Alright, lets forget the meeting rooms exist for a moment and focus on the booth the matters ( the game area). Last year they only have 1 booth as well and they managed to have FFXV in their booth ( Only the trailer) and still did interviews. Making guesses on "what they did with FFXIII" and now are different. SE knows FFXV has been in development for too long and I am sure they don't want to have delayed response updates, that will only piss off the fans even more.
Lets look at what we do know ( what SE has come to say):
"Please wait a little longer" ( Feb. 22nd, 2014)
"FFXV quite far into development, High priority within the company" ( Feb 13th, 2014)
"It's a secret, you'll be surprised" ( May 10th, 2014)
-Please wait a little longer from Feb 22nd till E3 is 4 months. In SE time frame that counts as a "little" lol.
- It's far into Development ( meaning at that point of time, the game is roughly 60-70% complete *definitely over 50%*), High priority within the company means most big AAA titles (aka KH3 etc

) are under slow mode, and FFXV has been given it's full undivided attention ( Full steam ahead). 4 months from then given this statement they should be 70% to somewhat near complete ( personal opinion).
- "It's a secret, you'll be surprised" in the context of the question (Will you be at E3 this year). He doesn't want to reveal it will be there yet he "expects" us to be surprised. In a way I feel he didn't keep his secret too well considering he was asked a similar question with KH3 and only said " It's a secret". Meaning it's not ready to be talked about. When you add " You'll be surprised" to what he said he kinda gives it away that he'll be there at E3.
If FFXV isn't there I won't be upset about it ( I have Nintendo to look forward too with Smash/Zelda U/ Monolith's X/ Bayonetta 2) so not seeing FFXV at E3 would be disappointing but it won't bother me all to much because I have other games I am looking forward too. However, I personally feel with the information and strong hints that were provided. I feel confident that FFXV will be at E3 2014 this year.
Also, I believe this is the first time FFXV is being promoted outside of the normal areas ( like E3/Gamescon/Tokyo). Why start promotion of FFXV elsewhere? Doesn't that in itself suggest that they maybe starting a marketing campaign?
They at least 100% confirmed that FFXV will be at Comi-con in San Dieago ( july) and Tokyo Game show ( Sept.). A question that did rise to my head when seeing comi-con appear, Why would you skip the biggest gaming convention in the world to go to a small Comi con in San Dieago in July ( 1 month after E3). I would be entirely confused if they didn't attend E3. Especially after going to Comi-con in Thailand.
Going to Thailand to tell them about FFXV... then not showing up at E3 a month later...