KINGSGLAIVE: FINAL FANTASY XV news & discussion thread

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Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Not every reviewer is terrible. The Roger Moore review was shit, but most of the reviews were honest and brought up legitimate points. The issue is RT's scoring system. Like that one that gave it a C+, and let's be real here, that's as good as something like this was going to get. RT scores that the same as a 0.
Likes: Storm
Jun 7, 2014
I think I got a good view of what to expect in Kingsglaive from all the reviews, but some of them are indeed pretty shit. Do those people not realize how ridiculous they sound when they're trying to be edgy, like with the Latin names complaint? It would probably blow their minds if they ever watched a non-English movie. Real life names can get far crazier than what you have in FFXV.
Aug 13, 2016
Since the inevitable comparison between Advent Children and Kingsglaive was revived, let me share my two cents here. I am opposed to the idea that content was taken from the game, which to gamers is accessible and the price gamers were welling to pay for it was inclusive of the said cinematics, and released in the form of a two-hour cgi film. I understand the direction to appeal to a broader audience and attract newcomers, filmgoers especially, however, I do not think it's wise, from both consumer rights and creative standpoints.

I also decided not to watch Kingsglaive after reading arrogant comments made by the director regarding the film and how it compares to AC. The mixed to negative reviews the film has received as a standalone do not surprise me in the least.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
What does any of that have to do with AC? I'm confused.
In early interviews concerning Kingsglaive, Nozue stated that it was different from Advent Children: while the latter was designed for fans of VII, the former is meant for a wider audience. I took the statement with a pinch of salt.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
In early interviews concerning Kingsglaive, Nozue stated that it was different from Advent Children: while the latter was designed for fans of VII, the former is meant for a wider audience. I took the statement with a pinch of salt.
Oooh, gotcha.

Well, I don't think he's completely wrong. No one but ffvii fans would like AC at all. No one who doesn't already knows those characters could have a damn clue about anything. KG, being an introduction to a world and starring a lot of people that won't be on the game IS designed to appeal to a wider audience. Whether or not he succeeded is a whole 'nother story, but not necessarily pulling it off doesn't mean that's not the intent.

Now, don't get me wrong, the core fans are going to want to see both. They do go hand in hand and that's totally their intent. But, as long as the movie feels like s full feature movie, and the game doesn't feel incomplete, then you have two legitimate products they have every right to sell. Any feeling of it bring cut content or whatever, its all in your head. 100% how you want to look at it. It's not like we live in an Era where someone might not be able to afford the tie in movie. I'm sure if you don't wish to support the practice, you'll find a way to watch it anyway.
Likes: Nova


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
The guy's name is Angry Joe. It's not an angry review.

I didn't watch it yet, but I've heard it was fairly positive.

(apologies if I missed the joke or misread your post :p)
The title was my mistake. I just don't much like his style. And I'm glad it's positive. Didn't actually expect that.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
The title was my mistake. I just don't much like his style. And I'm glad it's positive. Didn't actually expect that.
Gotcha gotcha. I didn't notice the caps until just now, too. I'm still waking the ol brain up.

Personally, I've never been a fan of anyone with a webcam and an opinion in general. I like my news and impressions vetted a little bit.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Theatres were packed for Kingsglaive in many locations, some even having long lines just to watch the movie. I think Final Fantasy fans and video game fans alike can enjoy the movie just fine. If you are a movie snob who like to critique everything, you probably wont enjoy it... but you probably don't enjoy life either.
I'm a video game and Final Fantasy fan and I didn't think it was very good, though. Like AC, it's just really poor direction/film making generally, but unlike AC it lacks the power of fan service and characters you really recognize & deeply love to push you through how stodgy it is. It's very pretty though, and the visuals of Insomnia are sort of worth it if you're interested in FF15... though of course it's a dagger to the heart that you'll never likely get to experience the city in full in the game, but it's still beautiful to see. The best parts, for me, were the few minutes where you see where the normal people live in Insomnia, where it sort of looks like New York meets Tokyo meets Midgar. Great stuff.

The actual movie though? Yeesh. The dialogue. The difficult-to-follow plot. Like, I know all the Versus stuff this comes from and I'm still confused as to major plot points and character motivations are. And the fighting; too long, in the end. I was clock watching by the end. It somehow feels like it could've ended about 5 times before the actual ending, but then even so the actual ending feels abrupt as hell. It's poorly realized.

Like, I enjoyed it well enough. It was fine. I'd recommend seeing it if you're the type of person who has pre-ordered FF15 and been following it. It'll increase your anticipation for the game. It did mine. But... it's not a good movie. I'd planned to show Kingsglaive to non-FF-fan friends, thinking it might draw them in, but I don't think it will now. It's too long, too verbose, too convoluted, with god-awful dialogue.

I enjoyed it, but I guess the most damning statement I can make is that I never really want to watch it again. It was a fine way to tee up FF15, I guess. To act like the scores are just coming from film snobs is silly though; James Mielke did the Rolling Stone review for instance, called it an absolute train wreck - Mielke is ex-1up, ex EGM, ex Square Enix, thousands of hours logged on FF11. He's an FF nerd as much as the rest of us.

I posit that the extra-high user review score is because the people who are seeking out extremely limited theatre showings are simply more predisposed to like it and, to an extent, blinkered. I think it's an interesting phenomenon that the best-made FF movie (and the best-liked by critics) The Spirits Within is universally hated by the fans, but the two that are strictly fan service are annihilated by critics but loved by fans. (But, really, they're poorly made films compared to TSW).

I think being made "for a wider audience" has helped KG, but to be honest it doesn't help much vs AC. I consider AC a blight. It's awful.

TSW > KG >>>>> AC. For me, anyway.

PS: as far as critics taking the piss out of names goes, I just want to go on the record and say the names are bloody stupid, and it's something I've hated since the inception of Versus. Some of them are painfully on the nose, and honestly unless you're a Latin speaker I think it's pretty hard to keep a handle on who's who sometimes. Some of the names in KG are better tho; Crowe, Nyx, names like that are more 'normal', I feel. But let's not act like FF15's use of Latin is anything but vaguely silly - your mate with a big sword, what should we call him? How about the Latin translation for 'Sword Friend'? GENIUS! Sold! Nah, man.

FF's always had silly names but in this regard 15 is on another level.
Sep 26, 2013
Suddenly glad I didn't drag my girlfriend all the way out to Chicago to see this flick. She offered to go out of solidarity, bless her, but I was hoping for something we'd both be likely to enjoy. It sounds like I'll really like it just as a matter of being such a big fan of XV and having a keen interest in the world, but she probably would have really resented the twelve hour round trip based on this.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
If the clips they released represent the whole movie, I feel like I totally know whay I'm getting onto and will agree with the above. The cuts were weird. The voices sounded like a bad dub. But the graphics were pretty, the action is crazy and I've been anticipating this story for goddamn ever. I'll love it, but it's not the breakthrough videogame movie that beats the odds and is a legit movie.

Too bad though. The potential was there, I thought.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
For those who pre-ordered any of the bundles that included KINGSGLAIVE in it, will you wait for it until November or still get your hands on the digital release due to coming soon?


Clan Centurio Member
Jul 30, 2016
For those who pre-ordered any of the bundles that included KINGSGLAIVE in it, will you wait for it until November or still get your hands on the digital release due to coming soon?
I've got the Deluxe Edition pre-ordered, but I'll definitely be watching it on the 30th.

Also, I 100% expected it to be a "bad movie" like APZonerunner describes, but I'll still enjoy it for what it is: some world-building and an intro to the world of FF XV, as well as flashy cool stuff.

However, I would've traded the movie for like 10 more Brotherhood episodes. I really enjoy the anime. It's far from perfect, but it's quite neat. I would've loved to have Brotherhood tell the stories of all the characters running up to the game, as well as simply include the plot of Kingsglaive in the last 4 or 5 episodes.