Impulse purchase.
I picked up the entire Mass Effect trilogy for an amazing £16 from PSN (Shill Mode On: BUY THIS NOW), and I might actually go ahead and replay the first 2 games (and actually finally get round to playing Mass Effect 3, controversial ending or not).
Just started with the first Mass Effect, and the first thing you notice after loving the PC version, are the lengthy loading times, coupled with a button-bashing decryption minigame that seems oddly punishing to me. I'm not sure if I have some sort of input lag, or whether my TV picture is slightly slow, but the need to constantly reload and sit through a lengthy loading screen just to have another crack at the button-bashing is irritating.
But I'm not letting that get in the way of how much I love Mass Effect 1 and 2, and after stomping around the galaxy as an angry, Renegade FemShep last time, Paragon will be my calling this time round, despite my natural affinity for being an arsehole in video games that offer choices. Totally going to court Liara this time round.
I may return to FFXIV briefly when their special anniversary event kicks in.