I finished the main story of Dragon Quest XI, and I enjoyed it and the game, I beat it around 72 hours and 44 minutes on my game-clock. and I enjoyed the story, and exploring, and grinding, as well as the main cast, I had tears in my eyes in certain moments in the story, and that enriched it for me in the long run. I did take a peek at the post-game, and without saying any spoilers, I feel torn about it, so I might not play it, but just watch the post-game on YouTube. Post-game is what I usually do in most games I play, but this one is something that makes me feel uncertain, so I might just continue on exploring and other things, but every time I beat a main story of a game, I consider that the finale, any other time I play it, it'll just to explore, and grind, but it's still one of the best games I've played this year, and my favorite Dragon Quest game all in all. Who knows, I might do the post-game when I reach level 99 to breeze through it.