Wow guys! Awesome stuff you are all doing and posting!
Leon Aether : I love you, man

i didnt know that you could get 10.000 Gil at the start of the game, that bloody awesome!! See after 12 years I still learn new things about this game. I swear this wasnt even noted in the official guide. Thanks a BUNCH for this tip.
Zack good luck with your low level challenge

I wish I could watch it on twitch but my PC is too old and i dont think PS3 does streams very well. But the PS4 will have twitch.
buddhafied : that was hands down the greatest post yet in this thread *hands you a medal* ...well except for the part where you implied I would be stalking people (I simply noticed the names of people that I knew were particpating in the online list, its not like I checked for them and I remembered the names when I wrote down who had yet to check in so relax, buddy. Aint nobody stalking anybody here)
I really love it that you experience FF IX for the first time in full and how detailed you described your thoughts and emotions about it. Fantastic stuff, I loved reading it even though I disagreed with what you said about Squall and Cloud (Cloud is my favorite male FF character and Squall is probably the most complex main FF character there is with an incredible arc and character development. Without him i would not be a FF fan today).
Oh and I am BEYOND jealous that you got to see the Distant World Concerts!! I am a MASSIVE fan of the FF music myself (especially Uematsu). I have all the soundtrack albums of FF VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2 Last Mission, XI, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Advent Children and XIV plus the piano albums , the re-arranged albums, the Black Mages albums and the live concert albums (including the Distant Worlds albums and the newest which was released early this year). I especially love the live concert stuff, many songs are so much more powerful in their orchestra versions (particularly my all time favorite To Zanarkand and Aeriths Theme). Distant Worlds is finally coming to germany soon too so I will hopefully get to go.
Btw my favorite songs in FF IX are:
Melodies of Life
Loss of me
You´re not alone
Battle Theme
Hunters Chance
Dark Messenger
Uematsu is the god of FF music and FF IX is one of his best works. Its also the last offline FF where he composed all of the music.
Generally I especially love the piano albums. Rose of May (piano version of Loss of me) is so unbelievable. man I could talk FF music all day
and yeah Final Fantasy IX is a massive tribute to the Nintendo-era FF games. Later in the auction house in Treno many of the objects there are actually objects from FF I - VI, there is a character named Garland who appears later in the game (named after the villain Garland from the first FF) and Garnets birth name is actually Sarah which is a tribute to Princess Sarah from the NES FFs. Vivis design of course is taken directly from the black mage class in FF V and so on. There are countless nods like these to the Nintendo FFs in FF IX, it really was a loveletter to the sprites-classics. But there are at least two references to FF VII as well such as the prima Vista band playing "Rufus welcoming Ceremony" and later in Lindblum if you check out the big sword in the weapon shop , Zidane makes a reference to Cloud
I also love the EAT system where you can check out what other characters are doing. Tip: Always watch the EATs because sometimes you will get special items. Later in treno you can get a Black belt which you will only get if you watch certain EATs. But we´ll note that once we get there, I am sure.
Anyway, great post by you buddhafied. Thats what I call quality indeed.
as for me, I finally have the time and am starting now! Thank god I waited or I would have missed the 10.000 gil thing

Thanks again, Leon.