I honestly don't think JRPGs this past gen lowered the quality, in fact, they got better. The thing is that in the PS1/PS2 days the genre was pretty much the king when it came to consoles and most people with a machine played Final Fantasy and other japanese games. This last gen was one that brought the casual crowd that for better or worse, likes and buys a shit ton of cellphone apps and military shooters.
Seriously, a generation that saw things like Xenoblade, The Last Story, Ni no Kuni, Bravely Default, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia and yes, even Final Fantasy XIII (which I do like) is hardly a poor generation for JRPGs. Some of the "smaller" ones like Atelier, Ys, Mario & Luigi and many others saw some pretty great titles as well.
Seriously, a generation that saw things like Xenoblade, The Last Story, Ni no Kuni, Bravely Default, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia and yes, even Final Fantasy XIII (which I do like) is hardly a poor generation for JRPGs. Some of the "smaller" ones like Atelier, Ys, Mario & Luigi and many others saw some pretty great titles as well.
Prince Naphtali