Pretty much zero chance of FFXV in 2015 now

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Prince Naphtali

Dec 23, 2013
I just want to know, just like they were pulling ppl off left and right from versus xiii to work on not only the engine but also FFXIII, why Can't they acquire /pull other ppl from other projects to speed up the development process? It's only fair, quicker and easier.


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
Well, Tabata did say it could go from 60% to 80% almost instantly depending on many factors. So... saying there's a zero chance means absolutely nothing. I still think March 2016 is possible.
I agree, the percentage is more of a guideline for the company themselves more than for the fans. They know that 60% complete is going off the basis of ( which section is done/which is half way done/which has a lot of work to do). Categories like: ( I'll give a percentage hypothetically speaking)

- Music ( 70%)
- World Building (60%)
- Gameplay ( 40%)
- Graphics (65%)
- Programming (30%)
- Debugging/Optimization (0% last thing they need to do)
- Story (100% because that is one of the first things to complete)

( There are obviously more categories but this is just an example)

When the Director of the game looks at the figures he sees the game about 60% complete in all. However, if all the categories hit 100% (outside of debugging/optimization), 60% will turn to 80% in an instant, in the eyes of the director, ( as the game itself is complete).

Also, as more Categories get finished the more resources open up for the other categories to finishes those up quicker.

Like you said at the latest I see this game coming in March 2016 ( with a potential late 2015 release).


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
The more interesting question here is imo "when do they plan to release Kingdom Hearts III!?" A late 2016 release could be their target but only if FFXV makes it by march 2016/Q1 2016 I don't think they want these two titles to release too close to each other.
Likes: LeonBlade


Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 20, 2015
I used to say Dec2015 through Mar2016 as well but I've changed my mind recently; around the time they showed the second, unfished environment (train station).

Consider MGS V: Ground Zeros as an example. That game had most of the mechanics already in place: Stealth, Gunplay, CQC, AI, Mission structure, Weather, etc. and yet, a year later, we still don't even have a release date for that one.

Compare that to what we're going to get in the XV demo which doesn't include core mechanics like magic, transportation (chocobo and car), and weather etc. There's just too much not ready; even if those things are just not visual-ready, there's too much to do for this year. The demo is just a gift to us fans who've waited for so long.


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
I used to say Dec2015 through Mar2016 as well but I've changed my mind recently; around the time they showed the second, unfished environment (train station).

Consider MGS V: Ground Zeros as an example. That game had most of the mechanics already in place: Stealth, Gunplay, CQC, AI, Mission structure, Weather, etc. and yet, a year later, we still don't even have a release date for that one.

Compare that to what we're going to get in the XV demo which doesn't include core mechanics like magic, transportation (chocobo and car), and weather etc. There's just too much not ready; even if those things are just not visual-ready, there's too much to do for this year. The demo is just a gift to us fans who've waited for so long.
They may not be done yet, but a lot can be done with a year, don't underestimate that. The most recent ATR, and him saying that the percentage can go from 60 to 80% in onego, along with SE outsourcing the game, suggests to me he wants to get this game out ASAP, and that they are more into development than you think.

However, we shall see at E3 2015 at the end of the trailer we'll see the facts there :). I'm 100% certain it will be there, considering their recent trends with this game.

That's another thing, he's being way to open about this game now, which also suggests that they are pretty far along into development to start PRing this game.

Noctis Strife

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
They may not be done yet, but a lot can be done with a year, don't underestimate that. The most recent ATR, and him saying that the percentage can go from 60 to 80% in onego, along with SE outsourcing the game, suggests to me he wants to get this game out ASAP, and that they are more into development than you think.

However, we shall see at E3 2015 at the end of the trailer we'll see the facts there :). I'm 100% certain it will be there, considering their recent trends with this game.

That's another thing, he's being way to open about this game now, which also suggests that they are pretty far along into development to start PRing this game.
Could you clarify what he meant by one go? Never quite got that bit. Thanks c:


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
That's another thing, he's being way to open about this game now, which also suggests that they are pretty far along into development to start PRing this game.
He's promoting a demo which is coming out in less than a month, which is also being used as a marketing tool to sell more copies of the game it's bundled with.


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
Could you clarify what he meant by one go? Never quite got that bit. Thanks c:
Basically, when every section is done with their work and ready to be merged into the game itself that's where the jump to 80% comes in ( basically saying the game itself is done), all that's left after that is debugging/optimization.

That's at least what I think he means, he could be saying that, but meaning something else.

Noctis Strife

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
Basically, when every section is done with their work and ready to be merged into the game itself that's where the jump to 80% comes in ( basically saying the game itself is done), all that's left after that is debugging/optimization.

That's at least what I think he means, he could be saying that, but meaning something else.
Ah I gotcha. That's excited to think about. Especially since de bugging and such shouldn't in theory take that long. I agree with some(like yourself) that it seems that they want this game out ASAP, I know Square get's a lot of crap, and so does Tabata since Nomura left, but they seem to care a lot about the fans. Especially with these ATR :)
Likes: Starlord


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
He's promoting a demo which is coming out in less than a month, which is also being used as a marketing tool to sell more copies of the game it's bundled with.
It's kinda odd, to promote something that isn't a full game, what would be the benefit of that? I know it's being bundled with type-0 HD, People have been wanting this game since god knows when, they wouldn't really need to give us a blowout (which it was exactly that a blowout) of information. There wouldn't be a need to give us all this information.

To me I feel this goes little beyond promoting a demo, but that is my opinion. Not fact :p.
Likes: Noctis Strife


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
It's kinda odd, to promote something that isn't a full game, what would be the benefit of that?
Again, to help sell copies of Type-0 HD? Remember they are charging $60 for it. Also, they are supposedly releasing it to collect feedback. Of course, as you said, this goes beyond just promoting the demo, but it's the main objective.


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
It's kinda odd, to promote something that isn't a full game, what would be the benefit of that? I know it's being bundled with type-0 HD, People have been wanting this game since god knows when, they wouldn't really need to give us a blowout (which it was exactly that a blowout) of information. There wouldn't be a need to give us all this information..
They need to sell those Ps4 consoles in Japan with everything they can afford right now. They need to build up the install base before they release their really huge projects. So it's logical that they try to make a huge deal out of a psp remaster, a DQ spin off and a demo at the moment. I'm sure the same applies to Konami and MGS V.


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
Again, to help sell copies of Type-0 HD? Remember they are charging $60 for it. Also, they are supposedly releasing it to collect feedback. Of course, as you said, this goes beyond just promoting the demo, but it's the main objective.
I'm not doubting the fact that the FFXV demo is in their to push sales for Type-0 HD. That's not what I am getting at though. Why would they need to give a blowout of information about FFXV? I'm sure they know everyone wants this game, thus will want the demo. There wouldn't be a need for so much information to be said. ( not that I am complaining lol).

In the end, we don't know what they are doing. I am simply only speculating over the matter, and give my opinions.

Noctis Strife

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
I have to agree with Star^ I TOTALLY agree they're trying to promote Type 0 with this demo, no doubt. I mean every time Tabata does a Q&A he has to ask that people mainly ask about Type 0 because of the influx of XV questions. But the fact they showed 45 minutes of the demo to get people the control scheme, then after saying the game is close to 80% completion(paraphrasing of course), that just sounds to me like "Look forward to E3 and this games future". But that's just me. He knows we know he wants us to play it ASAP, he's not dumb and he loves it just as much as us. They know people are fed up with waiting, and after last years "Let's wait a year for an update" stunt(lol), he probably will make a big announcement at E3 just to well, shut people up a bit xD
Likes: Starlord