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Balamb Garden Freshman
UFFSite Veteran
Sep 26, 2013
Portsmouth, UK
Some little tidbits about FF9 I've learned today:

1. Quina's physical attacks ignore what row s/he's in (so s/he can be kept in the back row with no drawbacks).
2. Gysahl Greens can be used in battle to cure Berserk (if I'd known this years ago...).


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
I feel so depressed after taking the N2 because I did so well on the first part and flubbed on the second, meaning I will probably pass but not with the high score I was hoping for.

I want to eat pudding until I explode and take the day off of school tomorrow. :( I went to a cheap all-you-can-eat to drown out my sorrows and have probably given myself enough indigestion to last for a week, but it's not enough.

But at least I don't have to worry about it anymore. It's outta my hands. Now I can focus on my art without feeling so guilty.


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
I didn't fail the test, I definitely passed. But I wanted to get 80-90%, and now I think I'll be with all the other average scores, or around 70% if I'm good at guessing (50% is the minimum passing grade). Most people just barely pass (well most people fail, but of the people that actually studied for it) and I don't want to be in that group.

Especially if they care about those individual scores when I'm applying for university, saying "I was hungry" sounds like a sad excuse for a poor listening score when I have already gone to Japanese university lectures and followed them just fine. I'm generally a horrible listener in any language when it comes to remembering lists of directions and the like though. But I feel reading comprehension is piss easy when everyone else thinks it's the toughest section so there's that.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Recently came back from giving my vote for the elections and the process was ok, surprising because during this time my country tends to be very loudly.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Recently came back from giving my vote for the elections and the process was ok, surprising because during this time my country tends to be very loudly.
Argentina primaries right? Who did you vote for? I don't know much about Argentina's politics but I know Scioli and Macri lead.

We had primaries in Venezuela a few weeks ago. A bloody disaster since the candidate I voted for (and won) was disqualified for the general election.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Argentina primaries right? Who did you vote for? I don't know much about Argentina's politics but I know Scioli and Macri lead.

We had primaries in Venezuela a few weeks ago. A bloody disaster since the candidate I voted for (and won) was disqualified for the general election.
None of the candidates were of my liking so my vote came more from who my family wanted to win rather than my own choice, they wanted Macri so i voted for him.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Recently playing FFX, i discovered that if you use the ability Provoke on a Malboro, it will prevent the monster from using bad breath until it K.Os Tidus.

So always make sure to equip him a weapon with the First Strike passive ability.