The truth about FFXVersus XIII

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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Assuming you're real then I'm guessing this
LUPUS NOX FLEURET. (What a casuality no one of the fake leakers named him...)
And this
they fused part of him with other member of the Empire. Then Ravus was born.
I'm assuming has you talking about this character.
Who is seen as someone as part of the Empire in a high position, but was never seen again after 2014, and you're saying they mixed his character with "Lupus", which resulted in Ravus?

Roberto Ferrari's storyboard from May 2013 has Ravus with his hood here, same as Ravus has on in the June 2013 E3 trailer.
However Roberto Ferrari's May 2013 storyboard also has Ravus without his hood as he appears in the final game.
And Mihura who designed Ravus prior to leaving the Versus team in 2012 before it became XV, also designed him without the hood on.
That "wolf" symbol on his arm had been first seen in 2013's trailer, so I wonder if you're really an accurate source if you're not just making up another name based on some attribute he had and using a Latin name for it? I'm skeptical to say the least, there's been like a billion different Versus "leaks".

I mean, that "wolf" symbol was not present on his final Magitek Arm design in the game.

However there is still concept art even well after Luna replaced Stella where Ravus still had that wolf symbol on his Magitek Arm.
And it even still appears on his arm in the Pocket Edition of the game which just came out a few weeks ago.
"LUPUS" seems a bit on the nose too, I've seen people trying to guess his name as "Lupus" since then too., there was this one guy who went by "NurBoy" or "NurBoyXV" who always had a Ravus avatar or kept doing Ravus artwork but would call him Lupus or Albus Lupus years before we ever learned his name was Ravus.

Though I will admit I've had my suspisions ever since we never saw that blonde haired man again after 2014 that they rolled his character and Ravus into one, which is why Ravus became the High Commander of the Niflheim Empire in the final game.

8. Kingsglaive. And when I name Kingsglaive I refer not just the royal glaives but the film itself. Some of you may know that the royal glaives was an idea from Tabata, but what you dont know is the HATE Nomuras team have because they DO NOT understand why they first wasted so, much resources in making the film, BUT why they did not put Noctis as the main character instead of creating Nyx to replace him. They did not understand several decisions they made when they were making FFXV.
I can't really make much sense of what you're getting at here, but Kingsglaive came into existence when they decided that in the timespan they had to make the game that realizing the full invasion the way they wanted to in the game would go way over the time they had allotted for the games dev period once they moved to Luminous and started ramping up development, which resulted in why they had rewrites so Noctis was outside of the Citadel when it was invaded and why they created a character like Nyx, and why they changed the lore from FNC to Cosmogony and why Stella was replaced with Luna.

Stuff like time travel and a dream world where it's not really real sounds like some convoluted nonsense, as far as what Umbra could do in Versus all that has ever been revealed was that he had the ability to turn into a human form which Roberto Ferrari said was like Ninja sort of like the kingsglaive, and Datamine from XV suggests there was a "Ninja village" in the game. Again assuming you're real I hope you're not just extrapolating from the "revisit your memories through Umbra" thing in the game which is more of a game mechanic to do stuff you havn't finished yet, not actual time travel or an actual story element.

As for the ring, in 2010 Nomura specified that Noctis doesn't wear any jewelry or accesories except for a Ring which he'll wear on his right hand, so assuming the ring came from Etro then sure it's possible this is the case.

As for your claim of Ravus originally being "Chosen" too, in the games canon, Ravus believes he is worthy of being the Chosen which is why he puts on the ring of the Lucii on in the first place, much like your claim about "time travel through Umbra", I hope you aren't just extrapolating something we know about Ravus already and trying to make stuff up about "what he originally was" just to garner attention. You also semi contradict yourself, you say Noctis never sees Stella again after the party because she dies, but then you say he interacts with her through his dreams the rest of the game?

It's a little suspect that you post this only days after that Edge interview was posted where Tabata said that 90% of his team did not want to merge with Tetsuya Nomura's team because of the bad reputation Versus had.

Sure it could be real, convoluted stories and nonsense is Nomura's forte which anyone who has played KH can attest to, however you say Tabata wanted to simplify the story, yet in 2013 Nomura stated that the story itself is simple.

And this
The saga was going to have three games and the original idea was finishing it in 2020-2021.
Seems really a big stretch, especially since we have direct confirmation from Roberto Ferrari who stated in 2016 that it was planned to release in 2014 originally, and while in June 2013 Nomura stated they planned on continuing the story and they have many stories to tell, but in July 2013 Nomura stated that they have no sequels planned for the game and nothing was decided yet. And the 2016 date for XV was then set in stone when Tabata took over as Director in December 2013, which is the same time SE restructured the company to form the Business Divisions.

And of course as we know the delay from September 2016 to November 2016 was decided only in August 2016.

You also say that they "premeditely calculated to fool" people, yet ever since Tabata's first interview in 2014 when it was publicly revealed he had taken over as main director, Tabata was very upfront about FFXV not being the same game as Versus XIII even if it was using elements from it where he was upfront about things that had changed, whereas it was only Nomura in 2013 who ever said that Versus XIII and XV are the same story (which isn't true just by looking at the May 2013 storybords by Roberto Ferrari, Stella suddenly being childhood friends with Noctis in the 2013 trailer and by Roberto Ferrari stating it was undergoing changes every 3 months and nothing was set in stone regarding the story).
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

ーーSo that means there will be a sequel like FFXIII-2!?
I cannot say any specifics yet, but regarding the message at the end of the trailer, it's saying that this will be a piece of a grand epic. In order to maintain the quality and retain the volume that allows you to experience a FF title, this means becomes essential. We are thinking about delivering a fun experience no matter what shape it will be, so please look forward to a followup.
either way...

"I know for a fact this is imaginary."

would be nice if the leaker could provide more evidence.
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014


Jan 7, 2017
Well, as i thought, it spread across all web. What a coincedence with EDGE interview. And how many new ppl appeared on this forum with all kind of 'true' information. Sigh...It was a mistake, mods :(


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Could Lupus have any related things with these?
It's possible that OP just saw that when it was posted the other day and and is trying to make up his leak based on various small details like that to look more credible, you know I'd be more inclined to believe OP if he posted his "leak" much earlier than things got confirmed to be real. As it is now, OP doesn't have much credible things to go off on or is really saying anything that anyone who has been following the games development and datamine stuff couldn't just make up themselves.

Could Ravus's name originally have been Lupus? Sure? Iris was confirmed by Ferrari as not being Iris's original name, maybe if OP can correctly leak that he'd gain more credibility?


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Where do those come from?
OG from Reddit that posted the trophies, other things that Storm and I have been talking to in the other FFXV topic.

The guy dug some stuff out of the Benchmark apparently and showed Storm. Either of us could ask him where he found it exactly for verification, as he's been willing to point out things when asked.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
While it's entirely believable that Etro was originally intended to be the source of the ring, it seems rather odd that Squenix would have taken exception to the idea of a deity linked to death and human sacrifice when FFXV is still all about death and human sacrifice, and the Lucii in their present form are entities whose roles revolve around death and human sacrifice.

...not that Squenix is a stranger to bizarre means of ensuring their desired rating (*glares in the general direction of KHII*), but still. =P
To be fair, as it stands XV doesn't outright say that the people of Lucis worshipped a deity of death. Ancestor worship and spirit communication, yes all nice and acceptable. Death worship? Not really. They did say they did have that in Versus XIII, but needed to tone it down due to potential issues with game rating criteria.

And before anyone says it, XIII may have had a goddess of death playing a key role, but she isn't actively worshipped as she appears to have been in Versus XIII. In fact, no deity was specifically worshipped in the XIII or Type-0 universes.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016

it does seem like a shinigami "blessing" an important figure.
You know, that reaper figure reminds me of the reaper statue holding the painting of Etro during the 2011 trailer. But given this, I'd say all that juicy datamined stuff from the PC Benchmark is just leftover assets from the game's early form. Strange really. You'd think they'd have scrubbed them out.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
To be fair, as it stands XV doesn't outright say that the people of Lucis worshipped a deity of death. Ancestor worship and spirit communication, yes all nice and acceptable. Death worship? Not really. They did say they did have that in Versus XIII, but needed to tone it down due to potential issues with game rating criteria.

And before anyone says it, XIII may have had a goddess of death playing a key role, but she isn't actively worshipped as she appears to have been in Versus XIII. In fact, no deity was specifically worshipped in the XIII or Type-0 universes.
hmm, Bhunivelze and Etro were actually heavily worshipped in LRXIII.

the children of etro believed in the balance of death and life, since during LRXIII the world entered in a state in which death by aging and reincarnation were impossible (in a way you could say it was death worship, especially for the extremists).
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Likes: SonOfEtro

Takeshi Sendo

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Ufff its so hard all of that. I will try to do my best.

I understand and fully aware about the situation so much. I know how sensitive are people about that and because of that I did my best for doing that in the most legal way.
Im the one that hate everything about leaks, leakers, etc. I made a promise, Im not going to dissapear like those guys and will be here as much as you guys want me to be here.
Im no criticazing Tabata, although I share some bad decisions he made and the company DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW, in fact at the end I say he did such a good job having in count their time and budget.
The spark was when I read about Lupus in that data I knew I had to say it all, it was like a signal to me.
About if Im just making puzzle right now because of certain things, again, I do understand your lack of confidence, I know perfectly the consequences of my act and of course that was on the paper.
I HAVE BEEN KEEPING THIS INFORMATION FOR MORE THAN A YEAR, LeonBlade can tell you that if you want to get more calm.
And the guy that says Im contradicting myself about Stella, when I say they never see again I mean PHYSICALLY. They never got contact in front of each other since that famous party scene.
Thats not a fan fiction, thats the only real leak you will have until today and even I showed the mod some clear things you will be acting like that, but I understand and respect that kind of opinion.
Thats not your fault, but the fakers that spread bull shit and create that lack of confidence, Im nothing special, Im just an user like you that really wanted to find some answers for myself and got so much luck.

And please, PLEASE, dont judge my credibility based on my poor knowledge of English. I will be here as a normal user with you, if you want to talk to me or something I'll be there just like someone else.
Cheers and again THANKS!


Red Wings Commander
Oct 28, 2017
@Takeshi Sendo , is there anything you can share in terms of any significant gameplay changes and alterations since Versus XIII /early XV builds? I've always been more on the gameplay side of things and was saddened by the team removing some gameplay features and assets during development (still am tbh). I know it's beating a dead horse at this point, but I wonder if there's any information on that aspect as well
Likes: Takeshi Sendo

Takeshi Sendo

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Absolutely nothing my friend, I wish I could help you with that but all I know is story related. Absolutely nothing about gameplay wise, so sorry.
In the main post you have every single thing I know.
Likes: SerjAngelo


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
hmm, Bhunivelze and Etro were actually heavily worshipped in LRXIII.

the children of etro believed in the balance of death and life, since during LRXIII the world entered in a state in which death by aging and reincarnation were impossible (in a way you could say it was death worship, especially for the extremists).
I was thinking of pre-sequel stuff. Plus, the death worship doesn't extend to real-world death-related iconography (reapers).
Likes: Storm