Alleo I want to start off by saying that I am not trying to pick a fight, I'm just a little curious. You say that the old games don't need remakes, yet you claim that you've never played any game before XIII. So, have you even considered playing them? If not, would a remake change your mind, or would you still wait for something "new".
Hm I´m not sure. I don´t buy games just because their are from a specific company so I probably don´t count as a Square Enix fan. I bought XIII not because it was Final Fantasy but because I bought a PS3 last summer and needed games to play with it

I still would have bought the game even if it was not from Final Fantasy because the story interested me from the start. So one can say that I´m not going to really wait for something new from SE. XV looks great but I´m not sure if I will ever play it since I´m not planning to buy a PS4 soon. (I know that this may not have much to do with your question, just wanted to give some background information)
Even though I don´t really wait for it I still have the belief that companies (not only SE) should go onward and not but their hopes into only releasing old games. If they can do both without suffering a reduction in quality then they can do what they want. But thats exactly why I do find it strange that they did not do big remakes till now if it´s that easy. As a fan of XIII I do visit sites about Final Fantasy (that´s how I found my way here

) but I try to stay in topics about that game. But even there you get the feeling that people would like a VII remake so why even after so many years did they not do that? Maybe you have a idea? It just baffles me that they are so uncertain about it and for me there must be reasons why. I can only see that maybe it would really cost them more than we can imagine or maybe that they are kinda afraid to touch the game because you could do something wrong. Because why would they not do it if they have the resources, time and money?

(And a big demand for it)
Would I buy a remade? I say that depends. But probably not. I could play them right now and even if graphic is a important point in a game for me I still would play old games if they interest me enough. But right know they don´t so I can´t see why they really should catch my interest if they are remade. (This does not mean that its a 100% No never, but the chance is not really high) And at least for me, having a beloved game remade does not mean that I will buy that remake.

I loved Zelda as a kid. Could not stop playing it and was really sad to let that game go because I wanted the PS2. They did a 3DS remake but I won´t buy it. It´s like Leonart said, it´s the same story and since I have enough other new games that I don´t know, I won´t buy it. I may be pretty alone with that mindset but I just prefer new games to remakes.
About your other post:
Hm I think that it may not cost that much if you only do a remake for a handheld. And if they do one for the older ones then this is all they need to do. But for VII and games after that I can´t just see them as remakes for a handheld. Maybe I´m wrong with that but I really think that if they do one for VII then it will be on a console. And since they are not planned for the moment I don´t think that they would be out on PS2/PS3. Likely they would remake it for a PS4. (It´s only how I see it

maybe I´m totally wrong) And if they do a remake on the PS4 then it´s more than just changing some little things. The world has to be completely rebuild, the characters too. Now they even have to take mimic and other things into consideration. (Since they are barely there at all). They may not need the planning step like a new game does but they still have to go through the creation process. And if they do it for the PS4 then I´m quite sure that they also have to use a great graphic. A lower quality may be alright for the old fans that know the old games (because it would be a great change) but what about the other gamers? Would they accept lower graphic? I mean for them it would be like buying a complete new game and I read a lot of comments on different games where people complain about low graphic.
And look how long they need to do a remaster of a recent game. I mean they did change some little things in X/X-2 but the main point was to enhance the graphic and yet it took some time. I imagine that it could take the same time like a new game to remake something like VII.
But why would people need a remake if the game is classic enough? They are still able to play their beloved game and if they still love it then why do they need a remake? Is it only for a better graphic? But why need one if you can still enjoy it without that? One of the reason for a remake (for me) is to gather new fans but do you need that if you have new games that does the same? I mean if XV is really successful and gather gamers that may not normally play JRPG then why would they need a remake?
Is it really that simple to implement two really different battle systems? I mean they would be fundamentally different. You kinda need to create two games into one because battles are important and often. I just can´t see how this would be cost effective for the company. I mean the one system would be out of the world into a battle stage where you then fight the monsters in turn based battles. The other would be real world (action) battles where you don´t change to such a stage (like the XV battle style, since I can´t see how they would go to older systems after releasing this game but who knows maybe I´m wrong about that

) That´s not something that you can easily change at least while programming or they would use that with every game they release to gather both sides.
Got ninja'ed by Azuardo XD that happens when you need so much time to type a post

but nice to see that I´m not the only one that see some things that way.