I know exactly what you're doing, but it makes no sense, "this year is different", as apposed to what... last year? If anything, saying that this year is different would mean a no show... which is exactly what happened. Why do you actively pretend last E3 never happened?
I get the whole point is to make fun of people, because that's what you enjoy doing on here, but really that doesn't even make sense. No one said "this year is different", although people were expecting it at E3, and they did say thing closely to the rest of your mocking comment, the first bit makes no sense to me.
You have to keep in mind how people are viewing these events, Square Enix actually showed a lot more than I think most people expected them to, I'm sure if they knew what sort of releases and their plans for future information they wouldn't have assumed the game to be at E3 in some form, I know that I wouldn't have.