This is some of the stuff I'd want to see
ideally (NOT saying these are realistic):
- More stuff between waking up 10 years later and going off to the finale. Probably something structured more like the second half of the game than the first half (ie: not fully open). You should definitely have to go find your buddies. Talcott tells you that Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto haven't stuck together for the past 10 years and that they mainly work on their own, yet there they are all together. I guess it's cause Talcott called them, but it makes more sense and would be more fun to have to reunite the gang for one final battle and would allow for more character development for your 4 guys and a bit for the minor characters as well. Heck, it would give us a chance to see all the other characters post-timeskip!
- While I'm talking about that section of the game, I have to say I sure would've liked it if they let you walk into Insomnia over the bridge. The first Final Fantasy game starts with crossing a bridge, and this one, which contains a ton of references to past FF games, should end with crossing one. Not really a big deal obviously, just something I would've enjoyed.
- And I guess while I'm talking about the final area, I need to mention how much I wish there were more to it. The city portion is fine I guess, but I totally thought Ardyn was gonna take them to some wacked-out parallel dimension at some point, in FF tradition. But nope. Also thought that there'd be, y'know, a proper final fight against Ardyn with him transformed into a huge, grotesque monster thing, also in FF tradition. But nope.
- More actual cutscenes since I love cutscenes and there was too much of that "people stand in place while you move the camera around" nonsense.
- There are a bunch of other story things that could be better, but I'll just list the ones that come to mind. A proper rivalry with Ravus would be nice. That means fighting him at least once before he gets all demon-ified.
- Would also really like to fight Aranea more than once, just cause her battle was super fun.
- Oh yeah, there should be at least something more to Tenebrae than just seeing it burn off in the distance.
- More backstory stuff for Ardyn and just the world in general, though that much is nearly a given. Also would've liked more flashbacks with Noctis and Luna, Luna and Ravus, Noctis and Regis.
- I'll add more if I think of more, lol.
Anyway, I agree a lot with
the op of another thread here, which I'll link to in a second, which altered certain sections of the game to flesh it out more. I also agree that Kingsglaive and Brotherhood were a mistake, even though I enjoyed them. Putting that stuff into separate media turned what could've potentially been one of the best intros to an FF game into the #1 worst intro in any FF, no contest. What that post describes reminds me of Dragon Quest V where you start off as a little kid and go on all these fun adventures and then all of a sudden things take a bad turn and the story really kicks in and just sucker punches you and incites this huge journey. People who have played it will know what I'm talking about.
stealth edit: added link