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1997 start business since from a 1 square shop. 2005 we have my own factory .2008 we have my own shop in intermational trade market . 2010 have three shore in intermational trade market .now we have 3 stores& 800 square entrance. Doorway.bathroom.benroom exhibitionCustomized Poly
Your One-Stop-Shop. Abery Mold & Plastic Co,Ltd, founded in 2008, is a full service custom injection molding facility providing quality injection molding & in-house precision mold making at a competitive price. Our highly trained staff, using state of the art technolog
It's this utterly ridiculous idea that someone who is not "beholden" speaks nothing but the truth; also journalists "all have an agenda and can't be trusted". This fuels trust into these YT types, even if they spout utter bollocks.
Likes: Nova
omg the final boss in DD! what a huge spectacle

i need DD2 in my life, the gameplay and the world is the highlight here but i liked everything really, even the jankiness in some aspects is charming; story is interesting but its simple and not the focus, even then there's many missables and possible routes in some quests.

really recommended game, now to do the post-game.
The GOAT character creator. DLC is great too. I wish the art direction was a bit less cliche though.

ironically that was one of the factors that made me uninterested when it came out, but it didnt bother me, i think after playing so many sci-fi/modern fantasy games i was eager for something more classic and traditional in that sense.
got my first platinum trophy ever with GoW, for once every single content is enjoyable in a game and didnt bore me, also it didnt require a second run.
cleared GoW, its a classic.

definitely second best game i played this generation.
Whats the first?

that's still Bloodborne (i have to admit GoW is too damn close)
Likes: Nova