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UFFSite Veteran
Sep 28, 2013
Its good. He did the songs with four different producers, so the songs sound quite different. Some slower, some a bit punchier. Look up Save Us on YouTube if you're interested in one that's more rock like.

Not everything works, but overall I enjoy it. And that cube thing looks pretty cool in the dark.


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 26, 2013
Last edited:
Likes: gaiages


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Any footie fans?

Are these already the two best goals of the EPL season? Scored in the same weekend to boot! But which is better?!



Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Excuse me if I say soccer, since that's just what America does.
Anyway, until we lost the channel and the team split into different divisions, I watched the US Women's Soccer Team, or whatever the acronym-thingiemajig for it is for a few years. And I've been playing soccer/football for about seven years. Favorite sport by far and it's the only sport I'll watch if it's on TV.
Good girl. I wish I never stopped playing and regret it now, but yeah, it's a massive part of my life. Do you play for a team? What position? I used to be a keeper from my kid days right through my teens.
Likes: Sapientia


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Well at least it keeps you active, even if it doesn't go great all the time. I defied the laws of the keeper 'cause I'm not a tall guy myself lol. But I was quite gifted in goal and won a lot of trophies in my time. But I think when it came to finally hitting the adult league I lost confidence and I just gave it up. I wish I'd have tried another position instead but never did. I played in defense and sometimes in goal for a 7-a-side team I set up a couple of years ago, but damn, being out of action for such a long time, I was really unfit and threw up after the game in the second week lol. It's amazing how much you can lose fitness if you just don't do anything for a while.
Likes: Sapientia


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Thankfully, I don't think I have any serious problems body-wise. I mean, yeah, I do gym work too, but that counts for very little on a footie pitch lol. I've tried getting back into running, but god, it takes ages to regain that fitness and it's just hell lol. I know I'm not as bad as a couple of my mates, though, who smoke. We had a kickabout on a field a few months back, and they were knackered after just kicking it about for a bit lol. One even stopped for a ciggie break XD

Nah, unfortunately, I think some of the lads lost a bit of motivation for it and we couldn't always get the numbers each week. We took part for a few months but we couldn't keep it going in the end. I think we won one game and lost practically the rest. It was crazy really, because our players were incredibly talented and skillful, but when it came to playing in this league on a smaller pitch against teams that had been playing for so long before us, it was like a completely different game. But our eventual reduced conceded goals and that one win proved we adapted eventually. But by then it was kinda too late lol.

And just the one yellow card, I think. Being in goal you don't really pick up cards much, but I remember getting a yellow for booting the ball away in frustration at a decision I didn't like lol.
Likes: Sapientia


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Hilarious. I love it when refs get hit sometimes (especially when they deserve it) XD I hope that foot does take you far some day. Though it was an incredibly harsh red card. As if you meant it.
Likes: Sapientia


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 27, 2013
Hey, gang, how's things around here? I was away last week visiting my Grandma, sadly she isn't doing too well. I was only able to make a post when I could find some wifi at this resturant, but now i'm home and wanted to share a picture with everyone. Apparently awhile ago before she started to get sicker she spent some time cleaning out the closet and found this, her friend tried to take it, but she told her no and got it put up so she could give it to me.

When I was younger my Grandpa went out and bought that to keep at their house for when I came to visit, so it really didn't get played except a couple of weeks during the summer. I always thought one of the other grand kids took it when they moved, but apparently it just got boxed up and put in the closet and forgotten about until now. It has every thing with it, and it's pretty much brand new. Also my long lost missing copy of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was still in the damn thing. Pretty sweet early B-day gift, I think I'll hold onto it for the family memories. Grandma's 80 years old and still got me a Nintendo. :B


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
It's really unfortunate that Sweden and Portugal have to play-off against each other to see who makes the World Cup. Ibra for Sweden; Ronaldo for Portugal. Those two players both deserve to be at the WC. I know Ronaldo's "the best player in the world" and everything, but Ibra is scoring some crazy good goals lately, too.
Likes: Sapientia


Sep 26, 2013
The basement
Anyone here know the band Ali Project? I am a complete fangirl. Made alot of openings and ending credit songs. .hack, Rosen Maiden, etc

Wanna post a video, how do I show it on here?


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Anyone here know the band Ali Project? I am a complete fangirl. Made alot of openings and ending credit songs. .hack, Rosen Maiden, etc

Wanna post a video, how do I show it on here?
Just post the YouTube URL in here and it'll show the vid.