Final Fantasy XVI - General News Thread

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Clan Centurio Member
Oct 15, 2013
Just because there's guys with AK-47s doesn't mean it's a military shooter. In the concept art for FF7, ShinRa guards are basically using Thompsons, but that doesn't mean anything. The 'player character' we saw in that movie never touched a gun, and only used traditional FF powers.
I never said it was a military shooter, but by the looks of that video one could assume it actually was, or at least would feature shooting to some degree (if that wasn't the case, they probably wouldn't have shown that footage on the video). But again, I'm totally up for the change if Agni's Philosophy eventually becomes XVI. I loved every second of the video and I'd die to see how the story continues.


Red Wings Commander
Oct 26, 2013
I know this is waay too early to discuss this title. However, with Final Fantasy XV near to its end of development, there is no doubt that Square Enix is now developing FFXVI in a very early stage. Since they're forming Final Fantasy Committee, what can you expect from this title?

Would you like to see Medieval Final Fantasy, or Sci Fi Final Fantasy, or both?
Which team would you like to develop that title?
They making FFXV-2 and after that FFXV-3 the whole PS4 console generation is all about FFXV,sadly.


Red Wings Commander
Oct 26, 2013
I'm a little late to the party, but I think that it'd be great if XVI had a medieval setting. I'd also love it if it featured the world from Agni's Philosophy. That'd be a HUGE (and perhaps risky) move for the series, tho.
Hmmmm Noctis is killing police mans,(You can clearly see the police cars too,Places is like real Japan places)Military is there too,yeah its not Ak and?,You can use Tanks etc... and FFX was bad because bevelle soldiers have flamethrower,sniper rifle?etc..
not to mention FFXV is looking an action game.Whit all this thing i think Agnis P could be a great game or even better than FFXV with a new fresh world and story without Fabulanovulaworlds finally.


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 26, 2013
One that I would want is from the Battle System of FFXVI is that you can do either Action, or a turn based system, don't try to mix the two as I feel that a lot of RPGs are doing that and just fail and it feels like a mess. (FF13)


PSICOM Soldier
Nov 26, 2013
Personally, I hope that they break away from settling on generic or popular concepts like "medieval" or "sci-fi". I feel it makes very little sense to have these creatives limit themselves with such themes.
It always works better when they instead use these themes as trappings for building each world. Much like how FFXV's art direction has a juxtaposition between medieval/baroque and modern/contemporary. Makes for something visually striking and dream like.

All in all, I'd much rather see XVI, or XVII for that matter visit new and exotic worlds with more distinctive art directions. Worlds you would've never think or expect to see in game.
Especially with the new tech across PS4/XB1/PC, it would be a shame limit themselves with well tread ground.

As far as talent, I would really love to see new blood take a shot at it for once. The current heads (with the exception of Toriyama) have proved themselves capable many times over.
Even though I would love to see Amano do the central character design, I'd love it even more to see new artists come into the fold. Same for directing and writing.
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Likes: Storm
Dec 19, 2016
Final Fantasy XVI should be a Medieval fantasy setting that features the main lead character as a young adult human male sword equipped heroic Knight character actually officially folks, human male Knights of Medieval times are epicly awesome!!!:>>>... Male Human Knight warrior.jpg


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Final Fantasy XVI should be a Medieval fantasy setting that features the main lead character as a young adult human male sword equipped heroic Knight character actually officially folks, human male Knights of Medieval times are epicly awesome!!!:>>>...
Medieval fantasy I can agree with. But why can't it be a woman in sensible armor with a rapier or something. A lead female doesn't need to be another Cloud/Lightning character, or overly perky like some anime little sister character. She can be a grounded but still light and likable character. I think Serah or X-2 Yuna might be reasonable templates they could work off in terms of basic style; they're not helpless things by any stretch, but they're not stoic powerhouses either.
Jun 7, 2014
wow that necrobump

Personally, I find the typical medieval setting with generic protagonist pretty boring. I believe FF should try more uniqe ideas, especially considering there's a whole series of games that specializes in this kind of traditional settings - Dragon Quest.

But why can't it be a woman in sensible armor with a rapier or something.
Stella for FFXVI!



Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Tempting. I was thinking someone original for XVI. They could rejig Stella slightly and bring her back in a potential XV sequel. Something like... have her as a dual playable character alongside Gladiolus, and have her as a former Gralea citizen with the surname Drautos for some extra tension later in the story (given that Gladiolus holds no love for "Nifs").
Sep 27, 2013
The approach with Dragon Quest XI's early hours got me thinking...

Would people like a Final Fantasy XVI in 3D on consoles, and a mobile version in 2D?
Likes: Edge


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
It would actually make sense, considering how the Japanese market is, but I don't think, unless they do totally different versions or both of them return to basics, that FF as a series is as suited as DQ to do that sort of thing, as DQ has barely deviated gameplay-wise (and I love it for that, too).

I'm really dying to see what kind of setting they've got in store for us, and who the character designer is. I hope it's a new, young one, actually. Or Amano and try to do justice to his style, but that's a pipe dream (and I don't really know how pleasant the result would be).

I just hope that after some years janitoring, Ito has had enough and wants to show people how to make a game. Dude has an impecable career: he is, imo, the most valuable asset S-E currently has, considering what he's directed and what he has created for the series. A new, big IP would be great too.

I see them announcing this in 2018 at the earliest, though :(


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
FFXV's combat is definitely not perfect but the foundation is solid, it's fun, dynamic and visually incredible (the animations are top-notch); the only FF that made me want to redo simple battles just for the fun and the urge to try new combos and weapons combinations.

if they are able to remove a bit of the jankiness and camera issues the next one will be incredible; refine this combat, make it a bit harder, add controllable chars, more magics... there's so much potential.

*imagining FFXV setpieces without the clunkyness*
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Nov 8, 2014
I would like FF16 to enter a new genre. Here are a list of big genres:

FF10 series was very different, FF12 went back to the traditional era of FF1-6 except higher exploration of its premise, FF 13 was very different, FF15 was very different, and I hope FF16 is something new.

Gameplay wise I have no idea but whatever it will be please not some variation of turn base. I am playing Pokemon Moon and Digimon Cyber Sleuth right now... oh god I have no patience for these slow as snail animations and loadings. Also more real time dialogue than text boxs. It really brakes me from the immersion. its messed up how i am forced to pause so someone else can speak


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I think it'll follow a lot of leads from FF14, be made by that business division, and be directed (or at least co-directed) by somebody who has never had such a large scale role on FF before. In following cues from FF14 it'll be a linear game but with larger, open zones, probably similar in structure to the upcoming Mass Effect, which is a sort of open-world-but-not halfway house.
Likes: h00aoj

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
I think it'll follow a lot of leads from FF14, be made by that business division, and be directed (or at least co-directed) by somebody who has never had such a large scale role on FF before. In following cues from FF14 it'll be a linear game but with larger, open zones, probably similar in structure to the upcoming Mass Effect, which is a sort of open-world-but-not halfway house.
I suspect it will take some gameplay cues from FFXV


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Sep 26, 2016
I wish they use (and improve) the open world structure they used in XV, and go back to the art style of IX good old fantasy world =P