Fallout 4 is the worst of the Bethesda games, no doubt, but it's about the same quality-wise as FF15. It has different issues in different areas. Its systems and mechanics on a world level are more intricate and accomplished though, of that I have no doubt.
Witcher 3's combat is a love it or hate it thing, but just about everything else about the game is perfect. The big thing with TW3 is it gives you a decent number of outs away from combat if you so choose, and also the combat isn't bad - it's just 'fine'. People find it doesn't click with them or vaguely dislike it, but they rarely hate it.
I guess what I'm saying is this: there's a piece of TW3 that is sort of middling, but none of it is bad. There are areas of, say, FF15 that are just outright bad. Same for Fallout 4. This is why TW3 is a 90-something and those two are in the mid-80s.
There are good reviews and bad reviews, like. Some reviews come from people who don't 'get' the game, others come from people who are hyper-attuned to it to an exaggerated degree. That's the point of an aggregate site; the bad reviews are balanced out by the overly enthusiastic reviews and the truth, as always, is found somewhere in the middle.
Look, I do this job for a living - I have for about eight years - and all I can say is that this is bollocks. There is a basic, inherent bias in some that doesn't like anime art styles or whatever (something that impacts stuff like Tales & Persona, but never so much FF thanks to FF's Western bent anyway), but beyond that it's absolute rubbish.
Beyond rubbish, it's honestly a tad insulting to people who work bloody hard for the most part to be impartial and thoughtful in approaching every single game they have to tackle. I work hard at it, and I didn't score TW3 more than FF15 (9 vs 8) and Fallout 4 the same as FF15 out of an inherent bias - it's because I enjoyed TW3 more and found it to be a more accomplished, impressive game. I wasn't making "behind the scenes deals" (even more insulting, tbh) or being vaguely cloak-and-dagger bias racist against Japan - if I was I wouldn't have scored Street Fighter 5 than Killer Instinct, or Fire Emblem Fates higher than Fallout.
I think you took my post a bit too personally sadly. I was writing about the nature of reviews in general, not just about FFXV.
My main points was for people to not rely heavily on reviews and to make up their own minds. Reviews give people an idea of what to expect. That's it. However if you go by the behaviours of gamers nowadays, it is an undisputed fact that is used as ammo for hateful arguments.
If you read what I wrote carefully, I was mostly aiming at the reviewers
who are deliberately obtuse about a game's mechanics and how it works, who then in turn write articles that blatantly show they honestly didn't understand the game at all. I even mentioned a reviewer who complained about magic mechanics, and who didn't even understand obvious character relations despite the game telling the player many times as an example and reference for said obtuse behaviour.
I saw the comments section for that review btw, 90% of which were from people who never played the game but already made up there minds that the game sucks and the entire development team should be fired. This was a sad thing to see happening.
I'm not a game developer but if my creation was that easily cast aside and dismantled all because someone didn't take the time to learn and understand it, who then did a poor job on reporting it, I'd be pretty hurt.
As for the last section you quoted me on, again I was referring to the group of people who do participate in such dealings. I do recall reading and watching a video about a former reviewer who did admit that such things went on behind the scenes and he didn't like it at all.
As with every industry, there are good and honest people who do things the right way, and there are bad eggs who don't. Corruption exists in every industry, but so do people who have great, hardworking souls who do profound and fantastic work too.
I think scores are too subjective when it comes to interpretation so it's not something people will ever agree upon. No right or wrong, just whether you agree with it or not.
If you took this as a personal attack, then that was not my intent.
I merely wanted people to know that the most important opinion of all in regards to
any game is their own.
People using review scores as extreme hate speech ammo is a very disheartening thing to see, and it's something I see in every forum I frequent.
I hope you can see now why I'm wary of reviews and scores in general now?
Edit: I think I should say that I do my living working for an industry that has quite a bad rep since 90% of the people who partake in it are scammy a-holes - literally.
With that said, I would be perfectly alright if someone said my industry was corrupt and had behind the scenes stuff going on, because there is truth in it and it does not take away from the good people who do their work ethically at all.
Since I personally know that I do not partake in such practices, I wouldn't feel insulted but I am aware that there are other people who do.
Like I said every industry has corruption.
Again, do not take my post as a personal insult to your body of work. I should've mentioned I've read good articles from gaming websites too but felt that wasn't necessary since my post was cautionary in nature. Clearly I was mistaken.