helping Sony promote the PS4 and not being left out of the next gen party. When you think about it. They showed that not because they wanted to but because they had to or else they would just look so god damn bad.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
I hope it's there, but I think instead of being "100% sure" about it, simply be optimistic and prepare for the worse case scenario. That way, you won't feel as disappointed if you're wrong.

It's just best to try and ignore everything until the time comes, unless you get direct quotes from SE saying clear-cut things like "FFXV will be at TGS 2014." Until then, be cautious and wait.

That's my advice, anyway. Feel free to be 100% sure it'll appear and bet your avatar away if you like, lol.
To add to what Azuardo said, not only about TGS, even if they REALLY released some info, you know there will likely be no real release date, there will be a few more shows, then there will still be delays of the game: all of these are typical Square-Enix as well.

I'd like to believe since other than FFXIV, SE doesn't have much going on, therefore the chance that FFXV has a showing, if anything, is higher. And that's all the optimism I will have about TGS. At the meantime, I am actually going to continue enjoying the CURRENT FF game: FFXIV:ARR.

FFXV is still too far for me to get excited about.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
I'd like to believe because they'd have such a small showing and I hope Hashimoto's correction of the whole E3 thing was pointing to it being at TGS since I doubt he'd cite events "after E32014" if they were too far away like next year.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I'm undecided, but I'm going to stick my neck out and predict it'll have some presence, even if a lackluster one. People need to remember they're going to start talking about a 14 expansion, though, and so focus may be on that.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
I'm undecided, but I'm going to stick my neck out and predict it'll have some presence, even if a lackluster one. People need to remember they're going to start talking about a 14 expansion, though, and so focus may be on that.
As a loyalist of XIV, I can't be more excited if that's the news as well! GO METEOR SURVIVORS!!!
Jul 29, 2014
I hope Hashimoto's correction of the whole E3 thing was pointing to it being at TGS since I doubt he'd cite events "after E32014" if they were too far away like next year.
Very valid point, there. Would seem pointless to make such a statement if there weren't any prior arrangements to show the game in some capacity... or Jump Festa, perhaps.

I forget, was there any sort of obscure showings of FFVX in recent Jump Festa conventions, or something?
Sep 26, 2013
What's up with you? Since when are you so optimistic? Do you know something? Or is it that I'm too pessimistic for my on good? Will I stop asking questions? Who knows?
Calm down, take a deep breath and breathe! :)

I think you should be excited for this one. But you need to stop asking yourself all these questions or you'll go crazy! :eek:
Sep 26, 2013
Miyamoto interview has nothing to do with it. TGS closing in fast has nothing to do with it either. I do not get excited for TGS. I have not been excited for it in a very long time. The last good TGS for me personally was when they showed The Last Guardian. That game saved the event cause it wasn't really that good either.

TGS 2014 however is shaping up to being a good one.

It's just time to talk about FFXV. Lots to show and talk about.

KHIII I'm guessing is a bit too early. Nothing to really show and talk about. So if it doesn't show up, that's most likely why.

Something I don't think people realize is that September in general is going to be a good month for gamers. Everyone should be excited! :D
I'm going to throw my hat into the ring.

I think it will have a presence, but they will deliberately show little of it, while lending most focus to the following games:

- Final Fantasy Explorers
- Kingdom Hearts II.5 HD
- Final Fantasy XIV (namely future expansion plans/patch 2.4)

For the record, I'm still as apathetic towards this year's TGS as I have been for the last few years. I think I'll just employ that tried-and-tested strategy of expecting nothing and half-forgetting that the event is even happening, and just let myself be naturally surprised at any significant news on the days. It worked with Gamescom.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Maybe the game will be present but in a minor way. I still don't think it's going to show up, and if it does show up; they are not going to show much.
Well... The game has been in development for a while. We're eight years in so something has got to blow out don't you think? ;)
The same argument could've been made for E3, don't you think?


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
FF14 expansion announcement is definitely coming before the end of the year, and the timeline that makes sense to me is to announce it at TGS, and then trickle information over the next month, and then have an information blow-out and really sell it at the fanfests in November. So there is that, like I say.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
Well, at least there's a turn around in the mood/expectations regarding it. So that bodes well.

It doesn't have to be there in a big way. Just being there with new footage is enough. They have other events to show it at after this, anyway.