The chances of Final Fantasy XV being at TGS 2014???

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Final Fantasy XV at TGS 2014?

  • It's totally going to be there!

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • I am undecided if it will be shown there.

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • It won't be shown there...

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • CAN't yU SEE ThIsS GAme won'T eVer RELEASE!!!

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
lol'd so hard at this

it's not even remotely possible. My most optimistic scenario is winter 2015 an even I don't really believe it.

PS If it's true and there is a playable demo at TGS, I swear I'll change my avatar to a dickbutt for a month
Screenshot done. This is too good to let go. Enjoy your avatar bet, because I will remind you of it if there is a demo at TGS.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
Never trust rumors. Look at the Japanese region and their history with "rumors" it never works out. Not just exclusive to Square Enix.

If their was a planned demo, we would have seen a lot more of this game beforehand.

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
I just posted the quote from the source. google Final Fantasy XV. its the first thing that pops up lol. thats why i said its a rumor lol though makes some what sense when Shinji himself noted the next showcasing would be very satisfying and what better way to make people happy than showing the actual game with real hands on gameplay. the guy who directed luminous studio also left, which is an indication the engine is either complete or almost complete. and Nomura said once it is he will drop the game into real time on it. so square enix must have waited until there was enough real gameplay to show and not just the original PC version. i will bet TGS2014 will be in game footage if they development is going smoothly. however, dont trust rumors for XV because 99% never made sense. i only noted the demo part because a demo sounds reasonable for pure satisfaction. also to better promote what consumers will end up buying.

note: FFXV had the most amount of information dumping sessions at japanese housed events or JRPG fanatic places. less at western places like E3. TGS is on the list for the top brasses of SE.
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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
This is gonna be E3 all over again. Don't set yourselves up for disappointment, people. Expect nothing and you may come away happy.

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
Or nowhere near complete. Really. We don't know, we can just speculate.
he went to work on another new game. his friend on facebook even said good luck
.he often leaves when the engine is almost complete like the sonic engine. the actual game on PS4 hardware hasnt been show because they havent ported it yet (or so Square Enix is telling us). but if a ps4 demo does happen then, which sounds reasonable, then i was right about shinji really wanting to sastasify consumers. another high end incomplete PC trailer is something Square Enix is trying to avoid. 2,011 was 100% real time but that wasn't 8th gen. will TGS will be 100% real time? a showcasing of what we will really end up buying. If Nomura said XV's development is going way ahead then they have enough to show. and a demo is more than enough! I WILL BET YOU WE WILL SEE A PS4 CONTROLLER IN SOMEONE'S HAND PLAYING XV. i dont believe the rumor but i believe in those making XV who said somewhere in 2014 there will be a big showcase for the game. demo = the biggest. rumor talked about a demo, so its something that made me think can be reasonable.

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
This is gonna be E3 all over again. Don't set yourselves up for disappointment, people. Expect nothing and you may come away happy.
except Square Enix didnt say XV is coming to E3. Someone mistranslated SH. Nomura said last year he saw coming to anime expo or TGS but wasnt in the position to say 100 true% also XV has the most amount of information released at japanese or JRPG fanatic events. it has the least leaked at western events. No one at SE said when the next appearance will be, only after E3 because E3 was not a good time. SE teased TGS. 2014 TGS is big on PS4. when i do the math XV is gonna appear! I WILL BET YOU ALL MONEY


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
he went to work on another new game. his friend on facebook even said good luck .he often leaves when the engine is almost complete like the sonic engine. the actual game on PS4 hardware hasnt been show because they havent ported it yet (or so Square Enix is telling us). but if a ps4 demo does happen then, which sounds reasonable, then i was right about shinji really wanting to sastasify consumers. another high end incomplete PC trailer is something Square Enix is trying to avoid. 2,011 was 100% real time but that wasn't 8th gen. will TGS will be 100% real time? a showcasing of what we will really end up buying. If Nomura said XV's development is going way ahead then they have enough to show. and a demo is more than enough! I WILL BET YOU WE WILL SEE A PS4 CONTROLLER IN SOMEONE'S HAND PLAYING XV. i dont believe the rumor but i believe in those making XV who said somewhere in 2014 there will be a big showcase for the game. demo = the biggest. rumor talked about a demo, so its something that made me think can be reasonable.
How do you know that's the case with this engine?
except Square Enix didnt say XV is coming to E3. Someone mistranslated SH. Nomura said last year he saw coming to anime expo or TGS but wasnt in the position to say 100 true% also XV has the most amount of information released at japanese or JRPG fanatic events. it has the least leaked at western events. No one at SE said when the next appearance will be, only after E3 because E3 was not a good time. SE teased TGS. 2014 TGS is big on PS4. when i do the math XV is gonna appear! I WILL BET YOU ALL MONEY
Well we can't bet money, but you sure can bet your avatar. Wanna bet?


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
except Square Enix didnt say XV is coming to E3. Someone mistranslated SH. Nomura said last year he saw coming to anime expo or TGS but wasnt in the position to say 100 true% also XV has the most amount of information released at japanese or JRPG fanatic events. it has the least leaked at western events. No one at SE said when the next appearance will be, only after E3 because E3 was not a good time. SE teased TGS. 2014 TGS is big on PS4. when i do the math XV is gonna appear! I WILL BET YOU ALL MONEY
They also haven't said it's coming to TGS, either.

I'm not saying it's wrong for you to try and put some quotes together and try to come to the correct conclusion, but if we've learned ANYTHING from SE over the years, it's to NOT get your hopes up. I sincerely hope you're right in FFXV being at TGS, but I think it's a bad idea to put all of your eggs into one basket like this and say things like you can guarantee it. What happens if it doesn't appear? How disappointed will you be? How disappointed will others be that you've tried to convince?

I hope it's there, but I think instead of being "100% sure" about it, simply be optimistic and prepare for the worse case scenario. That way, you won't feel as disappointed if you're wrong.

It's just best to try and ignore everything until the time comes, unless you get direct quotes from SE saying clear-cut things like "FFXV will be at TGS 2014." Until then, be cautious and wait.

That's my advice, anyway. Feel free to be 100% sure it'll appear and bet your avatar away if you like, lol.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
They also haven't said it's coming to TGS, either.

I'm not saying it's wrong for you to try and put some quotes together and try to come to the correct conclusion, but if we've learned ANYTHING from SE over the years, it's to NOT get your hopes up. I sincerely hope you're right in FFXV being at TGS, but I think it's a bad idea to put all of your eggs into one basket like this and say things like you can guarantee it. What happens if it doesn't appear? How disappointed will you be? How disappointed will others be that you've tried to convince?

I hope it's there, but I think instead of being "100% sure" about it, simply be optimistic and prepare for the worse case scenario. That way, you won't feel as disappointed if you're wrong.

It's just best to try and ignore everything until the time comes, unless you get direct quotes from SE saying clear-cut things like "FFXV will be at TGS 2014." Until then, be cautious and wait.

That's my advice, anyway. Feel free to be 100% sure it'll appear and bet your avatar away if you like, lol.
Look at the bright side, meltdowns are always fun to watch. I know because I had a few ones back when I didn't know better.
Sep 26, 2013
A lot of the quotes you put together King Bimpy don't really tell us anything and aren't connected to each other. You're digging too deep into things.

And I made an error. Yoshihisa Hashimoto's CTO position remains vacant. On-going projects had to be filled immediately.
Likes: King Bimpy
Jul 29, 2014
This is gonna be E3 all over again. Don't set yourselves up for disappointment, people. Expect nothing and you may come away happy.
Most prudent advice everyone should adhere to.

And BTW, Square's also been notorious for backing out of promised disclosure of information & showings for this game & others in the past. So be forewarned.