The light of Versus XIII's expiring soul

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Jun 7, 2014
At a recent fan event Square has revealed previously unseen FFXV/vsXIII storyboards from 2013 depicting some unused scenes and designs. I figured it would be useful to have a thread dedicated to discussing these and any future juicy details that get spilled on FFXV's early development stages.

Thread rules:
1. No versus XV shitposting
2. No fanboyism, please.

Here are the artworks:

Plenty of interesting stuff here!
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
So Ravus apparently would have only had his hood on during the start of the game judging by these storyboards.

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Would you mind elaborating a bit more on this, please?
The short answer is I'm on my phone and had to board my flight (before they pulled us off due to weather) so I didn't complete my post.

Some scenes look familiar. The boys are around a campfire. Cindy's depicted in two scenes. There's Titan, and some rocky place that could be around the Disc of Cauthess. (And is that Dino?)

As for concepts that didn't make it - there are a few scenes about events from the Leviathan fight. I see a few places that could be Insomnia. There's Ravus in a few scenes - one with Stella and Gentiana. There's a picture of Stella in front of a mirror - she and Gentiana shopping? There's one of Stella at the optometrist too.

The sense I get is that there were plans to incorporate these concepts into the game (these were from 2013, right?) But in the 3 years, they had they simply didn't have time and had to make some tough calls.
Likes: SonOfEtro


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
You know... if they made an anime or manga using that artstyle, I wouldn't mind.

This is just pure speculation, but from the look of those concepts the only thing that changed massively was the interactions between Noctis and Ravus. Stella and Noctis were still separated, and Ravus still seems to have been a high-ranking Niflheim officer keeping his sister under wraps who dropped the ball when Leviathan appeared. He just clashed with Noctis more often.

Also, those outfits for Stella.... Hmm. Sort of glad she didn't make it in now. Just can't see her in much aside from the all-white gown or that incredible black-and-white placeholder from 2008. Also really miss when she was a fighter, but that's dead and gone. No use crying over it. Nice artwork, regardless of what happened.
Likes: Storm


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jul 3, 2017
Yeah as unrealistic and illogical as the Ultimate Spider-Man comics existing look if multiple different comics can exist over the same character, I don't think it's exactly impossible to make a Versus manga or comic.
They're already doing a XV comic, there's no reason on making another comic or a manga for a game that doesn't even exist.
Jun 7, 2014
I'd actually be all for a Versus manga adaptation, especially if it had this artstyle. Of course not now, when FFXV is still fresh and hot with the updates, but in a few years? Sure, why not?


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
I'd just like to point out that these storyboards are not for Versus XIII, they're for FFXV as of May 2013.

Ferrari made a post on his Facebook saying he did a 130 image storyboard presentation for FFXV in May 2013, one of the images he posted is used in these storyboard images and they are all very clearly drawn by Ferrari.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
I'd just like to point out that these storyboards are not for Versus XIII, they're for FFXV as of May 2013.

Ferrari made a post on his Facebook saying he did a 130 image storyboard presentation for FFXV in May 2013, one of the images he posted is used in these storyboard images and they are all very clearly drawn by Ferrari.
But when did Versus turn to XV? And even if this was XV it could have been the name that changed and not the story. Like it was called XV but still had the versus story.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
But when did Versus turn to XV? And even if this was XV it could have been the name that changed and not the story. Like it was called XV but still had the versus story.
Versus became XV in July 2012. And also no because these 2013 FFXV storyboards show Stella is Noctis's childhood friend, while in Versus Nomura specifically stated that Noctis and Stella meet for the first time at the party, which is when they're already adults. That is already a story change that is a big dynamic shift between who Stella was in Versus to who she is presented as in XV in these storyboards.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

if you look closely, you can see that some elements of Umbra's design got carried to Nyx, like the fur and the tiny ornaments on the hair (a tribal look reminiscent to Galhad).

according to Roberto Ferrari, the Kingsglave is based on the ninja squad of the original game.
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Likes: SonOfEtro