Final Fantasy XV - Sales Thread

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
The 1.1m in Japan Shipped figure is interesting, as from the sales figures we now know there's about 300k copies sitting on Japanese shelves unsold; so we get an idea of the shipped vs sold metric when compared to the Japanese figures we had before. I wonder how deep they'll have to discount to shift this 300k? It's already as low as half off in places.

China shipping several hundred thousand (my understanding is more than 200k, less than 300k) is pretty good though. It helps to make up some of the 1m lost sales in Japan from 13 (which didn't launch over there).


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

"Final Fantasy XV is one of Amazon’s best-selling video games over the holiday, the company announced in a press release.

According to the online retailer, Final Fantasy XV‘s PlayStation 4 version joins the likes of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon – both of which were popular gift items. While individual sales figures weren’t listed, Amazon did provide this short fact about Sun and Moon: “If each customer who purchased Pokémon Sun and Moon this holiday spent at least an hour a day playing the game since its release, our customers would have spent the equivalent of more than 24 thousand lunar cycles capturing Pokémon.”

Final Fantasy XV is available worldwide on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Square Enix recently released a new update for the game, adding in features such as New Game+ and a Holiday DLC pack including a number of game-boosting items."


FFXV sold more than uncharted 4 on amazon US? the discounted price sure helped if that's the case.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
According to the online retailer, Final Fantasy XV‘s PlayStation 4 version joins the likes of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon – both of which were popular gift items. While individual sales figures weren’t listed, Amazon did provide this short fact about Sun and Moon: “If each customer who purchased Pokémon Sun and Moon this holiday spent at least an hour a day playing the game since its release, our customers would have spent the equivalent of more than 24 thousand lunar cycles capturing Pokémon.”
Doing out the math (24,000 lunar cycles x ~29 days per lunar cycle x 24 hours a day = 16,704,000 hours, divided by 39 hours per player), Amazon sold Pokemon Sun and Moon to 428,308 customers. It isn't clear whether "customers" refer to copies sold or to individual accounts that purchased copies, in which case the total number of copies sold could be higher. Assuming a customer/copy ratio of close to one and a near one-to-one ratio of Sun to Moon, the high-end cap for (presumably standard edition) FFXV sales from Amazon would be a bit over 210,000 copies.

Or, in other words, a single US retailer could have sold up to 1/4 of the game's LTD in Japan. o_0;

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over

"Final Fantasy XV is one of Amazon’s best-selling video games over the holiday, the company announced in a press release.

According to the online retailer, Final Fantasy XV‘s PlayStation 4 version joins the likes of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon – both of which were popular gift items. While individual sales figures weren’t listed, Amazon did provide this short fact about Sun and Moon: “If each customer who purchased Pokémon Sun and Moon this holiday spent at least an hour a day playing the game since its release, our customers would have spent the equivalent of more than 24 thousand lunar cycles capturing Pokémon.”

Final Fantasy XV is available worldwide on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Square Enix recently released a new update for the game, adding in features such as New Game+ and a Holiday DLC pack including a number of game-boosting items."
Richly deserved, IMHO. I haven't spent 100+ hours on a game, well -- ever. The closest I've come is Xenoblade at 70 hours, but for me, it was really tedious getting through those last areas.


FFXV sold more than uncharted 4 on amazon US? the discounted price sure helped if that's the case.
I guess so, since the title says "Amazon Best Sellers of 2016 (so far)" - no holiday qualifiers or anything to that effect. If this is true and it beat out the likes of Uncharted 4, perhaps SE isn't so worried about the sales in Japan after all.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
However this sellls are under discount.
Does anyone know if S.E (or any other bussiness dev) cares more about the "X units sold in Y timeframe" alone or do they take into account "X units sold at Y price in Z timeframe" as well?
Jun 7, 2014


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK


Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
It ain't gonna hit 8 million, I don't think. It stands a chance of passing 13 tho.
The thing is, the media is still massing over FFXV, it's kinda the go-to article bait that attracts readers. It's high on the radar and this probably won't stop for a while as SE will still release updates and DLC. So most likely the media will not drop this title for the chance of getting a scoop to attract readers. And IF SE manages to make the right updates and DLC and the media picks up wing on it, it could generate a positive interval where it attracts more people. It's not certain, but there is a possibility.
And I personally say hitting over 8m by the end of the next fiscal year is not too far-fetched.