Question: Are you upset that there is a car in FFXV?

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Are you upset about cars in FFXV?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 25 96.2%

  • Total voters

King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
XV is fantasy based on reality. This theme is still here and was always here since 2008. Nomura was bringing what made classic FFs great into the modern world.
  • "Magical Realism, in which Fantasy elements intermingle with the realism of a contemporary novel."
  • Urban Fantasy takes place in a major city in a fantastic world.
This simply means there are objects that look similar to ones in real life like the way Lucis is, which is molded after Shinkuku in size and scale. Then the cars are almost the same as the police ones but the material for these objects are fictional. The tool booth in TGS 2013 trailer is another example. This all makes the game familiar yet has a suspension of disbelief. It's more in style of how Advent Children/7 was but embraces more Magical Realism and Urban Fantasy. There's less fantastical races and more humanism. All of this is good when nothing is out of place. When making a setting you want everything to fit coherently. Bringing in wizards and long eared nature intuned inputs defeats the theme Nomura created: "The game's going to be more human than the science-fiction caricature... and will focus around current world events - in that sense it's darker." There is a stronger connection to relate to XV's visuals and conflicts as a result because it's not as over the top, wacky far out from previous installments. The monsters should be byproduct of nature than some God or freak science experiment making them. Those rhinos running on the grass plain match up with gawking in awe over buffaloes. When exploring you really get a sense of DAMN this world is alive! When in a desert it must feel like a desert. When in a snow land it must feel like a snow land. When in a safari it must feel like a safari. When moving around characters do feel lifelike based on the trailers. I get a photorealistic vibe like National Geographic. This all relates to retaining the human aspect, reason characters speak naturally as you move around instead of cutscenes only. Think Final Fantasy meets Nier's organic story telling and atmosphere. Red Dead Redemption is another great example. XV is a game relying on your emotions.

note: FFXV is not the first to have cars. However, it is one of the first to put HUGE emphasis on transposition and immersion in the environment.

Yes this is a huge turn in direction for the franchise.
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King Bimpy

Clan Centurio Member
Jul 11, 2014
It's not the car that makes people upset but rather the overall look of the game. At first glance, without seeing the monsters and such, it's hard to tell if it is an FF game. However, that could be said the same for past FF games before it came out. Give Square time to show off more of the game and prove that XV truly is a Final Fantasy game.

Trying something new based on the concept is a good change considering all FF games are unique in their own themes and settings. It ain't a bad change.
They just got to show off a little bit more plus the gameplay. To me, I need to see some more exploration within the game rather than driving along the road. I want to know what happens when you go off the road; will there be something hidden or a secret area?

I need to know how will their Treasure Chests will look like in XV. In XIII, they had those spherical-floating-metal containers and XII had all types of containers. Collecting items is one of the key elements for progression and I do love finding them.
The overworld is large, so yes you can explore. The demo has dungeons that if you want you can explore, which is why Taba said it would take an hour to complete if you just go straight ahead without stopping. It's no different from the first few FFs except larger.


Red Wings Commander
Sep 26, 2013
Ottawa, On
Ya, this game seems the most FF to me since FF X, sooooooo... Ya I don't get the backlash, I thought people wanted more stuff like this after the hallway of FF XIII.
Sep 26, 2013
Well, we did know for a long time now ( 8 years) that this game is a "Fantasy based on reality". and still everyone one was looking forward to it like it was the next biggest hit for Final Fantasy. It's only now that they see the "realism" (which we knew about for the longest time) that now they are up in arms about it.
They’re not just seeing the realism. They’re also seeing more of the game in general.

I noticed with any game is that, the closer it gets to releasing, the more people bash it.
I noticed that some fans can’t seem to handle criticism very well when it comes to their beloved IP. I also notice that some fans just don’t seem to know how to ignore some of the more ridiculous things that are said out there either. They seem to take it a bit too personally.

As Myrodis has stated, This is a Modern Fantasy setting. It's ( in my opinion) no less "Final Fantasy" then with FFVII with Power Plants/Cars/Motorcycles. FFVII can relate to FFXV in alot of ways. And everyone loved FFVII. I just don't get why a game like FFVII is considered a FF game when FFXV is bringing FF like things to the table:

1) Returning Monsters ( Goblins/Adamantoises /Behemoth etc)
2) Returning Summons ( Leviathan and more)
3) Breathtaking world and atmosphere
4) Final Fantasy like Music
5) Chocobos ( which is confirmed because they said they are trying to get them for the demo)
6) Airships
7) Crystals
Understand that it’s not just simply a matter of having all those things in the game but how they all work together in unison. When it comes to the identity of a Final Fantasy game, it never revolves around just one thing either. I’ve noticed that some people are just focusing on one thing when it’s more complex then that. We’re talking about a shit ton of things here and how they all work together.

No I don't want FF to end. Yes it may just be a simple name, but it's a name that whenever I hear it, I can't help but to be excited for it. People hate change, and people hate "Repetitious" things as well. You can never please everyone, FF fan or no, or any game in general.
It’s not about hating change. It’s about the Final Fantasy name getting in the game designer's way of making smart game design choices that fit the vision they have.
Likes: Wazi the pa


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 27, 2013
LOL, on gamefaqs people also say, ( FFVII/FFVIII weren't good games because of that too) or the fact that the car looks so similar to our world and not a " Fantasy looking" car. lol

Yeah, I am sure it's just people bitching about heh.
Next thing you know they'll start complaining about how the old Final Fantasy games had canoes and ships in them. "omg, these boats look too normal! not enough fantasy!"


PSICOM Soldier
Guys, do you need to realize that Final Fantasy has a lot of haters now... I don't know where the problem started, If It was because of the XII, XIII or anything else...
The fact is today a lot of people search for things to criticize the series. Most people hadn't played FFXIII and bash it online everyday. I know because I have to manage a lot of people in a community like this one and most of the time the only thing I see is people hating the new games - and they don't even play it first.

Everything the producers says is turned against then in a illogical way that I never saw before. During the "VII-X Era" people are a lot more receptive to the changes of the series.
Now It have a car and "OMG, IT'S NOT FANTASY"... Director say the game use only button for action and "OMG, ONE BUTTON? IT'S NOT FINAL FANTASY"... People are so thirsty to find things to hate that forgot that every single Final Fantasy (except XI and XIV for obvious reasons) are one button only. They need to calm down, play the demo and see if the game is good or not.

But today is more confortable to stay on the hating side of things... I don't know why.
Likes: Chaos


Oct 25, 2013
The car looks sexy so i don't mind xD But the fact that people are bitching about things like this makes absolutely zero sense on logical grounds. Maybe it's the frustration of the wait getting to them, it has been 8 years so i get it. People are tired of waiting. That seriously doesn't give them the right to actually say "A car in Final Fantasy? THAT'S NOT FF!". Actually back when they first showed us Noctis travelling in the car (Vx XIII) i wanted the game to give us the option to steer. So Win-Win situation for me :p