The truth about FFXVersus XIII

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Takeshi Sendo

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
I have a lot of pressure right now, there a three reasons Im doing that (a part of me does not feel right).

1. Im TIRED of people making bull shit, companies hiding things they did wrong and people that just no question anything or in oppose because of that they do not believe anything even if that its true.
2. I have this information keep it so long ago and when I hear from SE saying that Versus XIII/FFXV Nomura was something that never finished or Tabata saying it was just an unfinished concept something inside of me is burning.
3. Because of the destiny I came here and read about some data that was the spark, the signal that I have to release all I know.

Lets start, I will try to be as fast as possible, and a big part of that you could say Im talking for Nomuras team.

First, the versus you always dreamed (me included) was just our perception of that teasers and concepts they were releasing. The reality is that the versus XIII you wanted is what you get BUT what they compiled in one game, then they had to cut so much things to reestructure everything to get it in one game. The main core and tone for the story was ALWAYS THE SAME. Blame that teasers for what we created, the game was always meant to be a journey with his friends for recovering the crystal. The nights getting longer, the darkness itself, daemons and experiments WERE ALWAYS THE CORE OF THE STORY IN VERSUS XIII.

The saga was going to have three games and the original idea was finishing it in 2020-2021.

Please FORGET about that FF Versus XV or wathever, ITS TOTALLY FAKE.

The changes, there were so much things they had to cut, reconvert and even FUSE to try to maintain as much things as they could.

1. Etro was changed not by Tabatas team, that was a company decision because since it was a numbered title they did not want to preserve an entity (she barely appeared in the story until the very end) that was related to the death and the sacrifice of people. The ring was originally from Etro.
Thats why they created the old kings to substitute her, or I should say "created" since they did existing but had other role, they simply assumed the Etros role because of the company.

2. Stella, she was just the plot device for Noctis and other character (that will upset you) to fulfill their destiny. She dies early in the story and like Luna THEY NEVER EVER seeing again each other after the party. Luna in fact respected LOT OF STELLA, MORE THAN YOU THINK. The thing is when she dies, I was not told how, is when it comes into the story the next change or in this case OMISSION.

3. The world of dreams. Thats a part of the narrative where Noctis could talk with certain characters such as Regis and Stella through his dreams, the point of that was Noctis to question himself about what was real or a dream while they were supporting him. He was able to talk dead people while he was sleeping and Stella was a constant until the end. Was he dreaming all the time? What is really real? That was part of the versus magic that got lost and was SO important for Nomura. Tabata wanted to simplify the story to its limits.
Remove almost completely because they considering it so convoluting and non sense since they wanted a non complicated linear story.

4. LUPUS NOX FLEURET. (What a casuality no one of the fake leakers named him...) he was originally the Stella's brother and he was THE OTHER CHOSEN ONE. But due to this reestructure, I personally hate what they did but at the same time I understand, he had to be severely downgraded and they fused part of him with other member of the Empire. Then Ravus was born.
One of the plot twist that the game would have is that supposedly all the crystals were dead but in the last act you get to know Lupus had been used the ring to get the (his) crystals power before it got dead. And yes, Ardyn fucked every single crystal, and yes, in the final battle Noctis and Lupus fight together against Ardyn using their rings.
Nomuras team are so upset by that decission particularly, Lupus is/was one of the favourite Nomuras character. Ravus is everything Lupus was based on character, design, personality, goals and all except he is not a chosen one and he was treated like shit.
* I suppose there was at least two more chosen but I was not told about them and I just want to say what is 1000% official.

5. Ardyn. A character that was respected was Ardyn at least a great porcentage, he was not only Lucis Caelum but Fleuret too. Because of the obvious reestructure of Tabatas FFXV with just one chosen they had to make what they did. He was the first chosen and he just wanted to kill every single crystal.

6. The gods. Originally summons like Leviathan, Titan or simply the ones you see in FFXV NONE OF THEM were gods, the real gods were the ones inside the crystals. What you see in FFXV were just force of nature if you want, the Empire was obssesed with their power and they were trying to chasing to get its powers. Again, because of the reestructure they had to make them gods I suposse to give them a real importance and a coherence for the story.

7. Travels in time. That was just other thing they ommited but at the same time hinted, a part of the story in versus XIII was travelling in time to try to change events that happens, that was possible because of Umbra. It was an important part, the point of that was Noctis not accepting all the tragedies he was living but at the end he realises that what destiny wants to happen it will no matter what you try to change.
Again due to the reestructure, versus had certain things that were aso little bit convoluted like the world of dreams and that time travels, Tabata did not like anything of that as he wanted a direct no complicated story.

8. Kingsglaive. And when I name Kingsglaive I refer not just the royal glaives but the film itself. Some of you may know that the royal glaives was an idea from Tabata, but what you dont know is the HATE Nomuras team have because they DO NOT understand why they first wasted so, much resources in making the film, BUT why they did not put Noctis as the main character instead of creating Nyx to replace him. They did not understand several decisions they made when they were making FFXV.

Thats ALL I know and I hope you guys appreciate and let it go. My conclusion is one, maybe there are people that prefer what Tabata did or maybe you guys prefer Nomuras vision, the real point for me its not about being better or worse, its about RESPECTING the original idea.
You can say he partially did, but things that were so important for Nomura were thrown and Tabata did a good job, maybe respecting more things that you imagine but he eliminated little details that were that details that give magic to a title like this.

In the company the Nomuras team can not see Tabatas and viceversa, the company are trying to hide that and the official concepts for FFXV 2013 you saw last year were premeditely calculated to fool people to think that there were barely any difference with Tabatas vision.

I think thats all, thank you so much everyone and A MILLION of thanks to LeonBlade for trusting in me.
Good night everyone, feels so good right now.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Wow, my body was not ready.

a few considerations:
Leonblade confirmed his source is most likely legitimate
This leak match the OfLucii leak
from what we know, Versus XIII/early XV had many rewrites, so this might be why Umbra ninja was not mentioned, i dont know.

what a day, thanks for sharing.

(thats why the insignia was a wolf)


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Just re-read it again.

So the core concepts were kept in FFXV, but some things had to be cut to fit the story into one game.

Yeah I can see that happening.

I will agree with Nomura's team on point 8 though. Kingsglaive movie was pointless and a huge waste of resources. Noctis should have been in the movie at least, not some throw away character(s).

Also, they kinda did treat Ravus like crap in the game. He badly needed more screentime.

Also, I'm not surprised that the two teams had conflicting ideas and didn't like one another. A huge shift in direction happened after all.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Wow, my body was not ready.

a few considerations:
Leonblade confirmed his source is most likely legitimate
This leak match the OfLucii leak
from what we know, Versus XIII/early XV had many rewrites, so this might be why Umbra ninja was not mentioned, i dont know.

what a day, thanks for sharing.

(thats why the insignia was a wolf)
I still don't trust the leak, but it sounds interesting to say the least, it's better than the other Versus leaks, even though I still take it with a bucket of salt.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Jubileus I understand your position entirely, if you can not trust me you can do it from a mod.

Thats the truth and the time will tell.
Now yes, I have to go to sleep, THANK YOU everyone!
It's always interesting whenever leaks or whatnot are concerned regarding this game. It was fun to read at least.

Not sure what you mean by time will tell, since they're not going to be showing this stuff off ever. It will always be hidden.

Regardless, thanks for taking the time to write this up.

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Going on the assumption this is legitimate, it confirms what SE has been telling us for 3 years. BD2 took as much of Versus they could in the time they had to develop this game. And somehow I don't think they consciously decided to take the bad parts.

Frankly, had Versus been any good, Occam's Razor would dictate that -- they would have released Versus.

And Lupus Nox Fleuret? Seriously? LUPUS? Hell, why not Erythematosus Nox Fleuret then.

Kingsglaive was a bit silly, I'll concede. But there's no way the invasion could have been in the game.

I will say that the whole "Nomura's Team" and "Tabata's Team" doesn't pass the smell test. First of all, isn't a good number of BD2 assisting with FFVIIR? Regardless, I run large development teams. There is absolutely no way my upper management would put up with this sort of dysfunction. It's highly unprofessional.


Keyblade Master
Oct 28, 2013
Interesting if true. I'm happy a lot of fat was trimmed. Time Travel is always a terrible plot device. I cannot honestly say I've seen it done right in many instances. Certainly not in JRPGs. I agree about film and Ravus, however. Noctis could've used a rival of sorts. However cliched that might've been. That said, this Lupis does sound like a copypaste of Riku and emphasizes Nomura's laziness in his storytelling as well IMO. The film was massive misstep. I still view as a honest giant waste of money at the end of the day. I wouldn't be surprised if the only reason if was made was to appeal to those yearning for the Versus XIII CGI scenes. Square-Enix must've known that was the game's biggest draw from the beginning. I'm still not buying the infighting between teams/directors. That's not how corporate cultures work. The Nomura vs Tabata debate is just the toxic fanbase projecting their own feelings onto the creators.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
The Nomura vs Tabata debate is just the toxic fanbase projecting their own feelings onto the creators.
its not like they look at each other with an angry face everytime they cross paths, i don't think its too unnatural to imagine a few disagreements.

in a recent interview, tabata was very open about how his team didn't want to join nomura's project because of bad reputation.