And yeah, I had totally forgotten about the two different gameplay modes. It's weird they didn't talk about it. I hope the one we played is not the more action-y one, but I actually think that that's the one, haha. Which is alright, there's still time to correct the little things that don't truly wotk.
Ideally I'd want a mode where 1 button press = 1 strike, cause even when you mash the button it doesn't really feel 1:1. But oh well, guess we'll have to wait and see. I also hope they let you have two weapon decks at once somehow (other games do this), cause otherwise I may find myself opening the menu a lot. *horrific flashbacks to the Game Boy Zelda games*
BTW, didn't they say in an ATR that we'll eventually get another one, with the whole party? I mean, I'd obviously love it, but don't really need. It's just that many people seem to think that this is how the game is going to be like, so I understand if they release the Overture demo to sell the game to the casual audience.